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Turin Turambar

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Everything posted by Turin Turambar

  1. Ditto. I really want to find out how they ended up on Roshar, and what they're trying to do.
  2. strictly speaking, @AonEne is right. You go from existence to non-existence, and that doesn't damage you, or harm you.
  3. My bet's on Adolin. He's already died once (in another version.)
  4. In theory. In practice, I think you'd be hard pressed to convince a Skybreaker to participate in criminal activity.
  5. There is actually a biology diagram for chull in one of the books.
  6. So basically, I'll never be able to read it. Any other way to get to it other than traveling halfway accross the USA?
  7. Somebody was reading this over my shoulder and said they were like drakes. I doubt he knows what he 's talking about. Though the idea of Larkin-Dragons is awesome.
  8. Truthwatcher - 81% Elsecaller - 66% Lightweaver 45% Nothing else matters. Funny, I thought I'd be an elsecaller, but all of them fit. @SwordNimiForPresident - Don't worry, I'll vote for you.
  9. So Ashlyn became reinhabited. Do you think that may be the culmination of the first half of the Stormlight archive (book 5)? Whoops - I forgot there were people still on Ashlyn. And the timelines don't match up. Still a cool idea.
  10. Erm, did you read that part of Silence Divine? I know it's not canon, but they had "two foot long pistols," and a police system and bureaucracy similar to our own.
  11. So they were really advanced? And then came to Roshar. What sort of apocalypse happened? (Where are artifacts from Ashlyn? If they came to roshar, don't tell me that they didn't bring a SINGLE piece of technology.)
  12. @duladen, You have the wrong quote. Also, many people's eyes are are medium, so they are witeyed. (Or lighteyed, because really, because that's the natural inclination.)
  13. Society does tend to dictate morality, though only to a degree. Most of the blame, therefore lies with Dalinor, though he can claim a small amount of innocence because of upbringing.
  14. Yeah, well, the misuse of words is how language evolves.
  15. necromancy - death magic pyromancy - fire magic hydromancy - water magic alternately, you could say pyromancy is magic that manipulates fire. That's the root of the problem.
  16. Huh - I always saw technomancy as it's etymology would suggest, magical technology. Which you apparently call magitech. Apparently, there are language barriers everywhere.
  17. Thanks - I'm also a HUGE Tolkien fan to the extent that I almost literally grew up on in... that's why I chose the name. Admittedly, I'd do just about anything for a good fantasy novel and Tolkien is sort of the granddaddy.
  18. How do those in the second age know so much about investiture? I think that Sazed gave them some sort of book, but why would he explain it? Also, does anyone else think that in BoM it's funny that what are essentially angels are giving a slideshow presentation on magic in some guys office? (I know that they're Kandra, but they're "messengers of a deity." I think that's what constitutes an angel)
  19. I'd say that's the definition of a deity - being like a person, just with incomprehensible power. Or at least one definition. At least, that's the definition of greek and roman deities. What I'm trying to say is that Jasnah is creating definitions of things she doesn't know what the parameters should be. How could she create her own?
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