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Everything posted by EggArdent

  1. yessss more. fuel my want for wayne to meet the lopen!
  2. They do have the honorblades so its not much of a stretch. and I love thinking of a huge pile of shards in a dark room, just sitting there, and what that would look like in the cognitive realm.
  3. one of the big ways I cope with my depression is trying to help people, (if ?I cant make myself feel better maybe I can make somebody else feel good) so I can totally see kaladin doing this especially because in both Oroden, and Gavinor he sees someone he failed to protect.
  4. Just in general because nightblood is just so full of investiture that Its hard to put any more in it
  5. I know nightblood is extremely hard to be pushed, but because it is sentient is it possible to push or pull nightbloods emotions?
  6. I know nightblood is extremely hard to be pushed, but because it is sentient is it possible to push or pull nightbloods emotions?
  7. This is great, and for your dilemma with the stormlight, while I havent read the magnus chase books for a while but when hearthstone uses his runes it uses up his energy and he gets tired. maybe while he has investiture using his runes would eat that up rather than his own energy. I'm probably completely off the mark though. I loved this and riordan and sanderson are two of my favorite authors. I hope you write more of this, you did great!
  8. this is a cool thread so Trapper: First of Dawn Vorin: Elial Shin: Eli child Joshua Unkalaki: Quinaoma'naki'imulanator Korathi: nehea (ehe for creativity) Returned: Shadeseeker (I like the shade) Kandra: KalDaahn (kind of looks like kaladin) Threnodite: Melancholy Hayden
  9. I like many other people on this thread imagined the shardblades as final fantasy swords. But for the armor, before I saw any of Shallan's drawings, i pictureed them looking like armor that stormcast eternals in warhammer wear but with a more traditional helmet. Edit: I also thought they might have looked like Reinhardt's armor. Edit 2: I saw someone talking about how they saw Nightblood and I always imagine it as just a longsword with a hooked guard and an ornate silver sheath.
  10. After reading chapter 13 I have a theory on what the gostbloods mean by having their goal as power, maybe they are talking about energy, or a power source, as we know investiture can be used as a power source and stormlight seems to be the easiest way to use it like a power source, so what if the ghostbloods want to get stormlight off Roshar for energy reasons. as they seem to be interested in scadrial who is in their industrial revolution it seems like a good fit.
  11. Im pretty certain that its not nightblood, In warbreaker nightbloods sheath is described as silver and also it looks a bit too short to me to be nightblood who is around 5 feet long it could also be artistic representation of nightblood though but from that quote i dont think its nightblood. as another note I think if they dont want to offend the spren they probably shouldn't bring the sword that seems to be a failed try at making a shardblade and constantly tries to persuade people to destroy everything around them.
  12. yes, I think veil is starting to try to make shallan face those traumas behind her back or at least help her cope with whatever happened, thats what I got from the last part of chapter 13 anyways.
  13. yeah, somebody asked what szeth was doing between oathbringer and rhythm of war and brandon said dalinar ordered him to put himself in prison.
  14. who knows maybe that will be one of his truths as a lightweaver, or maybe it was one of his, I don't think we ever actually heard him speak his truths. I also have a soft spot for gaz, I'm not sure why but I do.
  15. I think something like what happened with Venli would have to happen for honorspren to be in gemhearts unless how timbre went in Venlis gemheart is unique, but if it is unique, maybe something like protectionform, which could be like warform but even more armor?
  16. Szeth could have also put nightblood somewhere for safekeeping before he went to prison... or he just walked in to a cell and sat down but none of the guards are brave enough to actually face a full skybreaker with a sword that turns people into smoke.
  17. I felt the same way I read through the first 2 times, she has grown on me but sometimes she just gets on my nerves. though definitely my least favorite is Amaram, I just found him very annoying and extreme all the time, everything he did seemed blown up in some way and the whole time I just wanted to slap him. moash is a definite runner up for obvious reasons as well as killing elhokar whom I liked a lot, even with his many many flaws.
  18. 1. Wit Hoid and all of his personas will always be one of my favorites in the cosmere and in this one especially we see a lot more from him 2. Kaladin Kaladin is strong, it may not seem like it usually but he has had multipule moments where he was on the verge of suicide and pulled himself up from that, even when stuff happens that is a spoiler for RoW he sill pushes on, even just barely and he knows in those times to stay away from stuff that negatively effects him like alcohol. Having depression sucks and brandon did a great job at portraying it in kaladin. 3. The Lopen What can I say, the first thing he did when his arm grew was flip off the honorspren watching and he's the only one on bridge four that seemingly volunteered to join (even if he didnt know what he was getting in to.
  19. Its always amazing too me to look back and see how accurate people where before there was anything confirmed and I cant wait to read RoW and see if anybody in this thread theorized correctly, I'm especially looking forward to seeing what the pillar does and if it helps support the structure of the tower.
  20. 1million wow! I am not very new to brandon sanderson or the cosmere but I am pretty new to this forum I've lurked here before but only made an account a few months ago, and I love it, Its helped me learn more about the cosmere and usually find myself here while looking for art references or on one occasion a chouta recipe I have yet to make. I think one of the big notable memories was going on one day and realizing gancho libre (may he return soon) followed me for some reason Hopefully I will actually post things more as I have been more active recently and I'm working on some cosmere related art stuff and a stormlight cosplay, probably Hoid, a lightweaver or just a kholin guard.
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