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Everything posted by Friendshipspren

  1. Why did the party enthusiast bring a lot of dogs to the party ? Same rules as shard of reading
  2. 2). Impractical jokers. These guys are amazing and sooooo funny. Funny what some helium and sulfer hexafloride can do. 3). come on , internet is for cat videos (✿^‿^) 4). anime fans will like this I guess. But it is funny overall 5) Mean and a few cursewords but it's funny as heck 6). This one is just adorable fun
  3. Not a novel. But the short stories by Greg Egan , Michael Swanswick and ted Chiang. Swanswick and Chiang tend to move to fantasy sometimes so be warned. Also the " we are legion " trilogy by Dennis Taylor. Have you read Flipped ? It's got a bit of angst in the later half but the first half is pure fluff . Lovely lovely fluff . It's really wholesome all in all I think you might love " the library at Mount char " and perhaps the anthologies titled "rogues " and " dangerous women " . Cell by Stephen king maybe (it's more a sudden sudden apocalypse thing I guess ) and the "MaddAdam" trilogy by Margaret Atwood. The Millenium trilogy by Steig Larsson. Okk. So does anyone have any Utopian novels or shorts ? Something Futuristic and optimistic. It can overlap with other genres , mystery, horror , romance , ya , what have you, but it shouldn't be a dystopia. Just an overall amazing , optimistic , better world than ours today. Even though small packets of it might be nightmarish or horrible. But these packets must be autonomous , and have little influence on the ,overall awesomeness of the world
  4. Oh yeah I'm asian and I have a friend , her name is Mansi. (Mahn-see ). She knows a bit about szeth cause of me and ..... Twas fun. .
  5. Ok @The_Truthwatcher , read the first passage and I can already see it's good. Send more such stuff like this to us if u find it.
  6. I wonder what happened to spanky. Like after the asskicking hoid gave him, kel totally forgot about him. Where did he go ? Did he leave Scadrial ? Was he waiting around for hoid to return ? Also I thought he was kinda like a taxi or whatever who worldhoppers can call for for transportation in Scadriels CR. Makes me wonder if cognitive shadows have a interstellar economy. I mean anyone who came to Scadrial had to rely on services if ppl like spanky to get to and around either perpendicularity in the CR.
  7. Can't say if u have not a ounce of romance in u or if I should clap u on the back for standing up for us self partnered folks. Personally I think jasnah would be s good fit for kal but if he's single. Well that would be great too.
  8. He is spanky. I'm pretty sure he's a human male cognitive shadow
  9. There are 100 types of ppl in the world. Those who understand quantum superposition and those who don't.
  10. There are 10 types of ppl in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't.
  11. I'm pretty sure I once dreamt that I was Daphne from Scooby doo. Wait no no I just remembered. I once ( like a few months ago ) dreamt I was spensa at the end of skyward. It was amazing. Mbot was really funny too. Yep I remember that exactly cause a friend of mine is always sad that she can't dream of charecters she reads about and I wanted to make her jealous So yeah I have dreamt in another gender.
  12. It is a bit wierd esp with how syl oscillates from child to jasnah level seriousness. But still it would be novel. Or kal could get jasnah. That would break barriers too. (✿^‿^) @Illwei that made me laugh so hard. I wonder tho , do cryptics have a human language analog or is ut straight up binary or math with them I think the first bondsmith was a dawnsinger . Twas he who on orders of the shards brought the humans from ashyn. Also I'm pretty sure the sapient Spren copied the singers not humans. Syl mentions Spren having 4 genders to kal I think.
  13. U know that would kind of noice. Like maybe they could break barriers and marry. I doubt they could reproduce even with Shardic intervention But they could adopt a Spren or a human child or both
  14. Hmmmm not really. I mean if they get together I'm ok with it, if she stays with adolin or more likely falls for The Lopen , that's ok too . But my own favorite ship Jasnadin. Hmmm , those two are perfect for each other and it will really herald younger male -older female relationships It's midnight here now btw
  15. Ooooo noice. So anyway since u r gonna be here u might as well look at my memes . We have a meme page where anyone can submit them. These are mine Yoooohooooo
  16. 16 , ooooooooooo the sacred no. \(^o^)/ I remember being 16 sometime back in the shadow-ages . hmmm ok ur choice about the spoilers. So u haven't yet read. 1).Shadows of self 2. Bands of mourning 3. Collected in AU : The emperor's soul. The hope of elantris Allomancer jak and the pits of eltania Mistborn : secret history ( don't read it unless and until u finish bands of mourning !!!!!! ) Shadows for silence in the forests of hell. Sixth of the Dusk Edgedancer Khriss's essays . (Those essays change everything. U know , u will definitely lose out on the shock and awe of those essays, the facts they present are basic knowledge for a lot of theories and it's almost impossible to not get spoiled by them on the forums. ) ___________ 4).White sand 2 and 3. Yep those are all the published Cosmere works.
  17. Yeah I agree with rj . U should probably get off the forums. We almost Spoiled some stuff to u too. I'm 22 , u ?
  18. Nah it's ok. It took us yrs to read it too. Lol. We are just older and got introduced to it sooner. So yeah the spoilers I read about stormlight was that
  19. Wait so u have read all 3 books of stormlight and all two of skyward right.
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