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Everything posted by TheGirlWhoLookedUp

  1. YKYASFW you get down your big Sanderson book to look up a fact like a smart kid taking down an encyclopedia.
  2. Yeah, I am terrible at texting as well. I did though and we plan to hang out when this is over so at least there’s that.
  3. Oops, the Nightwatcher misheard your boon and now you have chips of pumice. As recompense she doesn’t give you a bane. Enjoy your floaty rocks! I wish for one safe trip to the library.
  4. I had plans to hang out with my crush the week lock down started. We can text but I hate not being able to talk in person.
  5. For me I read Harry Potter when I was younger and it sort of introduced me to the world of reading. The first ones were very magical an fun and I still really enjoy them. After the fourth one however I felt like the magic sort of went away and it all became very serious. That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy them however. My only problem was with the Slytherins. They were pretty unrealistic most of the time and I think it would be great to meet one that doesn’t hate Harry or isn’t a Deatheater.
  6. Anybody with an affinity for the number 16 must be a Sanderfan.
  7. Get all dressed up with no place to go, like Adolin This describes my quarantine life with surprising accuracy. I put on makeup to take my dog walking because it’s the only time I leave the house.
  8. Just my dog Rosie wearing a tiny cowboy hat I love seeing everyone’s pet btw
  9. I found this post I posted about a year ago... ...I SPOKE TOO SOON!
  10. From the album: Mistborn Doodles

    I haven’t posted in a while, but here’s a picture of a Marewill flower that I did.
  11. I haven’t been able to finish the season yet and I’m on episode 4, but I saw this sketch during the credits and it made me laugh so hard.
  12. Welcome to the shard! If you liked the first Mistborn series on Audible you’ll like the second one as well. The second Mistborn series is the only Cosmere book I’ve listen to. I’ve read the hard copy, but listening to it really made it better for me.
  13. YKYASFW you silently laugh at people complaining of the “really long” books they read in class.
  14. Good choice! I just started reading it again for the second time. It's been awhile since I read it, and I forgot how much I liked it.
  15. For a non-destruction person, I’d say Harmony fits it pretty well. Except, of course, destroying Wax’s mental health.
  16. Welcome! We’re glad to have you here. I agree the Windrunner powers are awesome. Are you thinking of reading any other Cosmere books?
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