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Everything posted by SirWolfe

  1. Do you know Polythreme from the game Sunless Sea? It's basically an island where everything is alive. The stone roads cry out when you step on them, drinks wail when you consume them while the containers holding them sob, and food begs you to stop when you eat. Well, that's basically what your fruit will do, scream as you try to eat them, groan in agony as they slowly wither and rot.
  2. I think it might be Sixth or Fifth of the Sun, as Fourth of the Sun looks like a pretty small planet.
  3. That is a good idea. It is interesting that Brandon gave her an otherwise useless ability (it's actually pretty useful, but not for a planet like Roshar, with accessible Investiture literally being as common as rain). Perhaps she'll leave once the Stormlight series ends, after the fighting and conflict on Roshar have been resolved. She also seems to be a bit like Hoid, in that she prefers not to settle down but to keep moving from place to place.
  4. Never has the term, "The king is dead, long live the king" been so appropriate.
  5. Granted. You now have a magic steel rod that, when put into any keyhole, changes shape to unlock the door or lock. Your bane is that you will always be noticed by others, regardless of what you are doing. You can use the key, but if you are in another person's field of view, they will notice what you are doing and react accordingly. You can't hide unless you are completely out of sight. Any sound you make will be heard and consciously registered by everyone within earshot (they won't think Oh, it must be the wind. They will think That sound came from a person over there). I wish for a ring that tells me nice things when I wear it.
  6. I think it might have to do with how they view themselves. If they view the pain of withdrawal as something that they deserved to suffer from, Stormlight may not heal the symptoms. Perhaps Stormlight will prevent it from killing the Radiant, but they will still feel the pain.
  7. An Awakener Bloodmaker (Gold ferring) would be interesting. They don't even have to Awaken, I just meant it to mean that they have a lot of Breath. Having Breath makes you healthier and improves your immune system (which is why Nalthians don't get sick as often), so I think that it could be useful while storing Health. While you are storing your own Health, you typically become sickly and susceptible to disease, but Breath could probably take the slack. This would allow you to store all of your Health without worry, as the Breath should keep you from getting sick during that time.
  8. 'How wonderful!" says the Nightwatcher as she hands you a fluffy puppy, "People typically ask for power or wealth, but you asked for a friend." She thinks about your request that the boon be unaffected by the bane, and decides that is fair. She tells you that your bane shall be the "ire of cats", whatever that means. As you walk home, every cat hisses at you. You try to give one a light pat on the head, and you get scratched and bitten. Who cares, you think as you look down at the puppy cradled in your arms, I've got this little guy right here. I wish for a handheld lighter that never runs out of fuel or breaks.
  9. It is the aspect of good natured buffoonery.
  10. This is a reference to Dalinar. Should I spoiler it?
  11. Granted! You get a nice warm coat! Your bane is simple, you will always feel slightly too warm to be comfortable. EDIT: I want my dog to live in a healthy and unaged condition for another 20 years.
  12. I suppose whenever someone asks. Is it Vin? Her father was killed onscreen when the Lord Ruler was given confirmation that he had had a child with a Skaa woman.
  13. Congratulations! You now get a perfect GPA regardless of what you do. Unfortunately, your teachers hate you with a burning passion, you find yourself with multiple permanent reports on your school record, and you now have a criminal history (not for murder or anything, just for robbery and repeat arson). If you wanted the GPA to get into college, tough luck, they won't take you. If that's your college GPA we are talking about, have fun trying to find work with that criminal history of yours. I wish for one week where everything goes right for me.
  14. @DoomStick Ideas: Akinah in Amia - It's surrounded by huge rock formations, but the island itself is said to be somewhat small The Shattered Plains in the Frostlands - Surrounded by the Unclaimed Hills, it also huge. Questions: When you say "quite large", do you mean that in comparison to others of it's kind (like this city is big compared to a lot of cities in the region) or compared to most things in general (like, this planet is much bigger than most objects we have around us)?
  15. @DoomStickIs it Arelon on Sel? The rocks could be the Atad Mountains that make the curved line in an Aon.
  16. A shardblade is basically any blade with a huge amount of investiture infusing it. It wouldn't be enough to just put a strip of ettmetal in a sword, the entire sword would need to be made of it (and even that would be useelss, because it would explode on contact with anything wet). They don't necessarily give any abilities either. Honorblades were specifically made by Honor to give the Heralds their abilities but other types of blades won't give any powers. Nightblood doesn't give you the ability to awaken, despite the fact that he's a shardblade with even more investiture than a Rosharan blade. You could make the entire blade a metalmind, and possibly Compound enough to invest the blade to become a Blade, but tapping that would require you to fill the metalmind again.
  17. Keeper. And hopefully I would be able to hide my abilities for a little while. Would you rather have Herdazian nails (crystalline, strong, and can be used to make sparks for fire) or have the ability to breath in dust, ash, and other air contaminants without getting sick, like the people of Scadrial after the Lord Ruler changed them?
  18. I feel like Investiture is basically used to convince the objects soul to do stuff ("Hey, you know that thing that you do in the Physical realm? Would you mind doing that here as well? I'll give you some nice magic-juice if you do"), but what if the soul didn't need any convincing? Then it would probably just need a tiny bit of Investiture, bordering on nothing. All the things Kelsier manifested were the souls of abandoned objects that wanted to be used again, but couldn't anymore in the Physical. An extinguished flame that still had memories of providing warmth, a backpack that still believed that it was supposed to sit in a store, even after that store was buried in ash. These are souls that know what they want to do, that desperately want to fulfill their purpose. Kelsier's probably giving a tiny amount of his own Investiture to fuel the change. In regards to the question of whether or not Kelsier could run out of Investiture, I don't think so. I think that Kelsier literally became part of Preservation's power, which would explain why he couldn't leave the Well until Ruin escaped, and Preservation's power no longer needed to remain in the Well. As such, he's basically getting an Investiture pension from Preservation, so no matter how much he uses, it will get refilled.
  19. I'll give you a smooth pebble I found next to a river. It's a very pleasing shade of green. I have a small rectangular steel bar I lifted from shop class a couple of years ago. It's about the length and width of a thumb, and about 5 millimeters thick.
  20. Granted! The next time you wake up, you'll find that it is February. The catch is that this will always be the case. Every time you go to bed after the end of the year, you will remain asleep until the month of January has passed. This is not a stasis either, your body continues to function as it normally would for the entirety of the month. Without the help of friends and family, you will die of dehydration or starvation during your time asleep. If they don't change your clothes or bathe you, you'll wake up filthy. If they don't turn you over every once in a while, you will get bed sores. Also, you age normally during that time. You've just lost 1/12 of your waking life. I wish to be able to store my motivation to do work when I choose to and then tap it at a later time.
  21. I don't believe that the stars in the Scar are red dwarfs, because they are stated to be quite bright. Red dwarfs are red because they are colder, and their small size makes them dimmer. So I think they are more likely larger stars, such as giants or supergiants. Also, has anyone else noticed that Autonomy's shardworlds (Taldain and First of the Sun) are the only systems with bright blue stars on the constellaion map?
  22. @Ooklidean Geometry I forgot about the other metals...
  23. That's true, but they'd need a very large amount of it, as the Shades will swarm them and continue attacking until they die. Even if they had a huge amount of aluminum, they would run out eventually.
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