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Everything posted by Ashspren

  1. Words cannot express how much I love your username.

    1. Ink


      Truly golden

    2. Ghanderflaffle


      I think words cannot express it for me either, it was one of my rare strokes of brilliance.

  2. I’m on mobile, so I can’t sign up right now. I will ASAP, though.
  3. Super Bowl LIII is coming up! Chiefs vs Saints... who are you rooting for? 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Doomstick


      Outside of the USA, it’s American football 

    3. Ashspren


      Yes, this is American football. There are two games until Super Bowl LIII: Chiefs vs Saints, and Patriots vs Rams. 

    4. Doomstick


      I would root for the chiefs if they were the chefs, but no, so I’m staying impartial 

  4. Sorry for the wait, everyone! This week has been super busy for me so far, and I got caught up in the rush of things. Congrats to @Paranoid King and @Herowannabe for their victory this round! @Gray to and @Toaster Retribution, you have 24 hours (probably more, depending on when I get on the Shard) to post your Returned names. I'll post the next group of competitors as soon as possible, but I'm on a tight schedule right now and don't have the chance. Sorry again for the inconsistency, everyone. I'm trying my hardest, I promise.
  5. I'll get to work on the Other Side... that'll be the Warbreaker one.
  6. Ooooh I'll do one! How about... The Other Side, from Bluefingers to Siri? We needed Warbreaker, so that might work...
  7. Here's the link! Awesome job, everyone... Shakespeare would be jealous. https://goo.gl/forms/KreJYlVHnJPBDB7m2 VOTE VOTE VOTE!
  8. I like that idea, and it seems like it would work. I’ll start that this round. Edit: And look at my reputation title... what a coincidence.
  9. Hero, I totally get it, so go ahead. This weekend is busy for me, too, so you would’ve gotten an extension anyway.
  10. @Paranoid King, @Toaster Retribution, @Gray to, @Herowannabe — 18 hours left!
  11. Have you read The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon? It’s one of my favorite books from those genres.
  12. Generally sci-fi, fantasy, dystopian, and my guilty pleasure is teen fiction and romance. When I give it a read, I’ll be sure to let you know! The reviews on Goodreads looked amazing, by the way.
  13. *hugs ChristmasTree* I must protect this at all costs. Granted, but it is twenty feet long, and therefore useless. I beseech of the Nightwatcher a bowl of pho.
  14. Yes, another golden lover! I have one, too.
  15. It’s my personal headcanon that the Kholins sometimes gather the whole (living) family and write songs together... and it’s all Dalinar’s idea.
  16. @Gray to @Toaster Retribution @Paranoid King @Herowannabe 48 hours left!
  17. Hey @@mike26! Welcome to the Shard! Out of curiosity, is that your dog in your profile picture?
  18. @Acodoequeen, welcome! I just checked out your book, and by reading the synopsis, I get where your username comes from. In your initial post, you said that you read other genres, too. Which ones?
  19. Welcome to the Shard, @Fenric! Glad to have you here, and I can't wait to theorize with you more. Adding onto this... What's your favorite Sanderson book? What's your favorite book in general? If you could live anywhere in the Cosmere, where would it be? What's your opinion on Hoid?
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