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Everything posted by Song

  1. Elhokar's humility was one of his most powerful traits. He really wanted to be a good king, and he was willing to turn to a dark-eyes to learn how, not many would have cared enough to do that. He is crippled by self doubt in the first two books (Not surprising given all the intelligence and charisma of the rest of his family), but by the 3rd he accepts himself and starts to contribute. Such a tragic end!
  2. Do we have conformation on who is on the cover of the UK OB. I assume it is Veil in Shardsmere but I would love to know for sure.
  3. I think the Squire thing is a way to build up the numbers without every radiant having a dramatic back story, and still having the main characters be extra significant. We don't yet know the back stories of the other Radiants. I don't think you could say that Kaladin and Shallan have the worst histories, everyone of our Radiants have been through hell, we are just not sure of the details yet. And Taln literally went through hell so he probably does wins @Steeldancer #cultoftanatforeva
  4. I think there is a sense of the new ten "heroes" are the new Heralds in that they will lead and train humanity to face a new desolation. Great thoughts @Gladiator3003 on how the Heralds attributes are shown by them (and welcome!). I am not convinced that it is possible for 9 Heralds to take up the old Heralds side of the oathpact- because they abandoned it. But maybe one of our heroes- to give humanity time to prepare for a final show down- might take Taln's place in Braize. My guess is Renarin or Dalinar.
  5. Cultivation's planning bore fruit, but she did not sound confident of the result. Her speech almost sounded like: This might end in disaster but this is what my nature leads me to do. So while her future sight won over Odiums in this instance I don't want to say she plans for the future better than anyone when she herself doesn't seem to imply that.
  6. Just finished it 15 minutes ago! So great. I think I was a bit put off reading it because it bugged me that there were all these 'in-jokes' in SA I didn't understand. Glad I got over that Seriously, how does Brandon keep tricking me with twists. The only plot points I saw coming was Life-song giving his life for the God King. Great book. Looking forward to the next one one day (though I will miss Siri of she isn't in it).
  7. I loved it. It felt more convuluted and chaotic that it's predecessors but it contained so much gold. There aren't many books that I will happily re-read the moment I finish them. It is the middle book of an epic fantasy. That it was so engrossing while still setting up a million future plot points is quite extraordinary.
  8. Yes this! As the fight goes on Kaladin cares less and less about killing Amaran. It is a ramped up version of his interaction with Roshone, where he realises that vengence is not a worthy focus. And a complete and intentional contast to Moash, who is numb and when Lady Lewisham asks what he wants, all he cares about is revenge. As a writer I am facinated when Brandon changes things or lets people live who he originally planned to kill. As a reader I kind of wish I didn't know, it changes how I feel about a character and pulls me out of the story too much.
  9. Rlain mentions Listeners can't change forms without being willing. It is part of his frustration in his POV chapter, that they doubt him despite his assurances about how it works.
  10. I love the storms and the stormlight. I think it makes such an interesting premise for a world, and how people and flora and fauna might adjust. Sprens are fun. I love particularly emotions being expressed by their appearance. Third is the gender stuff. The women write/read is such an interesting take on gender norms. I love how as Dalinar learns to read he begins to think the men got the short end of the stick. And the concept that your left-hand as a women is super racey is hilarious. Those Alethean prudes!
  11. Renarin fiddles with a chain in his pocket a few times in OB, could that be it?
  12. It is a facinating distinction. Listening is more passive, but also more self-less. Singers is more direct. Makes me think about the old rhythms verses the new. A small but very cool distinction. I hope that Rlain is on a secret mission, that would be a great start to book 4. Anyone remember the location of the listener home before they moved to Narak?
  13. Taln is the best! That scene with Ash made me cry. I can't imagine he will just be healed, it didn't seem to work for Nale. Though I think bonding with a spren is inevitable and will help, I think we will still only get moments of a lucidity- at least for the moment. I think it would be too simple of he was just healed. Then the Radiants could just get all their answers and Taln would be honorable and right all the time and that would be that. But broken Taln's moments of lucidity will be crucial to the cause. I don't think he is long for this world. Reasons: - Moash/Vyre is going to be hunting Heralds and he will be top of Odium's list. -Awesome though he is, I don't think his present-self can carry a whole book in the second half. Which makes me think that by then we will have a Stoneward Radiant and it will be their book with Taln's undoubtedly awesome flashbacks. (ducks for cover)
  14. Thanks for putting this together @AC12 this is really helpful. I wonder if the Herald can sense each other's blades? It would explain how Kelek knew what Szeth possessed, without having seen it at that point.
  15. Thank you, I actually meant when they appear in the books (like drunk Jez with Dalinar). People talk about it all the time on this forum but I never have any clue when I am reading the books.
  16. Can someone do a post on all the known and suspected Herald appearances? I have no clue and would love to know where to find them.
  17. I like the Mistborn magic, I love Stormlight. Mistborn is more "Oh, that is really cool"., where as S.A. managed to find the perfect blend of the system that makes sense and yet carried a huge wow factor.
  18. She eats men's food from memory. Clearly doesn't mind flaunting the rules. I hope she comes back, she has potential to be a great character.
  19. I think there is much more mystery surrounding the Shin than the listeners. So while I think Eshonai's story will be facinating I am particularly excited about Szeth's.
  20. I feel almost the oposite. I think it is really cool that Brandon puts real people in, it barely effects my immersion and it makes me extra attached to characters who would normally be B4 characters that I struggle to distinguish. As for Lyn, I really enjoy her arc. Not just the societal gender defying things but her wanting to be a radiant. I am surprised we don't have more of the populous fighting to join the Windrunners. I would!
  21. Good pick ups with the reactions. He could be important. Can Heralds have children? Get injured? Those would be my main questions that would suggest not.
  22. Song


    Thanks @FeatherWriter. He is the best. That scene with him and Dalinar and the bottle! I cry just thinking about it. So exciting getting his POV finally, though Brandon still managed to keep lots if mystery in his arc. Can't wait for his book
  23. It is probably my favourite chapter in the whole book. It is an interesting thought. If it is part of the illumination side of the surge that relates to inspiring who you could be, could it be that Renarin had that effect on him as a proto-Truthwatcher? (I know not everyone thinks Renarin has that surge- but I think he is a full Truthwatcher with an extra void-surge for reasons that probably belong in a separate topic) Regardless, I see this as the turning point. The point where Dalinar was at Rock bottom and knew he needed to change. The Way of the Kings reading made him realise that maybe change was possible (and Cultivation helped him get there), but I see this as the point that made him want that new path.
  24. I went with Taravagian. I know he is probably most people's favourite. But his Utilitarian attitude really bugs me. Life doesn't work like that. In no world should you hang the 4 just in case. And that he appeared kind and simple in WoK and then turned out to be Szeth's cold master and a murderer of his own patients? I still haven't forgiven him, even if we understand his motivations better in later books. I know there are theories that he is really on the good-side or a pawn for Cultivation, and you also could say he is a victim of his curse/boon but the fact that he values his intelligents over his compassion shows his priorities. And his compassion is really just a 'I feel bad', not a willingness to act with compassion. But I do love reading his arc. And I agree with previous people, I would have enjoyed a bit more of Amarans POV
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