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Everything posted by bmcclure7

  1. He could have simply liked Gavilar as a person. He doesn't have to be honestly patriotic actually the only people patriotic about alithcar at that time was the Kolin and Sadies Everyone else was forced into it And had mixed feelings at best. There would be no reason to kill him Or even introduce him into the story if he was just a random world hopper
  2. I should elaborate. I think he is using emotional allomance To take control over kondra agents through out the cosmere. I believe that 16 is one such I don't believe That the survivor was controlling him at that particular point.
  3. A kondra and a Avatar of the survivor. Tanavast was not shin. I actually think it's an avatar of the survivor. I also think that he is a kandra and an avatar of the survivor.
  4. I Don't think anyone in the 1st 5 or anyone of the currently introduce characters will become honor. I think odium will stay confined after book 5 I think Dallinar will join him of his own free will I think this will turn out to be a good thing.
  5. I don't think that if Adonalsium is resurrected A vessel could use him to ascend. Remember they were no shards no vessels when are the Adonalsium was whole, They only exist now because each shard is incomplete and so seeks out vessel. It would have no need to do that if Adonalsium was whole.
  6. I disagree about it not being a essential, Hatred, anger, and Passion, Are most certainly dangerous things and Depending on the circumstances or how they're used evil. But not necessarily so someone who hates injustice or who hates cruelty isn't evil and I would argue that someone who doesn't hate these things is.
  7. Hate is not always a bad thing, how about hating injustice or cruelty.
  8. I don't think she can leave without having any effect on the tower. Syl loses her intelligence when she more then 10 miles or so from Kal. I don't see why the tower would be different.
  9. Ok I'm very confused I read first of the dusk and i definitely didn't remember that happening.
  10. 1. I'm confused Ulim is a high void Spren. A Spren if redemption. He not a ashynite he from the cognitive realm. I'm Confused ?
  11. I think he back ruthless after getting the honnor blade.
  12. We know that ishar is try to give Spren for a way to give Spren bodies that can survive in the physical. And we know that he is looking for honor Spren to experiment on. And Kaliden is sent to look for ishar. Dose this sound like a chekhov's gun to you or am I over thinking it?
  13. We already have two spices of space aliens do we really need a third.
  14. He is also still a has the most knowledge of cognitive a surge binding.
  15. I'm saying that the blue Aimians were honor Spren
  16. Ishar believes that it is possible for them to live so there must be a way.
  17. I thought her flaw was that she was too trusting and naive.
  18. Hell for all we know he might pick up a honor blad in sinavar
  19. He can still fight without a blade. He'll have surges and plate.
  20. My guess he keeps his powers but loses his blade kind of like what happens when he goes into the cognitive realm. And he says he doesn't want to fight anymore anyways.
  21. Not sure if he'll have a Part singer child kind of leaning towards him having part Spren child. Hear me out. We know kaliden is headed towards ishar. And ishar is looking for honor Spren for his experiments trying to give Spren physical bodies. This feels like a chekhov's gun I think syl will Have a physical body Before the end of book 5 and well I've always felt that her relationship with Kaliden felt a little Romantic.
  22. No you didn't I just need to know before a talk about who I think Kaliden will end up with. And to explain I have to mention Kaliden's mission to seek ishar.
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