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Everything posted by Natans

  1. Someone know what are the "right color", in my version it's is amber too.
  2. To me the "visions" and the "voice" are related, something supernatural are happening with Dalinar, and the number one suspect of supernatural things in roshar are the sprens. In one of the epilogues someone was reported see strange vision in the highstorms, in another epilogue someone said that he saw beings with "lines in the place of heads". We know that the second one are related with a spren the first one also could be a example of this. Which spren so far interacted in a different way with the human that he bonded ( Jasnah was threated, Kaladin pranked, Shallan stalked). maybe the vision are some kind of bonding process peculiar to the spren that Dalinar are bonding.
  3. Renarin. Sanderson said that he are almost but not quite there. Well, aside that, Renarin with his social problems and comportament raised some flags even before i readed about in one of Sanderson interviews. =)
  4. Wow. Very useful thank you very much for your troubles friend =)
  5. Just a question who they did to put this book in that little airsick lowlander boxes ? They will ship the books in parts or something ?
  6. WOW, the only thing that come to my mind when i read this kind of post is: We really have a bunch of smart guys here in forum =)
  7. Two ? This book is so awesome that each box contain one book the rest of the space are filled with pure awesomeness =)
  8. I will pass to Laboral Federal Jugde Test(Juiz Federal do Trabalho)!!!!!
  9. Talking about your tongue paperclip Just kidding =) PS: Now is the time!!!! Team A Track the parcel Team B ready your weapons we are going in boys Team C, stop drolling for the Almighty sake. =)
  10. Pando.... Roshar a moon? This is a new one. Peter said that something are going on with the moons, anyone have a guess? We have three moons. Maybe which one are a "Shard base" for Honor, Odium. Cultivaiton watch their hunger g..... Oath pact. Maybe the Parshendi are originate there. Or better yet. The Tranquile Halls are in one of the moons, and the human are forced do Roshar latter on. after all the human are kicked of one place before come to Roshar.
  11. This and of course the book is already being tested to serve like ballistic armor plate by several armies around the globe. Field tests showed that a person using "Radiance armor" could sustain continued fire of .50 with almost no damage* (the bullets didn't passed even the preface). It was also reported that operatives experimented odd surges of strenght and velocity of yet unknown origin. The only inconvient that was reported are that in some cases the test subjects began to shine(not radiotive related) further studies are occurring right now.
  12. This is the right time to suggest we take a assault team and bust in Tor Hq to free this book? It's is clear that the book are miss handled by the Tor folk. For Almighty sake they put a freaking Dinossaur at it side, the poor thing must be terrified. It would be only right release it from captivity and bring it here to 17th Shard are we could take better care of it =)
  13. And the winner of the internet is .... =) PS: Well this would be nice .... Amaram looked to the spear trusted in his chest and with a weak voice said "...sorry..for ... " With a rapid movement Kaladin taked his spear of Amaram death body and looking at him said "I forgive you. Your death will mean more "for he greater good that are the favoritve excuse of every bastard" than your life" Now Rock what he have to sup ? Call Adolin and Renarim my bro's to hang out. Hello there *insert your favorite love interrest*.
  14. I hope that they star with a boom, let say some Shallan art would be awesome =)
  15. About the moons they have some kind of affect in tidal variation and/or season ? I ask because the planet have a very anomaly season variation and epic highstorms (that probably are more related with the cognitive aspects of the planet or something but even so). If the planet are smaller than earth and have more moons that (we don't know the size of the moons) this woundn't influence the tidal and season variation ? Another question. In the wit history he said something about the time that taked to the ship find land after they left the main continent ?
  16. What worse that don't know? Know that information exist but the person that know are messing up your head =) This kind of thing aren't of Honor When Harmony put Scandrial in the proper place in the solar system he, correctly, put the planet in a position that the sun wouldn't be to far(cold) of to close(hot). So i kind believe that within in the power of a Shard to make a planet take precise 500 days to give a full round around the sun =)
  17. Yes, buttttt it must exist a reason why which order have two surges. I second this theory of hybrid surgebing. Also, I propose that Jasnah "soulcast ray of death" are a mix of transformation + transportation surges =)
  18. Yes orrrrr he could kill Amaram and forgive all the others lighteyes, it's just one lighteye nobody would miss just one lighteye =) Be welcomed take this upvote for breaking the shella nd begin posting =)
  19. It was a shard that created Roshar, wasn't? If so he kind had the power to mess around a bit, let's say making the planet take 500 days to orbit the sun just because he liked he multiples of 5. =)
  20. Teft said that he would have Gaz beans, well it's is very hard have the beans of other person without killing the said person first =) My second guess is that Gaz used the some surge and ended in a very bad situation. Before anyone begin, He had a broke soul, he spoted "shadows" moving in his blind side, and some sprens aren't so discerning like honor spren =)
  21. He looks like sad fella, and have confidence issues but this is enough to have broken soul ? I think that his mother death and Dalinar curse could be related to this. Something is a little off here. For once I don't think that the son of a highprince like Dalinar could have such bad life.
  22. Dalinar death will be enough to break his soul I like him but let be sincere folks he is doomed, old warrior dying is a common trope ;( Thinking about what broke Renarin soul ? His health condition ?
  23. Yes, very sharp relation they got there =) I was waiting that in the midle of the fight he screamed the "true name of this blade" to achieve his Bankai, but the fight didn't drag that long =)
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