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Everything posted by TheOneKEA

  1. Brandon Sanderson once made a thunderstorm change direction by threatening to write a novella that disclaimed its existence. The thunderstorm was diverted so hard that it rained out in one minute and dissipated immediately. The resulting water irrigated the entire state of Utah for a week. Brandon Sanderson had writers block once. It was the worst ten seconds of his life. Brandon Sanderson created a magic system that solved P=NP.
  2. Brandon Sanderson wrote Words of Radiance by cutting down a tree and slicing it into sheets of paper. When he did so, the first draft of the story was already there. Brandon Sanderson already won all the Hugos, but he ran out of space to display them so he gave them away. Brandon Sanderson accidentally recorded a 16-hour Writing Excuses podcast that was so awesome it spontaneously created three Bestsellers. Brandon Sanderson doesn't need electricity to power his computer. The stories are so awesome that they warp reality and spontaneously generate electricity. The electricity he doesn't use runs the printing presses at Tor. Brandon Sanderson once walked through a bindery with a worn pencil, a single sheet of paper, and a pocket dictionary. The bindery burneD to the ground, but no one was harmed because they fled when they saw Brandon coming.
  3. I like the idea that Adonalsium's divine hatred played a part in its Shattering, but entropy is hardly an undesirable Intent when it is joined with the rest; it's only when it is separated from the rest that it becomes undesirable.
  4. What object would be moving towards them? I'm envisioning a 100m to 300m runway with a great big metallic blast shield at one end, and the Twinborn would push on that Allomantically to get started down the straightaway. The big question here is now the Twinborn in this case would impart that momentum to the object they're pushing, because muscle power isn't going to work very well.
  5. Someone should ask Brandon if a Drab on Scadrial is more likely to Snap and gain allomantic powers.
  6. There is WoB that synesthesia on Nalthis would not affect anyone who had the condition until that person reached the Fifth Heightening, at which point things would get "really weird".
  7. I was thinking about the WoB where Brandin said that a double steel Twinborn can move pretty fast but that they would eventually have problems due to friction. This made me wonder if a double steel Twinborn could move fast enough that they could launch an object into the air, like an ultralight aircraft, by pushing it down a straightaway to get it up to the necessary speed. I also wonder if a TwinSteel Metallic Catapult as manufactured by the Southern Scadrians could be used to launch bigger objects, like a jet-sized aircraft.
  8. *fanboy flailing* Brandon is amazing. I am so very much looking forward to these 2 books.
  9. I once asked the question "How many lumens does it take to reach the center of Shadesmar?", so I think it is reasonable to use that unit of measurement. Does Brandon actually have any passages in which the size and shape of the gems and spheres is directly linked to the light emitted?
  10. Whooooooooooaaaaaaa. I can't believe Brandon revealed so much!!!!! The Stormfather's existence as a cognitive shadow makes so much sense. When he told Dalinar that he would not be a simple sword, he meant it! Maybe the Stormfather isn't actually capable of becoming a Blade, because he's not actually a spren! Also, it makes it even easier to think about why the Cognitive Realm is so dangerous on Sel. There may be TWO cognitive shadows wandering around attacking everything They can reach...
  11. Wow! That question about Nightblood's sheath is AMAZING. And the question about Reod Elantrians and Shardblades is SUPER AMAZING.
  12. That's reasonable. The only reason why I even thought about this was because of Nalan's in-universe characterization of Nightblood as a Shardblade and the WoB describing Nightblood as a very powerful Blade. Since the Honorblades are also supposed to be very powerful, the similarities stood out to me. Someone going to the Orem signing tomorrow should ask Brandon if Honorblades are dangerous in ways other than what Syl described to Kaladin. A question like the thread title will probably get insta-RAFO'd.
  13. I was thinking about the connections between Warbreaker and The Stormlight Archive and I stumbled on an interesting fact. We have WoB that Nightblood will kill its wielder by consuming the wielder's Innate Investiture, which can include the wielder's Spiritual aspect (in whole or in part). We also have textev that Honorblades consume dangerous amounts of Stormlight. This suggests to me that if an Honorblade is wielded in the same way that Nightblood can be, it will eventually kill its wielder. Does anyone think this is plausible?
  14. Someone very badly needs to send this to Peter Ahlstrom. I can picture Brandon laughing until he can't breathe at this thread. 10/10, would read again!
  15. This is a fantastic post and provides the most direct and straightforward summation of what could be one of the main themes of the Stormlight Archive.
  16. I really like this theory a lot. It makes a tremendous amount of sense. I look forward to some of Brandon's unpublished works coming forth so that they can also be examined for evidence of the Cosmere's afterlife.
  17. We also have repeated WoB that Sazed is positioned in a metaphorical Lagrange point between the enormous Spiritual power of the two Shards he holds, and that this placement restricts the freedom of action his Cognitive mind possesses. I agree though that if disharmonious things began happening in the Cosmere that he would probably be able to act quite easily.
  18. This is an interesting theory. With so little textev about the early timeline of the Cosmere it has no more or less of a chance at being accurate than any other theory, but given the references I think this one is well founded. I'd love to ask Brandon if the Shards were created all at once or if they were originally seized all at once.
  19. I decided a long time ago that stars in the Cosmere dwarf galaxy also had souls. But I want someone to ask Brandon if they also have minds, and what powers those minds possess in the Cognitive Realm. I also want to see how cagey he gets when someone asks if the star's cognitive aspect expands the Cognitive Realm enough for Shadesmar to be formed.
  20. The tidbit about Hemalurgy being practiced during Harmony's reign is very interesting to me. I know people have speculated about Bloody Tan and whether or not he was a Hemalurgist. It's also possible that Brandon is trolling us, because we know that Marsh, the kandra and the koloss are still around and they are also practicing Hemalurgy...
  21. "The darkness comes. Her ancestor springs forth, and the silver is out of reach."
  22. "I stand in shock. The Blade comes, and she who lies speaks truth. Oh! I die!"
  23. It's based on WoB that if you put enough uncontrolled, undirected power in one place that it will become sentient. http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/6597-theory-man-made-adonalsium/ has a post from Argent with the WoB. I'm speculating further by guessing that any freshly formed intelligence will be very young and very immature, and will only have the fragmentary memories that the Seons appear to have about what happened to the Shards; therefore, I'm guessing that the intelligence in question doesn't know any better and will lash out at anything that might hurt it.
  24. I think the Cognitive Realm on Sel is dangerous because the splintered bits of the two Shards have self-organized into a new semi-Shard with a partially formed cognitive aspect tainted by Odium's actions, and thus is lashing out on instinct against any being that comes within range in self-defense. As for the big hint that Brandon is alluding to, didn't Raoden hear a voice talking to him when he touched the pool, asking him where he wanted to go? Or am I grossly misremembering that sequence?
  25. This is absolutely amazing. Brandon and Peter need to work something out with Tor and the artist and make this an actual thing that anyone can buy.
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