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Everything posted by Friendshipspren

  1. Mistings or more appropriately mistborn were walking targets for Inquisitors and Obligators. They didn't have copperclouds at all times and places. They still survived. Breaths stand out more than allomancy sure , but with enough protective measures... It's not impossible again esp if u r part of a secret society.
  2. Not 100%. So it is probable that someone could store the breath in some object and then go out in public and make ppl think u don't have lots of breath. These ppl could also be highly secretive. It's not like ppl can sense it from miles away. Secrecy , occasionally appearences without breaths , lots of protective awakened objects, loyal bodyguards , martial skill , a legion of lifeless ( maybe the initial ones were stolen during the Manywar and later u just made new ones ) should be enough to safeguard from kidnapping. And they are gonna try to kidnap u . Ur breaths die with u. So it's not like they will be trying to assassinate u. If u survive long enough . U could get a Aviar ( mraize in OB ) or hire a coppercloud ( should be easier in era 1.5 )or just get aluminum to cloak you ( again era 1.5 and u just need a few thin sheets of it ) Ok , maybe not a lot of ppl could make it. But I'm willing to bet atleast a dozen or so could , esp if they all form a secret society.
  3. Dustbringer/LightWeaver: one soulcasts fuel and oxygen. Other burns it
  4. Brandon said he wasn't sure. Breath is expensive but the fifth Heightening is lucrative. Also again unscrupulous methods. Torture , kidnapping , human husbandry, extortion. Maybe not in Halladren or Idris but what about the other nations , esp the seemingly collapsed and lawless regions like huth and kuth. Or before the establishment of Hallandren. I'm sure ppl who are rich enough to have 2k breaths can hire trustworthy bodyguards and such. They might be warriors themselves or have an entire menagerie of awakened objects or Lifeless to protect them There should be lots of them esp if breaths have been around for millennia.
  5. So you can store investiture in nicrosil right. So how does that work. 1). Does it only store the ability to use other magic systems ? Like suppose I'm a twinborn and I store the ability to burn steel in an unsealed metalminds ,while not burning the metal. So when someone else taps it , do they temororarily gain the ability to burn metal but have to actually metabolize metal to use it ? 2). Suppose I burn steel but instead of using the energy to push on steel , I store it inside the metalmind. Then when someone else taps it , would they gain the ability to push without actually burning the metal. Or do both methods work ? Also suppose I'm compounding. So if I store 1 Newton of steel pushing in the metalmind and I burn it, do I get access to 10 Newtons of pushing ?
  6. So suppose two radiants of different orders decide to use thier surges to help each. Which combos would be the best for war or peace ? I will start , WindRunners and EdgeDancers : Suppose Lift gets a piggy back ride on Kaladin. Kaladin could use Gravitation to fly , use multiple lashings to go faster but soon air friction will slow him down /harm him . But then Lift makes him and herself slick and viola . Think of any other combos, pls comment
  7. So as we know if someone gains 2000 breaths , they reach the fifth Heightening and stop aging , get increased resistance if not downright immunity to poisons and diseases. They basically become immortal. Yet we don't find any centuries old ppl apart from Vasher , VaraTreledees (Denth), Yesteel and Arsteel ( may he not rest in peace seeing as he's clod ), we don't really see any old people. And the aforementioned people were all Returned. I find this extremely strange. Tfh is not easy to get , but it's not really uncommon among nobility or the upper merchantile classes. Besides we are talking about functional immortality. I'm sure there are many ppl who won't hesitate to use unscrupulous , brutal methods to acquire the breaths. Yet so far it seems we have seen no such ppl. Why ? Are they present but keep a low profile. If that's the case , then wouldn't they remember the events of the Manywar and have learned a lot of stuff over the centuries. And I think breaths have been around for millennia , so that means there could be people older than the kandra. People who have had a long time to think and learn and practice. Ppl who could like the Ire or the Ghostbloods are Cosmere aware and might have agendas of thier own. Could the Terriswoman who was the Idrian spy be part of that organization ? Could they be one of the 10 secret societies on Roshar ? Is that how Vasher and Vivenna were able to find a way to Roshar ?
  8. So in her essay about Sel I arcanum unbounded, Khriss says : I read Emperor's soul after this and was very awed by the fact that the wall , etc were alive. But then I read secret history and stormlight trilogy and well the walls , sticks , etc are all alive there too. Not only are they alive they seemingly have some sapience and will as well as made clear by Shallan's attempt to turn Stick into fire and it's reply in the negative and it's adamant refusal. Indeed one could argue Roshar is more alive than Sel. Afterall Stick was able to beat shallan in a war of wills , whereas on Sel you can interforge anything as long as it has a plausible alternate history. And I can't remember any startling examples but I think the fire that kelsier used in the cognitive during his journey to the Ire was also sentiant. So what's so special about Sel ?
  9. @AonEne oh wow ok , I never knew online sites were this much fun. Thanks for inviting me to RP , Ene. But I'm afraid I will have to decline. I have trouble enough keeping up with the theory forums. But thanks nonetheless.
  10. Oh storms , right . How did I miss that ? Thanx bruh
  11. Navani's version of the night of gavilars death. I heard it. Is there anything else ? I'm new to these things and don't know my way around yet.
  12. They have latent feruchemy genes. That's why they can access the medallions. So far the dilution hasn't been a problem but soon the dilution might lead to those genes being bred out in most of the population. This might have huge consequences. One the southern Scadrians might have to migrate to the north , mainly to the continent having elendel. Two. It will make the Coppernet and other such inventions unaccessible. Three. The pure terrismen of elendel might develop a superiority complex. Think they are better than everyone else and see the very existance of other races as a threat to them. Brandon has repeatedly stated about how Scadrial is an experiment as to what would happen if bloodlines actually confered greater ability. Terris or atleast some of them , going all Nazi would be a great plot driver . The Terrismen are already isolationist and think themselves apart from common law and such. Even if there is no such danger. It still limits such inventions to Scadrial. It won't be a problem in era 2 , but in era 3 with Scadrial going interplanetary. It will be a problem on other planets like roshar or nalthis. Allomancy and feruchemy are different from other magic systems in that they require spiritual DNA. Spiritual DNA which is endemic to Scadrial and the result of the Ati and Leras creating a copy of humanity rather than adopting Yolish refugees or whatever. Breath and nahel bonds work with any humans. Not to mention Hoid can hardly be used as an example . He's not even human anymore as per a WoB. Also he's an original magic user from pre shattering Yolen. Probably the only one excluding the shard vessels. Scadrian magic is easier than Selish but not near as easy as Nalthisian. Without actually conjugating with Terris blooded Scadrians or using hemalurgy to atleast steal some Terris genes , I don't think u can really access it. That's my theory anyway.
  13. I agree with honorless on this.
  14. Call sign : Brightriot Alternative call sign : Genocide
  15. Well ok then. Enjoy having a Compsognathus as a pet. It's the small , vicious one from Jurassic Park 2. Unfortunately , Compsognathii live in herds of a few dozen to a hundred. So your single Compsognathus can't really protect you against them all. Enjoy being eaten to death by small ,tiny bites. I wish for great capacity and my normal level of empathy.
  16. I want to see the opposite. Kaladin should punch her. She's a terrible friend.
  17. U know @Halyo_Alex. Ur theory is sound. But I wish it not be true. The medallion tech and bands makes it too easy to access the metallic arts. U could even access other magic systems equally. Limiting it to the Terrismen seems like a good limit. Otherwise it's just overpowered beyond belief. Or atleast that's what I think. Sanderson could have different , better ideas. Let's see
  18. Ah ok. Yeah that makes sense. But I wonder if that will really work. I mean , hemalurgy works by splicing ur spiritweb. Can u splice ur spiritweb just by tapping ? Also if u can , does that u are immune from external influence and control ? Hoid would love that.
  19. That's possible but doesn't take into account hemalurgic decay.
  20. I'm pretty sure marasi has terris blood. VanDell says that most of elendel population has some Terris blood. I assume that applies to the nobility too. As for the southern Scadrians , I'm pretty sure all of them have terris blood. Tlr didn't persecute the terris in the south. I'm assuming feruchemists or atleast terrismen existed in the south as well , they were put there by tlr . It would make sense , he needed a untampered sample population and he wouldn't neglect his own race. Also remember Sazed saying in TFE , that before the first Ascension , Feruchemists were more common than Lerasium bloodline mistings in the final empire. So I guess there were lots of feruchemy genes . Also unlike Allomancy , feruchemy doesn't lose potency through generations , it can keep on spreading forever. It simply splinters into ferrings . For a thousand yrs they interbred with the general populace and now everyone in the south has some terris blood. Anyone without would have died out during the ice death. Due to the genetic dilation ferrings , most notably the firemothers and firefathers became the norm along with a much smaller number of non-lerasium based mistings. I guess they interbred too much and full feruchemy became impossible to manifest.
  21. Hmmm ok but Brandon hasn't really specified it. VanDell assumed anyone can use it since terris blood is widely disseminated. His definition of anyone more specifically meant anyone with an ounce of feruchemical blood. He didn't say anyone with or without Terris blood could use it. I like this. It limits the OPing the medallions provide to the Terris again. And I have my theories that the Terris elders are actually racist and evil , which is supported by this . Unless I see a WoB saying otherwise , I have my doubts.
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