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Everything posted by Jaywalk

  1. Yeah, I’ll put up a link to my novel once I finish this chapter. It does sound a bit like AonDor, but it’s actually quite a bit different. I actually hadn’t read Elantris when I came up with the magic. You can also see some of the magic use in the Superfight.
  2. Welcome, welcome, welcome! (I’ve decided that I will add another welcome for each new member I welcome.) Who’s your favorite character? What’s your favorite Sanderson book? And Bean, is that cookie TUBA approved?
  3. I did. Meanwhile, Butterflutter VII chased the disembodied hands of her sister. Not about to let this die
  4. “Sam,” Nael said to himself, testing out the name. “I like that.” Then he realized he had said it out loud, blushed again, and left to sit at another table, taking sips from his water.
  5. "Um, okay. I'm a pewter ferring, I have a Shardblade...I can do field surgery, and I can climb pretty much anything." Nael felt himself growing very nervous, caught between two people: the girl to his left, and the man--Reylf--to his right. "I...I'm Nael," he said in a quiet voice. "Nael Haydawn." He cracked an unsteady grin, backing away slowly.
  6. Nael dismissed his Shardblade. “Sorry. I’m not here to answer a listing, so add one, I guess?” He looked at the girl. “Hi,” he said awkwardly, blushing. @Steel Inquisitive
  7. Nael pushes open the tavern's door, lightly draining his pewtermind as he glances inside. "Um..." "Go on," KalRoon replies. "This is the place I was talking about." Nael warily steps inside, letting the kandra ahead of him. KalRoon walks up to the counter, then gestures for Nael to come. "I've got a new hire for you," the kandra says to the bartender. He turns back to Nael. "Show him." "Oh, um...okay." Nael drops his hand to his side, and soon a Shardplate materializes in his hand. KalRoon nods in satisfaction, then walks into the back room of the tavern. Moments later, a tall woman emerges. "I'll be back," she says. Nael watches her leave, then turns to the bartender. "I'll just have water. Um, please."
  8. Pandemonium Worldwide was Canada's brand new department store. It was very popular among Venezuelans.
  9. The entire population of Canada was extremely confused to see two disembodied hands wandering the streets.
  10. I have to say XC2 is my least favorite out of the three, but I still love it to death. XCX was amazing, though the story was a bit lackluster. It had the best world and the best side content in the series. XC1 has my favorite story, I love the gameplay, and I think my experience was better overall than the other two. Though, the ending of XC2 had me fanboying like crazy. It’s crazy.
  11. How would a jar of mayonnaise react when in close proximity to the sun?
  12. And holding coconuts. “There we go,” she said. “Now my hands are free.”
  13. Why are computer mice called mice?
  14. Meanwhile, Butterflutter VI crouched on the rooftop, clutching a coconut in her hand. "Come on," she said. "Just one more foot."
  15. YES! Xenoblade is my favorite game series, and the first game is my favorite game of all time.
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