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Everything posted by Ashspren

  1. Bit, can I start a movement to Bring Back the Mudkip™?

    1. BitBitio


      Yeah. But it probably won't happen.

  2. We need AT LEAST three more people to start the roast battles! Let everyone know, guys!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Borio Singaldi

      Borio Singaldi

      I... don't know if I want to sign up again. I don't know if I'll have the time and dedication for it.

    3. Apollyon


      I still don't even have a character. Which one's have been taken and is there a specific topic or theme?

    4. Ashspren


      @Apollyon, look at the OP. 

      @Firerust, completely up to you. If you don’t want to, then don’t feel pressured. :)

  3. Thanks to everyone who has signed up so far! We are looking for 7 more people, so let your friends, fellow role-players, and other Sharders know! If we do not have 16 by the end of the week, I will start the tournament regardless, as long as we have 12 competitors. Additionally, the Roast Archive has been updated to Tournament Three! If you have some friends that are reading through the Cosmere right now, I definitely recommend showing them some of your favorite roasts –– I've done that with some of my Sanderfan converts (the person known as "them," if you've read You Know You're A Sanderfan Part 2), and they had a blast.
  4. Status Update: Tournament 4

    Hey all,

    Tournament 4 is just about to start! You can reply on this status update or on the thread to sign up. We’re looking for 16 people by the end of the week. So, if you have an idea or just an itch to insult people, this is the time to do it! 



    1. Apollyon


      Put me on the list with no character so far. I'd like to try my hand again since I lost first round. I'll get back to you as to who I'll use.

    2. Ashspren


      Sounds good, Ap!

  5. If you insist conceding the match, I won’t stop you. The rap was great, though, and the emoticons were amazing. So, with that... the winner of Tournament 3 is @hoiditthroughthegrapevine, with Steris Harms! Congratulations! Your raps were amazing, and I could really feel Steris come through in each of them. ~~~ If you want to sign up for Tournament 4, now is the time to do it! Please post which character you want to do, and I’ll put you in. Cosmere characters only, please, and the following characters are not allowed: Spook, Allomancer Jak, Steris Harms.
  6. You're awesome, Silverblade! Take your time and don't worry about it –– IRL stuff can be busy sometimes. If you need some help with thread maintenance, just let me know.
  7. Sorry for the extremely long wait, everyone. IRL stuff got really busy... But, without further ado, the CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND! Let’s introduce our competitors... @Herowannabe is our favorite Hemalrugic being, but claims to be more of a person than you’ll ever be... HUMAN THE KOLOSS! @hoiditthroughthegrapevine is definitely prepared for this battle — in fact, there’s probably a list... STERIS HARMS! I am so looking forward to seeing this battle play out. Good luck to both of you!
  8. Get hyped, everyone, the championship round of the third tournament approaches! @hoiditthroughthegrapevine and @Herowannabe are facing off in an exciting battle: Steris will be sure to Harm our good koloss friend, but maybe his roasting skills just simply aren't Human


    Thanks for putting up with my terrible puns, everyone...

    Be sure to vote for the winners, and good luck to our competitors!

    1. AonEne


      Um, no. Those are GOOD puns. :lol:

  9. Why not both? Though your list of RP ships is probably going to go out the door...
  10. And the winner is... @hoiditthroughthegrapevine, with Steris! I will write out the official statement for the championship shortly. Until then... let the smack talk begin, I guess?
  11. Ouch. I'm sorry. I had a two-week long streak... it's very sad to say that I'm proud of that.
  12. Here's the link! https://goo.gl/forms/dBvqYYWT1N89aSUs2 VOTE VOTE VOTE!
  13. And the winner is... @Herowannabe, with Human the Koloss! ~~~ Next up: @hoiditthroughthegrapevine, with Steris! @Firerust, with Lopen! Good luck!
  14. Oh, good. I already took away their sense of productivity, so I was worried that it could be a little bit over the line.
  15. I’m sorry, this was from, like, over a month ago, but I had to... Hi everyone. I’m here. I guess that worked.
  16. So... throwbacks to all of this! The person known as "them" finished the Hero of the Ages yesterday. They cried. (Obviously.) ...does it make me a bad person if I laughed while handing them the tissue box?
  17. Here's the link: https://goo.gl/forms/9AU4gvCRW1oTAXp83 VOTE VOTE VOTE!
  18. And the winner of the final primary round is... @hoiditthroughthegrapevine, representing Steris! ~~~ Let’s meet our first semifinal contenders: @Herowannabe, with Human the Koloss! @Felt, with Cultivation! Good luck!
  19. Hey Ene, realized that you quoted me on your "About Me" page. I feel special. :P

    1. BitBitio


      Can I get quoted too? :D Help

    2. Ink


      I should be featured... i gave her her current rank....


      Kidding. I don't care. It's funny enough she did anything.


    3. AonEne


      Someone read my About Me page?!?!?!? Someone actually reads those besides me! :P

      Sure, Bit, Ink, I'll find quotes from you.

  20. One month anniversary of this thread! Yay! (Also, my desperate attempt to revive this because I was bored.)
  21. I believe I misunderstood your previous point; thanks for clarifying.
  22. I’m excited for a possible Navani viewpoint, especially if, like the other prologues, it takes place during the night of Gavilar’s death. I would want to see her level of grief, as it was seen as questionable throughout the series. I feel like Shallan might be pregnant in Book 4. But, she’ll probably still have problems in her relationship with Adolin. This will add a lot of drama... Honestly, I’m kind of worried for Shallan. Brandon has buried her in an extremely deep hole of problems, and it might take more than ten books to get her out... Another thing I’m looking forward to: WHAT IS THE STORMING BLACK SPHERE?!
  23. @Alderant, I agree with much of what you said, but there is one point of contention for me. When you say that they can’t talk out their problems, I disagree... partially. Once Shallan opens up her can of worms, there is no doubt that she will pull the “master/yes-ma’am” relationship card to make her stay with him, as if to say, “You love me. You need to accept me.” From this point forward, we don’t know what will happen, which is what I meant by partially agreeing. Can they talk it out? Yes. Will it be effective? Perhaps so, perhaps not, and perhaps it will be countereffective, leading to a breakup. Just my take on the situation.
  24. Here’s the link... https://goo.gl/forms/NijlY3APLR9DNCRq2 VOTE VOTE VOTE!
  25. In my opinion, if the love triangle is currently resolved, it wasn't very well done to begin with. It spanned one-and-a-half books, and that wasn't long enough to make a lot of contention. The twist with Shallan's multiple personalities was interesting, but it was resolved too quickly. If Sanderson really wants the love triangle to pull through, nothing can be resolved at the characters' current state. If Shallan, Kaladin, and Adolin all have a discussion about this and resolve everything there, that would be okay. But, the resolution at the end of Oathbringer was too open ended –– not because of the words exchanged, which made everything seem very final, but because of Shallan's personality issues. She had internal conversations with Veil and Radiant right up to her passionate "if-he-can't-fly" speech! With a conflict so serious that it boils down to her nature as a lightweaver and as a person, I don't believe that it can be resolved in a few passionate words of "I love you" and "he means nothing to me; that was all Veil". Honestly, I think romance is just something that needs to be improved across the board. I do pay a lot of attention to relationships –– yes, because they're cute and I'm a fangirl, but also because love is one of the strongest emotions a person or character can feel, and how someone handles it says a lot about them. Sanderson has been so consistent with the "arranged-marriages-always-work-out" card (Raoden + Sarene, Shallan + Adolin, Wax + Steris, etc.), and I'm really looking for an arranged relationship that doesn't work to add some variety into the mix. With Shadolin, yes, I think the relationship could work, which frustrates me. I ship it due to their interactions, but it almost annoys me to do so because it's keeping up with the string of arranged marriages. I kind of wanted Shalladin to work out –– I don't ship it, but it would have made for an interesting story. I still love Stormlight and the other Cosmere books, but romance is something that I think could be worked on.
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