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Turin Turambar

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Everything posted by Turin Turambar

  1. What are you actually walking on, though. Also, I'd assume that this resolves the time differences between planets (nobody thinks about it, therefore, it doesn't exist?)
  2. How does worldhopping actually work? I mean, I think they travel through shadesmar, but how? boat? magic? shadesmar is like the inverse of the worlds, but what's the inverse of space? Anyone?
  3. Is this where in that thing by each chapter, somebody says that they are forming a new avatar, and they instilled a strong aversion to somebody?
  4. I'm not sure that he could actually affect anything on the material plane.
  5. Sorry I wish that a mistborn could burn the stuff that shards are made out of. (Me nerding out here - sorry)
  6. Granted, but the gerbils keep on growing until you have an army of godzilla sized gerbil that crush everything due to sheer size. I wish for time for me to work on multiple projects at once.
  7. Before bonding, I meant. A historian has part of the personality of an edgedancer (remembering those who are lost, or something like that) but could just as easily bond, say, a cyptic or inkspren or honorspren as a cultivationspren.
  8. In OB, it sound like it's possible to force a person to bond a specific type of spren. (Nale would do it, to bond potential radiants to make them skybreakers, or kill them.) Is it? Does that mean that the type of spren is technically irrelevant?
  9. Hold .. can there only be 3 bondsmiths at a time? What? Also, I want to see keen spren and those intellect spren
  10. Ok for Dalinor...but that would indicate that a Radiant happens when they were broken in the inverse of their Radiant order. Not all Bondsmiths, I presume, were bloodthirsty overlords in their previous life.
  11. I agree - and hope that Adolin stays ordinary (take that as you will). Who would take over his role otherwise? Navani? Kadash? Actually, Kadash would make a great character...but not for this purpose.
  12. Yeah - in the book it says that it is a symbiotic bond - the Radiant get the powers and stuff, and they gain sentience. As for the rest of the question...I don't know? I'd speculate to guess that IF a spren did actually bond a Rioter (the circumstances worked out, some how) the spren wouldn't get the power because it's two completely different magic systems. Maybe not, though, because Hoid has done some strange things with magic. Great question, though!
  13. As long as he doesn't become a radiant. I'm not saying this to snub him, but he's one of the last characters of importance that's not a radiant. What would happen if EVERYONE were radiant - it would hardly be worth noting!
  14. so maybe one or two - at most. I doubt kaladin will be one of those, though.
  15. Why would having a shardblade mean that you are a radiant? EVEN IF you say that they already have an existing bond (and I think that's the extreme case) then Mayalaran would end the bond because like so many people pointed out, Adolin doesn't really obey the oaths. Yes, I know he doesn't have to. Even so, a nahel bond and a shardblade bond are...what compared to each other? What's their relationship?
  16. that wasn't the question though - if a spren became a hemalurgic spike instead if a shardblade. Not given the a blade and plate.
  17. How do you explain the spren manifesting as shardblades, then? It's said that spren are large amounts of investiture given sentience - therefore, the investiture becomes solid. That's what shards seem to be.
  18. I think I have a theory as to how shards work. I'm sure this has been spoken about, but I don't know where. Shards, blades specifically, are solid stormlight/investiture. Spren can become shardblades, and the common theory as to shardplate is that spren form it, like by Kaladin, windspren by the hundreds surrounded him. Spren are bits of stormlight/investiture given sentience. Therefore, Shards are stormlight. They could cut, I suppose, by separating the sould of the object, but I think Brandon mentioned it in one of the the books. Shardblades can be summoned because of the sentience. It would explain why shardplate cannot be summoned and dismissed - there is no sentience. Because that's the only difference between the two. In theory, then, if one could find a way to make stormlight solid, one could make virtually indestructable objects.
  19. I know that I'm fixating on this sort of topic - what would happen if you were to create a hemalurgic spike out of a shard (the material that makes up shardblade/plate in the SA)? Assuming everything else works, even with the investiture and intent and whatever else I'm missing.
  20. Also, we don't need Kaladin to become a fighting epitome. Brandon mentioned once that the limitations of a magic system make it interesting. I think the same applies here - Kaladin will be limited, maybe becoming even more so as he becomes more powerful. More focused, maybe. Windrunners, I think, are the "watchers of the rim." I'm not going to support the theory now, but there is proof if anyone wants to find it. Furthermore, just because Kaladin doesn't have a woman doesn't mean anything. His personality would scare away MANY people, and Shallan isn't the only woman in the SA. Sorry if that offended any women out there, this post wasn't intended to represent women as objects.
  21. Scion of the Mists - that was going on spren - radiant personality merging. Sorry it wasn't clear.
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