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Everything posted by TheGirlWhoLookedUp

  1. The first thing that comes to mind is when I first read Oathbringer on the day it was published. I had finished WoR about a month earlier and absolutely could not wait for OB to come out. It’s nothing big, but the chapter where Kaladin returned to Hearthstone made me so happy and giddy. I mean I had been waiting for a reunion since WoK and now he had a brother too. I just remember the combined happiness of that chapter and a new book lasting for a while.
  2. Here’s the thing about Korra. It’s not supposed to be compared to Avatar. It takes place in the same world but it’s it’s own story. The first time I watched Korra, I compared it to Avatar in every way and was so disappointed. I didn’t like the characters or the plot. I recently rewatched it and was amazed at how good it was. Of course it has its flaws like any other show, but it was so much better when I saw it as purposefully different. I do agree though that the fourth season was definitely the weakest.
  3. Those who like Sanderson have good taste so of course we like Avatar the Last Airbender as well
  4. Seriously though, I love this show and these just make it even more hilarious.
  5. WELCOME! I agree. There’s to many good ones to choose from and I like them all for different reasons. which Radiant order would you be? If you don’t know, there’s a cool quiz... https://www.playbuzz.com/maxtal10/knights-radiant-order-quiz
  6. TheGirlWhoLookedUp


    I should be thanking you. I love the texture and detail on your Aviar. What art program do you use?
  7. I’ve only done a small bit of digital art so I’m a beginner in that area as well. All I can say is to keep going and I look forward to any art you post.
  8. Thank you for this. It means a lot to me that you like my drawings. I’d like to see some of your art work if you’re willing to share.
  9. From the album: Bored Doodles

    A drawing I did of the Wandersail leaving the Uvara people in Wit’s story. This is my first time drawing a ship, so bear with me and don’t look to closely at the sails.
  10. YKYASFW you've read a Brandon Sanderson book. ...because who could read his work and not be a fan?
  11. Cool, I'll go check it out. I need a good show to watch. I might be able to borrow it for free through my library.
  12. I found this online and thought it was funny
  13. I’ve never heard of it. What is it and how do I find it?
  14. I don’t have any mental illnesses, but even so, this past month has been tough on me. I’ve been dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety and my usual way of escaping is by leaving my house which I can’t really do now. Coming on 17th Shard has helped a lot. I just want to say thanks and show my love and support for everyone on here.
  15. I’m glad you’re liking it. If you like fantasy then you should read The Stormlight Archives after you finish Mistborn.
  16. Ahh yes, I’ll take it. Perfect to frame someone with I’ll trade it for a slightly cracked snorkel. Guaranteed to let you breath underwater. ...probably
  17. Welcome to the shard! How are you liking Mistborn?
  18. My school is now talking about possibly ending online school a week or so early. For the sake of my sanity really hope they do.
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