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Everything posted by Natans

  1. Kurkistan is out, (and many other member it's seems) I think that I will take a vacation too, this forum are getting dangerous by the day =)
  2. Don't work, i already tried., He are like a major deity of chaos, if we got a really nice theory discussion going on he would drop by and say something like " l Like this one" or drop a cryptic tidbit that would make us wonder and then he would vanish in the shadows to watch we discuss until the death the new info. Devious =) Side note I know the ritual to summon Lady Feather (post that Renarin will die fighting Szeth) and Kuskistan (Make some tall promise that he could use against you in the future) that help in some way ?
  3. AG Rooster, good call changing the title of the topic Prototype covers( That i really liked) Uk covers And someone know if the Japanese cover use a different art. They cover usally are very different, maybe Setsuoni could tell ?
  4. Nice find here another ones =) If anyone have a different cover art plx share =) PS:I was thinking, how about we do some kind of official cover art post or something =)
  5. In this book. Jasnah (I suspect thatin this book), and maybe Dalinar In the next ones Elhokar, And maybe Navani and Renarin and Adolin. The solo survivor will be Elhokar infant son =) And maybe Renarim or Adolin =) Jasnah will die because she know to much, and are willing to share. And we know that no wise character can share to much under risk of death. Dalinar because he are next in Assassin 47 list Renarin or Adolin because one must die to the other "break his soul" Renarim are a better candidate Navani because she can't do much alone. Elhokar because if he die the plot will thick =) PS: Don Kamra II I glad that I inspired you to do this post I was thinking to post this myself =)
  6. I sure hope that Peter keep hang on in the forum after release so we can tell him ahhhhhhh i see what you have done there and there and there too (repeat ad infinitum). He are like the 17th Shard "Personal Marketing Program" with all his: Wait and see. RAFO'S. And hooks that he drop here and there =) This sure helped build my hype.(Kind like Jake Saloman of 2K) One question Peter do you pretend make some kind of review after the book are released?
  7. He don't use the Forum( I think) but that Peter pass him the relevant information about his fandom. Like Hey Brandon Don't Kill Renarim because Someone could come looking for your blood and things like this =)
  8. In the end poor Lopen are wrong, Kaladin don't fly he just fall upward. Poor guy probably he will not recieve the hand of Herzadian princess but how know maybe he could receive the hand of her cousin
  9. My take on the matter. "I knew it.(when he see Kaladin basic lashing) When we have this figured out,(here he are sugesting that they will find a way to teach other people surgebinding) the king of all Herdaz, he will say to me, 'Lopen, you are glowing, and this is impressive. But you can also fly. For this, you may marry my daughter.'"( For the LULZ he see himself leaning flying=))
  10. Another thing, what is the size of this thing? By the look of at it will occupy all the forehead of the brigdemen. In some place It was said that Kaladin scar are hidden by his hair or something but if this thing are huge who that could be possible ?
  11. Hahahahahahahaha. Lopen are the dude =) So Kaladin will fly in this book =) Also some implication that Lopen can use Windrunner Surges, like the Proto-Radiant in Dalinar vision or that he bonded too? More likely it is his way of speak. He like to put things in first person, like when he said. "Oh Lopen you have only one arm but you can shine, I think you must kiss me now" =) Also this must be some training section because Lopen wouldn't joking around if they are fighing Szeth, a assassin, or the parshendi army=)
  12. Tanat are the date =) PS: Ninja'd The gyphs for freedom are wings, nice touch =) The number gyph four have 4 angles classic interpretation. By the same logic I think that at least 8 will be draw along this line below (given the Alenthi preference for simetric forms)
  13. Wow I never saw that one, good catch =) I think that Fabrial tech would be awesome in a sci-fi setting, they are now basically simple magitek, but give a few centuries and things could turn very impessive, like mass accelaration guns, FTL or Shadesmere "Slip space" drives, etc Some fix here and there and your could convert a Shardplate in a power suit and so on =)
  14. Download the kindle app to your cellphone and give a try. Kindle are cheap too(I bougth two as gifts for R$200 a piece few months ago) and man that little bugger are one of the best things that I bought in a few years It's so easy to read big books and to find fantasy books that aren't released in Brasil. You alsocan put pdf and such that you made to study (Muito bom para revisar para concursos ou para a faculdade) The amazon store sell all the book of the US amazon and you can pay in R$ the exact price in dollar. No tax. Just the consersion dollar/real rate of the day in your credit card (ou boleto). And again welcome =)
  15. ........ too late now =( I blame Chaos, until his review i wasn't so ansious =)
  16. Another Brazilian =) Tks god I'm no alone in my suffering anymore =) Buy in the Amazon the kindle version just R$29 https://www.livrariacultura.com.br/Produto/LIVRO/WAY-OF-KINGS-THE/22023005 http://www.amazon.com.br/Words-Radiance-Stormlight-Archive-The-ebook/dp/B00DA6YEKS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1393353576&sr=8-1&keywords=words+of+radiance
  17. Lucky bastards =) Having read the book first =) Good to know that the fan liked too, professional reviews are always suspect to me =) Now the hyper are doubled =) PS: WOW damnation after read your review I got goosebumps man, I NEVER had goosebumps reading a review. =)
  18. New "official art". one word. HERO =) Very kind gesture =)
  19. Friend Jasnah probablly will die first so they kind could met in the afterlife =)
  20. Brandon said that the others planets and moons are "relevant" in this serie. Now what that means are kind a mystery. Side note: Odium are based in another planet in the Gran Roshar Sytem Braise, and the Shardesmere kind allow inter planetary voyage so maybe we will have some action in anothers planets. Second side note:It is also theorized that the damnation and the tranquiline halls are other planets, and that humanity coming to Roshar was caused by Odium/Honor war =)
  21. Cocky but good natured,sound like a woman to me. Chach - Spark - Soul Fire Brave Obedient My best guess
  22. .... and there are copyright issues too =(
  23. Well, I agree with tha Parshendi attack I think that plenty of people will dir but n the ened someone (Dalinar, Shallan, Renarin, etc) save day. And when everything are fine Szeth arrives =) In some of the non-spoiller review some said that would be Bang-BANG- BANG - Calm down - ULTRA BANG. My guess is that the ultra bang will be Szeth in the end after everyone are thinking that things are cool =)
  24. Not suggesting... just pointing out. Huh I see what you have done there I personally don't think that Sanderson will Kill 3 Kholin in this book. (Jasnah and Dalinar are i my death list). If he kill Adolin and Renarin that would be little bit to much to me. And don't forget Elhokar him, after Dalinar, are one of the character whose death would move the plot more, what put him in good position to die in this book too =) Even Martin didn't Kill 3 Starks in a book = )
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