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AonEne last won the day on June 6

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About AonEne

  • Birthday 01/06/2003

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  • Member Title
    Am I doing something I can't take back? (Relax!)
  • Pronouns
    he/him in an enby way
  • Location
    Utah, USA
  • Interests
    Roleplaying, reading, editing, organizing, psychology/sociology, animals, humans, Wings of Fire, The Magnus Archives, The Owl House, Hollow Knight

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  1. Whilst reading RoW to my mom (we've been going a bit slowly and are still in part one) if we read multiple chapters in a RoW row I'll sometimes see if she can remember how the epigraphs go -


    Lecture on fabrial mechanics presented by Navani Kholin to the coalition of monarchs, Urithiru, Jesevan, 1175

    and at first I tried having her fill in blanks of like the month and stuff but that's way too much to remember even after you've heard it a few times, which I can't blame her too much for so I got simpler (she couldn't remember Navani's last name and it hurts because the Kholins are everybody in the books) but I say all of this to let you know that today she complained to me that I hadn't read it to her in a while and said "HOW WILL I LEARN WHAT NAVANI IS TEACHING THE MONARCHS?" and that's it, everyone, that's it

    1. Wyndlerunner


      Well now you've given me ideas for when my brother and I get there. 

    2. Honorless


      The last part's relatable to me, it makes me a lil mad whenever exposition is cut short by omniscient narrator. I want to know how magic works in Hogwarts, dammit! Don't cut that part out! No, don't just say "politics", gimme the juicy stuff!

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