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Everything posted by CadCom

  1. Hello! This site has probably anything you're looking for! Are you looking to dive into the lore and speculations theories about the planets/magics? or are you more of a Role-player? Or do you prefer fanfics? We have stuff for all of it. If you're interested in role-playing, might I recommend the alleyverse, or my personal favorite, Sanderson Elimination! It's a subforum dedicated to playing deception games similar to the popular party game Mafia or Werewolf!
  2. Huh. Its interesting that the inquisitor chose to kill someone who was relatively cleared as Village. Having a strong village clear later on in the game could be an advantage because we would all be asking questions about whether or not they were the converted. On second thought, because we had essentially hard-cleared butt ad venture, so we were never going to vote for him, meaning if the inquisitor had killed anyone else, it would have narrowed it down more for us. At first I was thinking that this move represented a relatively inexperienced elim, but it could also have been made by anyone regardless of experience.
  3. Mari did not understand. Tom did not know why his wife, Mari was so upset. Didn't Mari realize this was the end of the world? It looked like tomorrow, instead of spending wonderful family time with his family, Tom would be out searching for a job. He was frustrated that Mari didn't take it better. He needed a moment to think, so he rolled out of bed, careful not to wake up his wife. He put on his coat, and slipped out his the back door into their small courtyard that led to the Alleyway. Normally the alleys were safe in this part of town, but with all the unrest, it wouldn't hurt to check. He tossed a half eaten chicken leg from their trash over the fence and down the alley, and heard it hit the ground. Nothing. Slipping out the gate, Tom headed out the alley to the main street, and began to walk aimlessly. It appeared that no one was out at this hour. Muttering under his breath to himself, he said what had been on his mind. "Sometimes Mari is so closed-minded. I can't believe she's making me look for a job. And she's only giving me two days before she says she'll leave me! Why is she being so unreasonable! If I can't find anything, I might have to go back to Cornelius. He would take me back, I imagine. It's not like he's going to find another rioter in these times on such short notice." He was suddenly interrupted in his muttered rant by a rat jumping out of some crates, and scurring across the road. Startled, he decided it was time to turn back home. As he quietly slipped back into the alley, he looked up across the street, and thought he saw a Mistborn flying through the sky, off in the distance. "Probably not. I aint so lucky to see a Mistborn" He grumbled, and slipped back in his house, up the stairs, and back to bed. ---------------------- I agree with Aman that this game is probably not Role madness, however something about how and when he claimed, made me want to look into it. It is interesting that Aman would claim they have no role. Their initial claim was seemed very veiled, in response to Cicada's post, and could be nothing other than stating the facts and speculations from his point of view. But this is SE and everyone is evil until proven innocent here, so analysis, here I come. I can see this as a few possible different strategies. One is simply that they are being honest. They do not have a role, and believe that half do not have a role. This could very well be the case. In fact, I'd say it has about a 2 in 3 (67%) chance of this being the case. An alternative is that they have a valuable role, but don't want others to suspect them. Perhaps if they can reasonably convince the inquisitor to not kill or convert them. I give this about a 15% chance of being the case. The final alternative I thought of is some variation of Aman is the inquisitor, and is trying to draw a scan tonight. They won't have any spikes inserted in themselves, therefore it will actually appear as if they have no role. This seems somewhat unlikely, but also very ingenious. I give it about an 18% chance of being the case. --- I also agree that, at least until conversions begin to occur, B. Ad Venture is probably village, I would put the probability they are the inquisitor at close to 0 percent. --- A vote was soothed off Rath. I could see that being someone who doesn't want Rath lynched. Most likely culprit being Rath, suggesting he is a soother. This is not guaranteed, because I know from personal experience that on the first day or cycle of the game, if I have an ability that can be used to direct the outcome of something, I like to just use it just to see what happens. That's How the villagers caught and lynched Elim Elan on D1 in the Kingkiller Game a while back (Sorry Elan I am responsible for starting your curse of being lynched on D1 as an elim. In my defense, I think I also broke it by being lynched D1 on another game instead of having them lynch you when we were both elims together.) Edit: I only see one post from @shanerockes, who we would all love to hear more from. Do you have any thoughts on the game. I'm leaning village based off of your one post,
  4. CadCom

    Ask Cadcom Anything

    Well, It's been a month, and I'm bored, so I'll Necro this, and in the process, double post. Please forgive me. Anyway, who wants to try to stump me? Or ask me easy questions. Either way!.
  5. Granted, but they no longer struggle internally, causing them to no longer progress with their Oaths. You've killed the remainder of Stormlight Archives. I wish to Preserve Scadrial.
  6. Hurt the Northern Dominance, Heal the Roughs. Iri-5 Rira - 5 Reshi Isles - 4 Herdaz - 5 Aimia - 8 Shinovar - 6 Jah Keved - 5 Alethkar - 5 Thaylenah - 2 Central Dominance - 3 Northern Dominance - 5 Eastern Dominance - 4 Southern Dominance - 4 Western Dominance - 4 Terris Dominance - 5 Fjordell Empire - 10 Svorden - 10 Duladel - 10 Hallandren - 5 Pahn Kahl - 3 Elendel Basin - 8 The Roughs - 8 Southern Scadrians - 5
  7. Heal Elendel Basin, Hurt Southern Dominance Iri-5 Rira - 5 Reshi Isles - 4 Herdaz - 5 Aimia - 8 Shinovar - 6 Jah Keved - 5 Alethkar - 5 Thaylenah - 2 Central Dominance - 3 Northern Dominance - 6 Eastern Dominance - 4 Southern Dominance - 4 Western Dominance - 4 Terris Dominance - 5 Fjordell Empire - 10 Svorden - 10 Duladel - 10 Hallandren - 5 Idris - 1 Pahn Kahl - 3 Elendel Basin - 8 The Roughs - 7 Southern Scadrians - 5
  8. Additionally, the Elim kill happens at night usually. (I thought I hit submit reply a while ago) Ninja'd by Fura, while I was away from my desk
  9. If my count is correct, the current vote count is: Snipexe (3) - Stick, CadCom, Fura Rath (2) - Drake, Devotary Drake (2) , Rath, Sart I am planning on keeping my vote where it is, I believe. But If possible, could someone else do another vote count to verify I didn't mess up?
  10. All parties with the most votes die, because, and I am quoting our GM here, Edit. I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to a massive lynch of half the team. It would give us like a 50% chance of hitting the inquisitor. It would also give us a 50% chance of hitting the thug, which would only cause confusion, unless we hit both, which would be 25% chance i believe? So actually I might be opposed to it. It would still be fun to see
  11. Rath (2) - Sart, DrakeDrake (1) - DevotaryStick (1) - FuraSnipexe (1) - Stick This is the Short list which I am considering voting for, just to not put even more people on the chopping block. But first @xinoehp512 I see you relatively active today. Are you still playing? Anyway, RATH is a bit difficult to understand with the raps. It seems as if they are attempting to contribute, including joining on the discussion on who to lynch today, but I don't see a vote from them yet. This is mildly suspicious to me. It's also tempting to vote for them to not cause a close lynch capable of becoming a tie, where more than one person dies. DRAKE has had some posts that I read as super village, and others that I read as somewhat elim. There's never much to learn from a D1 lynch other than the alignment of the player, especially when there's only one elim. But If there's a player we can learn more from, he would be a top candidate, (Possibly along with Rath) _STICK_ only has a vote from Fura at this moment, who seemed to just do the vote in order to get more information. I don't necessarily agree with it, so I probably won't vote for Stick SNIPEXE only has one post, and it seemed rather rushed. With that being said, The last paragraph of his post seemed a bit confusing to me. Perhaps it's Elim!Snip attempting to sound confused or cause confusion. For now, I think I'll vote on Snipexe, But if nothing changes until right before rollover, I will probably switch to Rath, just to make sure we only lose one person, as opposed to two. Alternatively, I would be also be fine with a Xino lynch if they don't show up and anyone else also supports the lynch.
  12. It looks as if a couple of posts have been skipped over, including one of mine, and at least one more, so I've combined these last few. Now I will heal The Roughs, and Hurt The Eastern Dominance Iri - 5 Rira - 5 Reshi Isles - 4 Herdaz - 5 Aimia - 8 Shinovar - 6 Jah Keved - 5 Alethkar - 5 Thaylenah - 2 Central Dominance - 3 Northern Dominance - 6 Eastern Dominance - 4 Southern Dominance - 5 Western Dominance - 4 Terris Dominance - 5 Fjordell Empire - 10 Svorden - 10 Duladel - 9 Hallandren - 5 Idris - 2 Pahn Kahl - 3 Elendel Basin - 7 The Roughs - 7 Southern Scadrians - 5
  13. Granted, but your bane is that the post has actually been moved, so I could not answer it. Either that or your link broke. I wish for my grief caused by my killing of my own wife, while attemting to quell the rebellion that arose while uniting the Princes of Alethkar to be removed from me!
  14. It is true that the time travel technology from Elendel Basin would prove very useful in helping Scadrial Conquer the Cosmere. However, the Goverener knew the folley of having Past and Present Scadrial Work together. Too many paradoxes. Best to simply remove past Scadrial from the equation. It would have to be done systematically, as it's collapse would not be allowed to mess with the timeline. All of Modern Scadrial would need to be strengthened in the process. Hurt the Western Dominance, Heal the Roughs. Iri - 5 Rira - 5 Reshi Isles - 4 Herdaz - 5 Aimia - 8 Shinovar - 6 Jah Keved - 5 Alethkar - 5 Thaylenah - 2 Central Dominance - 3 Northern Dominance - 6 Eastern Dominance - 5 Southern Dominance - 5 Western Dominance - 4 Terris Dominance - 5 Fjordell Empire - 10 Svorden - 10 Duladel - 9 Hallandren - 5 Idris - 3 Pahn Kahl - 3 Elendel Basin - 7 The Roughs - 6 Southern Scadrians - 5
  15. Are we attempting to reach the word master then? Disciple
  16. I'm pretty sure. You would say something like It's Deep, but not profound. or It's Grass but it's not my lawn. She's Pretty, but not beautiful. It's Deep, but it's not a hole. And So on.
  17. So, let's start things off with a vote count. Rath (2) - Sart, Drake Drake (1) - Devotary Stick (1) - Fura Snipexe (1) - Stick While Sart's vote on Rath appears to have been a poke vote that simply hasn't been removed. Overall, it appears as if people are against voting this game, but based off the numbers that Fura presented, it may actually be in the village interest to vote today. Instead of completely trusting Fura's numbers though, I'll run my own Worst Case Scenario Situation. In this, I think it will be safe to assume that among the Lurcher and the Thug, the Village team will have at least 1 extra life, and the Elim team will have the two extra lives that the inquisitor has, as well as a single extra life from the iron spike. (I know that this is not the worst case scenario, but It's what I think is most likely. NO Lynch D1: Results based off end of Turn D1 12-1 N1 11-1 (-kill) D2 10-1 (-mislynch) N2 8-2 (-kill)(-convert)(Both Elims likely have an Extra life, though not guaranteed) D3 7-2 (-mislynch) N3 6-2 (-kill) D4 5-2 (-mislynch) N4 4-2 (-kill) It's likely that if we reach this point, we've lost, but the elements of vote manipulation and spread of Extra lives may keep the game going past this point. I'm going to assume if it's not over by this point, it would be over by after a D5 mislynch. With Lynch D1: Results based off end of Turn D1 11-1 (-mislynch) N1 10-1 (-kill) D2 9-1 (-mislynch) N2 7-2 (-kill)(-convert) D3 6-2 (-mislynch) N3 5-2 (-kill) D4 4-2 (-mislynch) it is at 4-2 that I believe that the game is lost, especially having this followed by a Night cycle where the Elim team can kill someone else. They will either have the voting power, or the lives necessary or both to last out the rest of the game. For sake of discussion... N4 3-2 (-kill) My conclusion is that either way, we are given about 3 mislynches in a worst case scenario. So I would almost have to agree with Fura that it might be better to just start the lynching now, so the village can get more information sooner. In any situation where someone survives the lynch anyone with any type of scan role ought to scan the person to see what they are hiding. Additionally, I noticed that there are 10 allomantic Roles, and 12 Village players. I can only hope that everyone is given a role, and that there are double of some roles, in case we lose an important role early on. I've done some analysis on different possible scenarios that could occur throughout the game, but I'll wait to see if any of them play out before I offer my thoughts on those. This means that I do have to come up with someone I feel comfortable voting on. I would prefer to choose someone already on the list instead of finding someone else. I'm not ready to make that decision yet so please expect a follow up from me relatively soon.
  18. On Here Spammers Actually Yell Curses At Nobody. Yelling Over Us Sparks Evil Endings Brought Yearly To Happy Eggplants. Dogs Always Whine Nightly So Everyone And Rufus Look Youthful. Lunamor Is Growing Hair Touching Whatever He Ate. Two Sad Ostriches Pooped Red Orange Ugly Deathly Lions. You Want Everything He Already Is. Lets Eat. Dad Bought You Ten Horses each Tuesday. Will I Go Here Lightly In Good Happy Terrific Spirits. Loopy Antelopes Sprint Tirelessly Grazing Lightly Eating All Mammals In Northern Georgia. Walruses Heard Octopuses Singing 'Bout Real Islands Growing Hair. Two Sad Tortoises Rocketed In Poop Excrements. Sand And Nothing. Did Billy Really Ingest Gophers. Hockey Time Stars Touch All Real Sports Through Hockey Rights. On Uganda: Hip Tricksters Halt Every Peril Even Really Ingenious Laughing. Ocelots Under Sea Fight In Group Houses To Out Every Rhinoceros. Truthless Hiding Eggs Raids All Mighty Parts And Reach Titan Status. Whales Eat Whales And Tiny Catfish Heads Every Day. Where Everyone Runs East Slowly On Galloping Anteaters Lies Lucky Apples. No Touchy. Lucky Young Salmon Treat Red Eagles And Mammals In No Glory And No Dinner. The Human Exoskeleton Really Obscures Colorful Kittens Eating The Skin. Red Ed Did Glare Lazily at Red Ed. True Hipsters Eat Blue Oranges. My Baby Sat Bawling Under Rainclouds Stirring Temperatures In New Greenland. I Nabbed An Innocuous Axolotl. I Recentely Gave Axolotl Violent Endearments. Patrick Ran Over Other Fat Timid Hairy Rough Old Ugly Grandfathers. Here There Here. Entirely New Iguanas Greet Happy Turtles. Throw Hats At Ten. Our Unquitting Red Flag Lights All Glory With America Still. Some Tom In Laramie, Louisiana Thought Hypothermia Eats Rodents. Every Odd Howl Says Arrrgh. Yo Do Old Eggs Suffocate Ticks. Here And There Stars Touch All Rioting Suckers. Pain and Nothing Greet Losers Every Day. Bugs Are Nothing Now. Erupting Roads Under Even Toes. Wave And Volcanoes Erupt On Every Real Tide. Hide Eggs, Lady Antebellum. No Don't Off Furamirionind Today, He Emits Fun. Red Eagles Eat And Nobody Dies. The Home Everybody Has On My End Omits Freaky Tibetans. How Every Brave Raving American Vomits Every Day. Or Company Affiliations Neatly Associating Dollars And Employees Hats You decide. NOMORELONGACRONYMSPLEASETHISONEISALREADYTOOLONG.
  19. No cat for Lunamor. ... I'll bring a cart to give to you instead. (It's filled with cats)
  20. I'm bringing a cat. I will give it to Lunamore, who apparently wants to bring a cat.
  21. Someone must stand up for the Rose Empire, even if they know it is in vain. A master Forger has rewritten the Rose empire's past to remove an entire attack on the Rose Empire. The Chaos causes confusion among the Fjordell after the attack was erased causes internal turmoil. Iri - 5 Rira - 5 Reshi Isles - 4 Herdaz - 5 Aimia - 7 Shinovar - 6 Jah Keved - 5 Alethkar - 5 Thaylenah - 3 Central Dominance - 4 Northern Dominance - 6 Eastern Dominance - 5 Southern Dominance - 5 Western Dominance - 5 Terris Dominance - 5 Fjordell Empire - 9 Svorden - 10 Duladel - 7 Rose Empire - 4 Hallandren - 5 Idris - 5 Pahn Kahl - 3 Elendel Basin - 6 The Roughs - 5 Southern Scadrians - 5
  22. I'll take a similar game I've played, called "Deep but Not Profound" through the green glass door.
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