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Everything posted by TheOneKEA

  1. WHHAAAATTTTTTTTT The Theorycrafting, it will be heavy!!!! How did this not get a RAFO? There are so many implications to this revelation, that I don't know where to begin...
  2. I literally laughed out loud when Brandon did that, and I will be sorely disappointed if at least two people don't print that out and get him to sign it!
  3. I voted no, because I feel that Harmony has been betrayed by his inexperience, and therefore acted poorly in the context of the story that we have experienced so far. However, I agree with Argent's argument, and I also feel that the missing portion of the Ruin Shard not invested in humanity is also playing a part in Hadmony's actions.
  4. I will have to go back and reread the scene, but I find it highly suspect that a known emotional Allomancer is managing to Soothe a large number of people with so much force without some level of assistance. It would be interesting though if Allomancy was altered in some way if a pair of Mistings with opposing powers were touching one another while exercising them.
  5. I missed this on the first read through but remembered it once the emotions surrounding the ending wore off. I think the man in the carriage is a Nicroburst, and that he is why the Soother was able to affect so many people.
  6. I was absolutely shocked beyond words at the reveal at the end. I never even considered the possibility that Wax could have been guarded by a kandra for such a long time. It boggles the mind and it slams on your emotions, to kno that Harmony really can be the amoral, neutral God that MeLaan offhandedly said he was, and yet still feel very human disgust and discomfort about his role in the Cosmere. And this new metal is even more shocking. It raises so many theories about just how varied Hemalurgy really is, and why Brandon is so slippery about a complete table of Hemalurgic thefts. I for one will look forward to the feverish Theorycrafting that will ensue over just how much we really don't know about Hemalurgy... The coolest part of the story, as always, was Wayne being Wayne. Brandon writes him so well! EDIT: And where is the rest of the Ruin Shard??? We STILL don't know where Harmony put it or what he's using it to do...
  7. I really like this theory. It is the best written example of my own perception of where the Spiritual energies of the two Shards went and what they have become. I also especially like the idea of modifying Aon Rao to use it as an Investitute harvesting mechanism, so as to provide a mechanism to reverse the Splintering of Devotion and Dominion.
  8. I think that Harmony might be less experienced than Odium, but more creative in his use of his Shardic powers. The narrative made a point of mentioning how Sazed used his expanded Cognitive aspect to perfectly store the contents of his copperminds, and how the overlap of that knowledge allowed him to remake Scadrial. I think this is a Chekhov's Gun anf that Harmony's knowledge will play a big role in his interactions with the other Shards, including Odium.
  9. Reposted from the AMA thread: This sounds like a GIGANTIC revelation to me! Is this the first inkling of allomancy beyond what we already know?
  10. This sounds like a GIGANTIC revelation to me! Is this the first inkling of allomancy beyond what we already know?
  11. I'm over there thinking about an AI with a Nahel bond and the Realmatic implications of such are tremendous... I would be very interested in finding out just how much environmental protection Shardplate can provide; if it can in fact act like a space suit or a diving suit, that has a lot of implications too.
  12. I e-mailed Brandon several months ago asking for a copy of White Sand but he hasn't gotten back to me yet. I am definitely looking forward to seeing the graphic novel.
  13. How many times is it acceptable to e-mail Brandon and ask for copies of White Sand and Aether of Night? I requested them several months ago prior to the release of the newsletter prior to the current one and never received anything.
  14. Any theory that is sorta-kinda-endorsed by Peter is definitely an interesting one. I am especially intrigued by the idea that a Soulbearer Ferring could "Hulk Out" and transform into a Koloss. The big question is how they avoid the resulting damage to their circulatory system caused by the strain of being so large in a one-G field. It makes me wonder if a Soulbearer/Thug Twinborn would be the best candidate to take advantage of this supposed ability.
  15. My personal theory is that the extra power of the Ruin Shard was expended in modifying the koloss into a true breeding race of humans and modifying the mistwraiths back into kandra that don't need Hemalurgic spikes to maintain a coherent cognitive aspect. This obviously has implications for the impending atium respawn but I have no idea what that could be.
  16. I have a basic question Brandon might answer: Is spiritual DNA shaped like a helix?
  17. I'd like to know what the most over-the-top reaction from Team Sanderson has been when Brandon pops up with another novel for you all to send through the publishing pipeline.
  18. That last question is fantastic. Now I'm going to be thinking about anti-investiture and all of its applications, especially aluminium. The question about an Aluminum Gnat touching metal with a bloody hand is also a good one. I've often wondered if a Gnat could cut their hand, touch a bridge, and destroy it completely when they burn their metal.
  19. There is WoB somewhere which says that it is difficult to bond 2 spren, especially if the spren are of different orders. However, Brandon did leave some wiggle room that suggests that it may be theoretically possible.
  20. Miles Hundredlives was killed at the end of The Alloy of Law, and when he died he spoke a phrase that was reminiscent of the death rattles seen on Roshar. http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=948 has a question asked by Mason Wheeler: I would be interested to know if we'll get any clues about what Miles was talking about when he died, and if it really was a death rattle, or if it was something else.
  21. I asked for it several weeks ago, just prior to Brandon's departure for the Firefight tour, and haven't received it yet.
  22. Brandon Sanderson got bored one day and started doodling on a crumpled napkin with a mostly-dry pen. The resulting novella won three awards and spawned a subreddit and two new sub forums on the 17th Shard. Brandon Sanderson knows where Waldo is. Not because Waldo told him but because Brandon wrote down where he wanted Waldo to be, and Waldo was there. Brandon Sanderson got bored one night and scribbled a stick figure onto a rough piece of cardboard with a blunt crayon. The resulting MtG card became more valuable than the Black Lotus and had to be banned in tournament play because it was so awesome that opponents kept conceding after it was played.
  23. Brandon Sanderson creates diamonds for his wife by placing a piece of coal under one of his manuscripts. The coal is crushed almost immediately. Brandon Sanderson Dropped one of his manuscripts once. The United States Geological Survey made him promise never to do that ever again. Brandon Sanderson wrote a novel so quickly one time that the resulting friction melted his keyboard. Brandon Sanderson knows why the answer is 42.
  24. This is amazing. All the up votes! Brandon Sanderson understands Foucault's Pendulum. Brandon Sanderson created a magic system that solved the traveling salesman problem, just so that the books of his favorite authors could get delivered to bookstores more efficiently!
  25. Brandon Sanderson accidentally flouted Kürt Godel's incompleteness theorem with one of his magic systems. Brandon Sanderson is not allowed to stay in Utah diring a snowstorm. The last time he did so, thousands of trees died to provide the paper to print the resulting novels. Brandon Sanderson wrote the ending of The Neverending Story.
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