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Everything posted by CadCom

  1. Welcome! It's a great community to become involved in! It's got a bit of everything! If you want theories, there's a spot for that? Role-playing? There's a spot for that. Cosmere-based games? There's a spot for that? Writing help? There's a spot for that. My personal favorite area is the Sanderson Elimination Sub-forum. It's a forum-adapted version of the classic party game Mafia (or Werewolf). And it is by far the funnest (and one of the only super fun) forum-based games I've ever played. If you have nothing else to do, come kill us, and we'll kill you too! Great times!
  2. Hi! You're in the right place! This forum is great! Ditto on where to avoid, but also I just want to let you know that there's plenty of RP forums available if you're interested in that sort of stuff. It's a spoiler risk but, definitely fun. My personal favorite is the Sanderson Elimination Subforum. It's a Forum-adapted version of the popular party game Mafia (Or werewolf) and it sounds kinda weird, but I thought so too, and I actually love it! Everywhere else on the 17th shard is fun too!
  3. I hate to do this, but Spec doc please. I will be busy due to another vacation. However, after this vacation, I'll be available to add to player totals for future games. Edit: I will actually change my sign up to Pinch Hitter. I will not be available for the first week to week and a half, but after that I would be able to help as a pinch hitter if needed.
  4. This game was really fun. It was my first opportunity at being a neutral role, so it was really fun seeing how I would react with different win condiitons than everyone else. Unfortunately, I had a bit less time than I expected, so even though I tried to remain active, I definitely missed out on many rules, which caused confusion not only for me, but also for those associating with me. If I had paid a bit more attention the last cycle that I was alive, I may have noticed that someone else had already gone for the shadowblaze, and attempted to go for something else. Anyway, It was a fun game, while I was alive. Thanks for runnning it Sart.
  5. I've got this crazy paranoia that Alv and xino planned out that kill to get us to trust Alv, when in fact he is also an eliminator. It's a risky move to do, especially with probably only three eliminators. But its something I could see Alv doing. Shqueeves is usually quiet, so that isnt something I'm holding him for, and because he reached out to me asking if he should protect or if I should, I'm leaning more village on him, though that's not necessarily fact. I know that the bribing moves me closer to my goal, but the shadowblaze could be interesting, so I may go for that.
  6. I'm doing absolutely awful at reading my role rules. It turns out I steal a random item. For now, I'm planning on stealing something random from snip. But if I find out that he has a lot of items, I may switch to taking something from the middle. It would be a piece of chalk if I do that .
  7. I am not doing good at reading the rules. I can steal items, so I will probably do that. Edit: Originally I was going to go for chalk. I had put the action in and everything. Now I will be stealing a bribe.
  8. Well, now I'm further from my wincon, to collect 5 bribes/guns, as i used one to survive. So now i only have 1 bribe. At this point, I think the most helpful for the village to do is either lynch me when you dont k ow who else to lynch (making the chalking strength not go up or down), or keep me alive to help keep the voting power against the eliminators higher. We still need to worry about defending the camp. It's obviously best to defend it, but unless something is either coordinated in secret, or at least a couple people have announced someone's willingness to protect the camp, I would not reccommend putting in lone lines of warding, as if we dont protect the camp, it can become a waste of chalk. You should either completely defend or save your chalks for when you are better able to coordinate. The better option is always to better coordinate. ------- Elims, if you dont want to waste an action trying to kill someone who can leave the game in another way, keep submitting the kill, and have the other elims pass me bribes or guns. But beware, I will let the village know how many things I have. I'll be going for chalk tonight, since there isnt anything else I need. Available to me at this time, then in a future cycle, if there still isnt anything else available to me, I'll be able to help protect the camp.
  9. Sorry, devotary, and sorry Snip for moving your vote. I still had a chance to meet my wincon, so I had to take it. So here's what I know about Xino. They are one of the people that said that they would protect the camp N1. I told them what I told the thread, before i told the thread. I also said that if i die at night, Snipexe was the only other one who knew. Now everyone knows, so that's probably null and void. I'll see if I have a chance to read more into xino and determine who he associated with. I wont have time to coordinate another defense of camp, so someone will need to do that.
  10. Bummer. I have very little chance of survival but I think there's still at one vote on devotary so that's my best chance of survival
  11. Well, I tried to stop this from happening, but I have failed, which means my best chance of survival is to come out with the truth. I am a thief. My goal is to obtain five "important" items. When I complete my wincon, i am removed from the game, and the game continues. As far as I know at this point, the only "important" items are the gun and bribes, and I currently have two. D1 and N1 I took a bribe. It is in my best interest that the village survives long enough so that I can get these 5 items, yet it is also in my interest that they dont kill off the elims too quickly. My original plan was to pick up items in the day and help the village at night, since I have no idea who the eliminator are. thinking that I had a piece of chalk like everyone else. (I read the rules and saw that rithmatists and forgotten both started out with a piece of chalk, and so assumed that I also started with one. I was wrong, and found that out when I submitted an action early in the night turn to use a line if warding, and told it wouldn't work, because I have no chalk. But by this time, I had already revealed to xino that I would be protecting the camp that night. I then immediately set out to working on getting two other people to offer to protect to me, and I got two people to offer this, and a third who said if no one else came forward, then they would do it. So i revealed in the thread that i had gotten a second person to help, when really i had two. Then i wanted to make sure that i could stop any rumors getting out there, so as soon as I could, I posted "my version" of what happened, to hopefully answer all the remaining questions, before they had to be asked. I wasn't counting on Snip to have chosen to scan me on the first night. The way you asked the question sounded too accusatory to me. I was fairly certain that you had scanned me, due to I stated that I had claimed that I would be using a line of warding. Then you specifically stated that you wanted my confirmation whether or not I used a line of warding before you responded. --- At this point, everyone knows my role, my plan is to help the village while simultaneously attempting to get the items I need. This will allow the village to get extra help for a few cycles, and the elims wont have to worry about killing me because I'll disappear on my own.
  12. I've had a short PM with Snip, which is causing me to reconsider my thoughts against him. I don't have a solid second person at this time, so I will wait before casting a vote, to see what comes up.
  13. May I suggest that if you take a book, it may be in our best interest to share which book we are taking? Just so multiple people don't go for the same book? Alright, so I know that at least one person is wanting to know who used Lines of Warding last night. Seeing as I was one of the people who revealed that lines were being used, I'll share what I feel comfortable sharing. For privacy, I will wait until later in the cycle before I share the names of who used the lines, just in case they don't want their name revealed. (Though I have no idea why they wouldn't want that. So, I was the one who claimed to Xino that I would use a Line of Warding. So that was the first one. Then, as the night went on, after I mentioned that people could reach out to me or anyone else, I had someone discuss with me whether they or me should put in a second action if no one else had about 2 to 3 hours before rollover. So I also told this person that I had put in the first action. Then I had two people reach out to me stating that they would be willing to protect. So I had 2 people reach out, and one who was willing if no one else could. I got a bit afraid that at least one of the people I was discussing with was an eliminator, and since 2 people knew that I was going to be protecting, and two more people reached out to me, I decided it would be best to let all three, just in case one was lying and didn't actually protect. So then, my post in thread asking if we wanted a third was just a cover-up for the elims, making them still think they had a chance to stop if they happened to be one of the people I had been PMing with, in hopes of giving us a chance to trap someone in the act of trying to let an elim into camp, I never had any intentions of having the fourth person, (who I had declared as the third person in thread) put in an LoW. I was not on with the ability to post near the end of the cycle, so I could not mention to the people who, at the end of the cycle mentioned that they were considering using a LoW to add extra protection in the thread. Anyway. I promised a player analysis as well. I am working on that, and will either edit it into this post or make a new post when I am finished. MEGA ED1T: Player Analysis: Be forewarned, quite a bit of my analysis comes from PMs, but I'll share that which I think is important. Striker: I've got a neutral reading on Striker for now. On one side, they are the only one who reached out to me asking about my unusual behavior in going for a bribe, in the open, on D1, which makes me lean village, but they also stated something else about the chalk that i get a bad gut reading from, despite the comment not sounding super evil. So Devotary: They wanted me to post who My contacts were last minute at the end of last cycle. This makes me lean village on Devotary, as they also expressed worry that I could die without being able to share that information. It makes me lean village, but it also gives me a fading suspicion that they were just trying to find out who to roleblock, and they decided 30 seconds to a minute gave them enough time to change an action if I were to post in thread. It's more of a fear because Devotary has fooled me in the past than anything else. Xino: I'm inclined to trust Xino for now, because he willingly claimed to the thread, like I had asked him to, that I would be putting in an action. Plus we've had some additional PM interaction that makes me lean village on Xino. Butt: Butt hasn't had a whole lot of contribution, but I'm inclined to lean village on them. They reached out to apologize about leaving their vote on me, and provided additional information that gives me a pretty strong village read. Araris: Araris's posts of substance are mostly only during D1, with not much during the night cycle, but their interest seems to be aligned with the village. It's too early to really tell though, as many people align with the village. CadCom: Lumgol: Lum has very little content, so It's hard to put them anywhere except neutral. The expressed willingness to change their action last night is a point in their favor. Though this was mentioned after we already had enough people claimed to be helping with the LoW, so it doesn't necessarily mean anything much. Ventyl: It appears Ventyl has adopted a non-PM policy, at least with me. Which is totally fine. Everyone has different strategies. Anyways. It appears his different posts are analysis posts with regards to the mechanics. I can't really give any elim points or village points to Ventyl Alv: Alv... With a gun... Alv has a gun. Shqueeves: Though he doesn't have many posts in thread yet, I do have a few PM's with him. the combinations of his PMs and his posts in thread come off to me as someone who really wants to help the village out. Snip: I might be being a bit hypocritical with my analysis of Snip, but I find him the most suspicious so far. The first reason is I got a bad gut read off his first post. It came very soon after a vote was placed on him for inactivity. It was as if he was monitoring the thread but not saying anything. I know there's no way to know this for sure, but the tone that I read it as, plus the timing of the post just gave me a bad read. Then the bad read was continued going forward when he stated during the night that he did want at least 3 people to put an action down, but as far as I know, he didn't claim to anyone to want to help. We are still early in the cycle, so I'll have a good amount of time to go about changing this if something does come up, but for now, my vote will stay on Snip. ---- With regards to the new books, I'm certain that many of those books are important, so we should definitely try to pick some of these up. But we also need to make sure we are stockpiled on Acid and Chalk so we can keep defending camp. If we lynch another villager, we will need to use three defenses tonight to protect the camp, unless we decide to just let the first attack slip by. I would prefer to wait to let an attack slip though. And whenever we do let it slip, It should be all out. (For example) if we have to defend for 5, and we don't think we'll be able to do it, we could all just choose not to defend for a cycle, so we can stock up for the next cycle and have plenty of strength to defend one cycle longer. I will be leaving on vacation some time between tonight, and tomorrow afternoon, so it's likely that my post/ reply style will change to being much more brief, however, I don't plan on going entirely inactive. That is the reason I've been trying to so much of my thoughts out early on in the cycle.
  14. Sorry about the double-post, but it's been about 4 hours, and this is significantly new information, that I want people to be able to see it easier. I've had someone reach out to me stating that they would also be willing to do a Line of Warding as well. Actually, I've had a couple people reach out, so confirmed with one person to place the Line of Warding, and I want all of your thoughts to determine whether or not we will need the third person for safety reasons or not.
  15. Hey all! we've got about 10-12 hours left, and we still don't have two people claiming to be protecting the camp. Just One so far, and only Xino knows the identity of that person. In no way do I want to become a mayor-type role, but if anyone is interested in protecting tonight, go ahead and reach out to me(or someone else that you trust) and let them know, so they can let the thread know. Two people is the bare minimum that we need. Three people would keep us safe if the elims got lucky with a block attempt, but I don't think that there's any need to have more than 3. Anyway, I'll try to get up a player analysis. If not tonight, then tomorrow during the day cycle.
  16. It isn't explicitly mentioned, but they do start out with chalk, and some of the chalk actions seem designed specifically so that eliminators can use them, so I would tend to think that they can.
  17. Be careful with that strategy (As araris mentioned). I remember a few games ago when I got either lynched, or got put under a lot of suspicion for acting too anxious to get a vote off of me. That game, I believe I was village, so I'll put your behavior down as NAI, but just be aware, that others might not take it that way. Butt Ad Venture. Anyway, you've posted, signifying that you are more active than others. *Ninja'd by Araris* Anyway, we are down to just a few, But I agree with what Araris just said. A split lynch might give us more information than a bandwagon, and I was actually going to vote on Ventyl for that reason. Instead, I'll vote on Dr. Dapper. @Dr. Dapper @Shqueeves @Ventyl @Snipexe You still haven't posted, and three of you are up for the lynch. Since ties are decided randomly, One of these four will currently be lynched. CadCom (1) - ButtSnipexe (1) - Elandera Ventyl (1) - Araris Dr. Dapper (1) - CadCom A big question is if anyone starts out with any bribes or other vote manipulation abilities, then we will be able to see them being used, but also with a 1/4 chance of actually being the one who dies, it's possible that an eliminator won't even try to save their teammate, as there is a 3/4 chance that they won't die. Depending on how things go over the next few hours, I may remove my vote, so as to only make it a 3 way tie, instead of 4, as that would make it more likely for someone to want to use a vote manipulation.
  18. Xino, Thank you for reading the rules better than me, and verifying the chalkling rules. That makes parts of my analysis null. Anyway, that means that we need to plan on anywhere between 1 and 3, or maybe 4 Lines of Warding tonight. Most likely 2 or 3. The thing is, we have to slowly find out who we can and can't trust. It is all too easy for an elim to say "I'll use a line of Warding" then use the Line of Vigor, negating someone else's action, putting the village 2 off of where they thought they would be, and not just one. I suppose this makes Line of Making, and Spring powered crabs more important. The risk with line of making is that it uses a valuable piece of chalk. But depending on the circumstances, it may be worth using. I'm gonna try to start some PMs and see what information I can gain there. Other than that, I'll place a poke vote on Butt Ad Venture @Butt Ad Venture. I'm sorry, My tagging feature does not seem to be working.
  19. I really really want to play, but due to already participating in the LG, and having a vacation going on, which will force me to mostly use mobile, on a more limited basis. So I will ask to join the spec Doc.
  20. Caden was a quiet person. He preferred to listen. As he listened to the others, he wasn't exactly certain what to say, so he remained quiet. --------- So far, we know of Forgotten and Rithmatists. We also know that the forgotten don't win at parity or majority. They win when the camp is overrun a third time. Therefore, I believe it is most important to stop the overrunning of camp. Additionally, the only known ways we have to kill forgotten are with the Gun, or with the lynch. (which is typical for many games.) However, the gun is a one-time use action. Therefore, I think it's best to find a balance between protecting the camp, and scanning for suspicious actions. With 13 players, It's likely that there are 3 forgotten and 10 rithmatists. We also don't know if Lines of forbiddance are permanent (until destroyed) or just for the cycle. (I personally think it's permanent, but we are still awaiting clarification) If they are just for the cycle, then it's important to try to not put down more than we need. Which will be difficult this cycle, seeing we have no idea how many chalklings will attack. Ultimately, I believe that the Elims will do whatever they can to blend in, especially during the day cycle when actions are more transparent, so I think our best opportunity at catching them is through scans. The rules don't explicitely state that the forgotten have a kill, but I find it rather likely that they do, as that is generally a capability that the elims have. That means worst case scenario, we lose two people/ cycle, One from the lynch, one from the elim kill. By cycle, that would be 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, or six cycles to parity if you estimate three forgotten. and, I would guess either chalklings will increase by 1 each cycle, with a maximum of 5 or 6 power, or, there are 3-4 chalklings attacking each night. Either way, by cycle five, it would be an average of 3 to 4 chalkling attacks per night. or a necessity of 15-20 Lines of Warding. Best case Scenario, we all use our chalk as lines of warding before any of us are killed. That's 10 lines of Warding, or half of what we would need to make it that far. We would then need to average just one or two additional protections per cycle, which seems entirely reasonable if we are able to pick up the pieces of chalk and the buckets of acid along the way. Regarding the chalk in the supply, I could see a possible elim strategy to try to take as much chalk as possible and use it to protect themselves, rather than protecting camp, so I think having as many villagers pick up chalk as possible makes it more likely to keep the chalk in good hands. The bucket of acid seems to work like chalk, except my guess is that the acid is only temporary, but the chalk is permanent. @Sart In the case where a bucket of acid, and Lines of Warding are both protecting the camp, is the acid or the chalk used first for protection? If the bucket of acid is used first, then using it will be just fine, as the remaining lines of Warding are still kept in place. (assuming they're permanent) If not, then it would be wise to save the buckets of acid until later, when there are less opportunities to use a line of warding. Other items include Bribe, Crab, Lantern and Gun. The bribe is interesting. It changes someone's vote, and passes the ability to change the vote onto the next player. This is different from other vote changing abilities, as usually the vote changing ability is either one-time, or remains with the person who originally had it. This makes it more difficult to determine alignment based off the change of vote, but also adds some interesting elements for people attempting to distance themselves, or bus someone else. Crab is good to try to determine what people are doing in the night, which is when the Elims will do things that are more Elim-ey. This also means that the elims may want them out of village hands. I agree with Araris and Alvron regarding the Lantern. It doesn't seem to have much use, as day actions will either only work in the day (Bribe) or affect the night(Crab and Acid.) So all it seems like lantern does is if you already have lantern, and pick up crab or acid, it allows you to use them that night, instead of waiting until the next day. Of course there could be other items or actions that we simply do not know about yet. Lastly, we have the Gun. If someone wants to grab the gun during today's cycle, That would be best in my opinion, because then we could keep track of who has the gun. Buuut, that also makes them a target for the elims to kill, because it re-introduces the Gun to the game. Anyway, by tonight we should probably try to have at least 4 or 5 lines of warding down to keep us safe for at least the first cycle. As for what I will be doing, I'm not entirely certain yet, but I will place a poke vote on Xino who has posted, but it was purely RP. @xinoehp512, any thoughts so far? I still don't know what I'll be doing in regards to my action, but as of now, I'm considering between going for the gun, drawing a line of warding, and going for either a piece of chalk or a bribe.
  21. So I've noticed recently that some of my spoilers have been having a super weird format. I think I've found out the reason finally, and on my end, it was a relatively easy fix, I just thought that it could be good to point out. On one of the computers that I use to access the 17th Shard, I have the Grammarly Chrome plug-in turned on. I'm going to try to demonstrate the error down below, using a spoiler If I've done everything right, when I open the spoiler, it should show a huge blank at the top of the spoiler, right in the middle, there would be a 4, and then at the very bottom, it would actually have the content that I wanted to include. The 4 matches the number of errors Grammarly finds in my post. If I turn off the Grammarly plug-in then there is no problem, and the spoilers work without an issue, but if the plug-in is on when I originally make the post, it causes the error. Edit: Well, that's annoying, It doesn't seem to have worked. Let me see if I can find a post where it happened to me. Ed2t: This post, I actually used the quote box function, but the same error was happening.
  22. As some of you may know, I'm planning on attempting to run a QF sometime in the near future. This QF is going to be an experiment on a new game style, called One-Night. The premise of One night, is that there is a single night, where actions are placed, and then a single voting cycle, where the elims win if one of them isn't lynched, and the village wins if none of them are lynched, or if an Elim is lynched. The version I will be running will be closely based on the game One-Night Ultimate Werewolf, but Mistbornized. The mechanics of game I'm designing will be the One-night format, and immediately followed by a follow-up game, based on who won the One-night portion. As I stated earlier, the purpose is to experiment with the One-night format, so that is the part I'm working hardest on balancing, and the follow-up games are purely to continue the fun. I'm hoping that they aren't broken. The follow-up games will be kept a secret until they come into play, but the One-night game is going to have almost all of the mechanics revealed. (There will be one, very small secret, that I can think of, and I might even get rid of it) I think I've finalized the One-Night portion, but first I want to share it in thread, so without Further Ado, Mistborn: The Rebellion Now or Never ----------- I just have a couple of questions that I'm trying to decide what to do on. The first is regarding the amount of Eliminators to have, as that would probably be the biggest factor in balancing the game. In the One-Night Werewolf game, when I've played with 8 to 12 players, I usually play with a possibility of 3 to 5 werewolves. The problem with that is that it's anywhere from 25% to 40%. I'm thinking of keeping it between 25% and 33% but even that is high compared to Normal for SE. The reasons I'm struggling with this is that when the game is played IRL, it is quick- usually 5 minutes or less for the entire analysis and lynch phase. Here, there is much more time to analyze, and cross analyze, but at the same time, It's more difficult to read expressions through text. So That makes me lean towards between 24% and 30% (which I somewhat arbitrarily came up with) The second question is if anyone sees any contradictions, confusing parts, or parts that just don't make sense.
  23. "Feed Me! Andrew want Brains! Andrew also like toes! Andrew peaceful when humans help. Andrew Angry when humans ignore."
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