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Status Replies posted by danex

  1. Happy birthday dannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnex!

  2. Happy late b-day!!!

  3. So.

    Yesterday was the State competition for the science fair run by the local Junior Academy of Sciences. Same thing as the Regional Competition, which I think I talked about. I had my poster and presented my research to a bunch of judges. The first few were really tough, they asked me hard questions. One listened politely, said I had good research, then questioned the validity and importance of the topic itself. The later judges were better.

    From my school were five people at state; four seniors and me, a junior.

    The awards ceremony took forever, but they had a bunch of cash prizes and scholarships from a bunch of sponsors, and I got a 250$ thingy from some organization that I know nothing about.

    Then they announced the overall winners for State, the people who would go to Nationals.

    And I was somehow one of them. Apparently my project impressed the judges enough for me to present my research in Denver, Colorado. There aren't any awards at Nationals; it's basically just a conference where science nerds get together and present their science. Which sounds fun. It's in February.

    I am proud of this. I seem to be good at science. Which is nice, because I want to go into science as a career.

    Also my ACT scores came back.

  4. Happy Birthday dannnnnex!!! 

  5. Happy birthday Da[n=5]ex!

  6. Happy birthday!

  7. Quick association check:

    When you hear 'Sic semper tyrannis', what is the first thing you think of?  Spoiler box your answers so there's no cross-contamination please.

  8. IMG_20230417_155850681.thumb.jpg.4b01b8a14c11d15d6b00d34997c5afdf.jpg

    IT CAME!!!



  9. survey time

    how would you describe brandon's pacing

    spoiler ur answers

  10. The Iconar Collective (Mark 18 - initial redraft) is officially 2/3rds complete.

  11. It is the International Day for Landmine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action.


    On that note, do not go to far East france.

  12. yooo

    chat gpt can play dnd

    my prompt:

    can you generate a random and complete dnd character sheet that accurately follows all the rules of DnD 5e?



    Yes, I can generate a random and complete DnD character sheet that accurately follows all the rules of DnD 5e. Please note that this is a random character generated by an algorithm, and may not be perfectly optimized for any specific playstyle or campaign. However, it should be a functional character sheet that can be used in a game.

    Character Name: Korgar

    Class: Barbarian

    Background: Outlander

    Race: Half-Orc

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

    Ability Scores:

    • Strength: 18
    • Dexterity: 12
    • Constitution: 16
    • Intelligence: 8
    • Wisdom: 10
    • Charisma: 8


    • Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
    • Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
    • Tools: None
    • Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
    • Skills: Athletics, Survival


    • Greataxe
    • Two handaxes
    • Explorer's Pack
    • Four javelins
    • Leather armor
    • A necklace made from the teeth of a wild beast
    • A belt of woven vines
    • A small collection of interesting rocks and stones

    Features and Traits:

    • Rage: Twice per long rest, Korgar can enter a state of fierce rage that lasts for 1 minute. While raging, Korgar gains advantage on Strength checks and saving throws, deals extra damage with melee weapons, and gains resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
    • Unarmored Defense: When Korgar is not wearing any armor, his Armor Class is 10 + his Dexterity modifier + his Constitution modifier.
    • Proficient in Nature and Survival: Korgar is proficient in the Nature and Survival skills.
    • Half-Orc Resilience: Korgar has advantage on saving throws against being frightened and can resist being knocked unconscious once per long rest.
    • Wanderer: Korgar can always find food and fresh water for himself and up to five other people each day, and can secure simple lodgings for himself and his party in most wilderness areas.


    Korgar does not have any spells, as Barbarians do not cast spells in DnD 5e.

    Hit Points:

    Korgar's maximum hit points at 1st level are 12 (10 + his Constitution modifier of +3).


    Korgar grew up in the wilds, living off the land and learning to hunt and survive on his own. He has little use for civilization, and prefers the freedom and simplicity of the outdoors. Korgar is fiercely independent and has a short temper, but he is loyal to those he considers his friends.


    I'm not crazy knowledgeable about dnd but that seems generally accurate
    y'all see any flaws?
  13. Humans don't have hygroreceptors.

    Insects have hygroreceptors. Spiders have hygroreceptors. Humans do not.

    Fadran, what the heck is a hygroreceptor?

    Humans, most traditionally, have the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. This was devised  (somewhat unsurprisingly) by Aristotle, has carried through to modern-day education, and is completely and totally wrong.

    At least... scientifically, anyways.

    I don't mean to diss on my boy Ari. He's great. And if he'd had access to our modern-day academia surrounding biology and such, then he would've come to a different conculsion. Those five consist of several overlaps between a whole slew of disputed senses and non-senses that humans may or may not have, because these bloody neurologists cannot for the life of them ever agree on anything.

    Fadran, what the heck is a hygroreceptor?

    There are a few senses that most neurologists (apparently) agree upon. Nociception is the sense of pain, Proprioception (I refer to it as Somatic) is the sense of your own body (like where you arm is, and how you can move it without thinking), and Equilibrioception is the sense of balance.

    The numbers are disputed. Most agree on at least nine. Some say there's twenty-one. Michael Cohen theorized and researched fifty-three total senses (I'm going to list them all in a spoiler box because why the heck not).


    Radiation Sensitivities
    1. Sense of light and sight (including polarized light)
    2. Sense of seeing without eyes.
    3. Sense of color
    4. Sense of moods and identities attached to color
    5. Sense of ones visibility or invisibility
    6. Sensitivity to invisible radiation
    7. Sense of temperature and temperature change
    8. Sense of season
    9. Electromagnetic sense and polarity,including the ability to generate current as in brain waves or other energies

    Feeling Senses
    10. Hearing - including resonance, vibration, sonar, ultrasonic frequencies
    11. Awareness of pressure
    12. Sensitivity to gravity
    13. Sense of excretion
    14. Feel, particularly touch on the skin
    15. Sense of weight and balance
    16. Space or proximity sense
    17. Coriolus sense (Earths rotation)
    18. Sense of motion. Body movement sensations and sense of mobility

    Chemical Senses
    19. Smell with and beyond the nose
    20. Taste with and beyond the mouth
    21. Appetite and hunger for food water and air
    22. Food obtaining urges including hunting and killing
    23. Humidity sense including thirst, evaporation control, acumen to find water
    24. Hormonal sense such as pheromones and other chemical stimuli

    Mental Senses
    25. Pain - external and external
    26. Mental or spiritual distress
    27. Sense of fear, dread of injury, death, or attack
    28. Procreative urges - sex awareness, courting, love, mating, child-rearing
    29. Sense of play, sport, humor, pleasure, laughter
    30. Sense of physical place, navigation senses, position of celestial bodies
    31. Sense of time
    32. Sense of electromagnetic fields
    33. Sense of weather changes
    34. Sense of emotional place, of community, belonging, support, trust, and thankfulness
    35. Sense of self, including friendship, companionship, and power
    36. Domineering and territorial sense
    37. Colonizing sense inc. receptive awareness of one's fellow creatures
    38. Horticultural sense and ability to cultivate.
    39. Language and articulation sense, used to express feelings and convey information
    40. Sense of humility, appreciation, and ethics.
    41. Senses of form and design
    42. Reasoning, including memory, logic and science
    43. Sense of mind and consciousness
    44. Intuition or subconscious deduction
    45. Aesthetic sense - creativity, appreciation of music and beauty
    46. Psychic capacity
    47. Sense of biological/astral time, awareness of past-present-future events
    48. The capacity to hypnotize other creatures.
    49. Relaxation and sleep - dreaming, meditation, brain wave awareness
    50. Sense of pupation- cocoon building and metamorphosis
    51. Sense of excessive stress and capitulation.
    52. Sense of survival by joining a more established organism
    53. Spiritual sense - conscience, sublime love, ecstasy, sin, profound, sorrow and sacrifice

    But no hygroreceptors.

    Fadran, what the heck is a hygroreceptor?

    A Hygroreceptor is a type of sensory organ that detects humidity and wetness. Go find a nature documentary from BBC and see if you can find David Attenborough explain the life cycle of some insect that stays underground its entire life until it somehow senses rain a day early or something. Most invertibrates have hygroreceptors, meaning that they can feel wetness.

    Fadran, you ding-dong, I can feel humidity. You fool. You imbecile. You absolute candlestick.

    No you can't.

    Go jump in a pool. Or leastaways imagine jumping in a pool. If you're where I am then it is not yet pool weather.

    What do you feel?

    Cold, first of all. Probably. You're going to feel cold. But then you're going to swim around for awhile and it'll start to warm up until you're comfortable.

    (Unless you're swimming in that one pool we had with an AirBNB that one time. Blimey, that was frigid).

    Why do you feel warm in the pool after awhile? Well, because you got used to it, right?


    Humans have thermoreceptors, which are not temperature detectors. You are not feeling temperature, you are feeling the heat exchange from your body. This is why a room temperature metal plate will feel colder than a room temperature plastic plate; the metal is a conductor, and draws heat from your body. You feel the heat leaving your body, and thus the metal feels cold.

    When you jump in the water, the water is colder than your body. Humans run at nearly 100 Fahrenheit on average, which is actually pretty dang hot if you think about it. Most of this heat is internal, meaning it's really warm in all your squishy organs and such, but less so on your skin (the reason why your head/ears are what you check for fevers is probably because that's where you brain is - that thing is more powerful than any PC ever built. It's gonna run hot sometimes). This is why you can jump into 50 F water as a 98 F without freezing to death; we're pretty tough in that regard, all things considered. But we're a lot warmer than the water regardless, so thermodynamics kicks in and we start losing heat.

    When the water stops feeling cold, that's because we're coming into external equilibrium with its temperature, such that we stop losing heat so rapidly. After awhile the water might even start to feel warm. All the molecules are finally calming the heck down with the heat exchange and figuring out how chill or un-chill this party is going to be.

    But then you suddenly have to pee and this pool really isn't big enough to do it quietly, so you have to get out and go to the bathroom.

    And then suddenly it's freezing again.

    There is water all over your body, and you start feeling cold. If it's windy then doubly so. It's because the water's cold, right?

    Not quite. It's because you're warm - and the water wants to be too.

    There's air, and its molecules are all nice and chaotic. Molecules like being chaotic. That's how the universe designed them. Water, as a molecule, also likes being chaotic. Like all matter, it's most chaotic in molecular form as a gas - meaning, when it evaporates.

    (Side tangent: Doesn't water boil at 212 F? Humans are only ever a bit over 100 on bad days. Well turns out what you learned in grade school about the states of matter is also super wrong. There is always some level of action going on that takes molecules away from liquid clumps and turns them into gaseous clumps. A substance's boiling point is the highest amount of energy you can put into a fluid - anything at that or above will turn it into a gas with no chance of parole. I learned this just now and will probably make another SU at some point ranting about it if I decide the science is cool enough).

    But where is the water getting its energy from?

    You. Duh.

    Evaporating takes energy, so it needs to suck energy away from something. That something is you. This is the essential scientific principle behind why you sweat on hot days: you generate water, and evaporation cools you down. Simple as that. 

    So you finish peeing and jump back in the pool. It still feels nice and warm - that's because you're a quick peer (...pee-er? Urine-er? Urinater? Urinator?). You're body hasn't had the chance to get back into equilibrium with the regular air atmosphere, meaning you're still at roughly pool temperature on the outside. If you had dried off and sat out in the sun for awhile, you'd steadily feel yourself grow warmer as the heat of the nasty summer day starts pumping thermal energy back into your body.

    Fadran, what does any of this have to do with hygroreceptors?

    I know my fair share of people who say that water isn't wet.

    My own older sister was one such person who consistently insisted to me that water isn't wet.

    Someone's girlfriend pestered them so much that they asked Bill Nye if water isn't wet.

    Water doesn't feel wet when you're in it! You don't feel the water when you're submerged! Water isn't wet!

    You can't feel wetness. No one can. Your perception of wetness is a combination of developed texture and thermal senses. When you're submerged in water there's no air for it to evaporate into, so you don't feel any thermal exchange. When you're soaking back onshore you feel cold because there is. You feel the water slipping down you because you know what water feels like; there's an awful lot of it, and you feel it all the time.

    But you aren't feeling the wetness.

    No one is.

  14. yooo

    chat gpt can play dnd

    my prompt:

    can you generate a random and complete dnd character sheet that accurately follows all the rules of DnD 5e?



    Yes, I can generate a random and complete DnD character sheet that accurately follows all the rules of DnD 5e. Please note that this is a random character generated by an algorithm, and may not be perfectly optimized for any specific playstyle or campaign. However, it should be a functional character sheet that can be used in a game.

    Character Name: Korgar

    Class: Barbarian

    Background: Outlander

    Race: Half-Orc

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

    Ability Scores:

    • Strength: 18
    • Dexterity: 12
    • Constitution: 16
    • Intelligence: 8
    • Wisdom: 10
    • Charisma: 8


    • Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
    • Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
    • Tools: None
    • Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
    • Skills: Athletics, Survival


    • Greataxe
    • Two handaxes
    • Explorer's Pack
    • Four javelins
    • Leather armor
    • A necklace made from the teeth of a wild beast
    • A belt of woven vines
    • A small collection of interesting rocks and stones

    Features and Traits:

    • Rage: Twice per long rest, Korgar can enter a state of fierce rage that lasts for 1 minute. While raging, Korgar gains advantage on Strength checks and saving throws, deals extra damage with melee weapons, and gains resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
    • Unarmored Defense: When Korgar is not wearing any armor, his Armor Class is 10 + his Dexterity modifier + his Constitution modifier.
    • Proficient in Nature and Survival: Korgar is proficient in the Nature and Survival skills.
    • Half-Orc Resilience: Korgar has advantage on saving throws against being frightened and can resist being knocked unconscious once per long rest.
    • Wanderer: Korgar can always find food and fresh water for himself and up to five other people each day, and can secure simple lodgings for himself and his party in most wilderness areas.


    Korgar does not have any spells, as Barbarians do not cast spells in DnD 5e.

    Hit Points:

    Korgar's maximum hit points at 1st level are 12 (10 + his Constitution modifier of +3).


    Korgar grew up in the wilds, living off the land and learning to hunt and survive on his own. He has little use for civilization, and prefers the freedom and simplicity of the outdoors. Korgar is fiercely independent and has a short temper, but he is loyal to those he considers his friends.


    I'm not crazy knowledgeable about dnd but that seems generally accurate
    y'all see any flaws?
  15. https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/books/a43438119/brandon-sanderson-profile/?fbclid=PAAaYyWVVOHNXTHbtUN2ZqdWqAh5F3BPi53OL_6L4QByQKuERsyAghKT-HJZ0

    Here's a super nice and interesting Sanderson article. It actually mentions the wired article, as the author had time to call Sanderson and ask some of his feelings about it before publishing this one. I thought this one was really fascinating. Also it just went ahead and told us the tentative Stromlight five title!! Knights of Wind and Truth! I though it was gonna be Ketek of Wind, so i wasn't that far lol.

    Also six entire years for Stormlight six?? adjsksdkjskubkuabkbkkjdagfkjgkfhjslshdjhsfkd;gsfkjdgajsgfjlds;fjlsdgfjh

  16. https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/books/a43438119/brandon-sanderson-profile/?fbclid=PAAaYyWVVOHNXTHbtUN2ZqdWqAh5F3BPi53OL_6L4QByQKuERsyAghKT-HJZ0

    Here's a super nice and interesting Sanderson article. It actually mentions the wired article, as the author had time to call Sanderson and ask some of his feelings about it before publishing this one. I thought this one was really fascinating. Also it just went ahead and told us the tentative Stromlight five title!! Knights of Wind and Truth! I though it was gonna be Ketek of Wind, so i wasn't that far lol.

    Also six entire years for Stormlight six?? adjsksdkjskubkuabkbkkjdagfkjgkfhjslshdjhsfkd;gsfkjdgajsgfjlds;fjlsdgfjh

    1. danex


      yeah that wired article was just awful

      jason kehe should be forbidden from ever writing anything ever again

      also yeah we knew kowt already, the stormlight 5 title was revealed in the state of the sanderson last december

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  17. Mangrove trees are one of the worst things ever added to Minecraft

  18. minecraft server has a new IP because many many many many many many technical issues (i am going to pull out my eyeballs)


    if any of you haven't checked it out yet you should its pretty cool.

  19. minecraft server has a new IP because many many many many many many technical issues (i am going to pull out my eyeballs)


    if any of you haven't checked it out yet you should its pretty cool.

  20. minecraft server has a new IP because many many many many many many technical issues (i am going to pull out my eyeballs)


    if any of you haven't checked it out yet you should its pretty cool.

  21. can we talk about inflation for a second


    we all know the bit

    old people being like "back in my day, you could buy a cheeseburger for a nickel" or whatever

    but like

    do you realize how fast its increasing

    i feel like people don't mention specific numbers enough

    you can see drastic, DRASTIC changes in prices in our own lifetimes

    inflation is up TWENTY FIVE PERCENT since 2016


    if you bought something for 100$ in 2016, it would cost 125$ now. 

    less than SEVEN. YEARS.

    I bought MANY things in 2016. I can REMEMBER these lower prices

    we are the old people now.

    go back a bit further and its even more extreme. since 2004, the year of my birth, prices have gone up SIXTY PERCENT. 



    i am never gonna be able to afford anything ever

  22. Mangrove trees are one of the worst things ever added to Minecraft

  23. So on Brandon’s podcast with Dan Wells, they took this personality quiz that rates your personality with 2000 fictional characters, and after listening I did it myself. There really wasn’t anything worth commenting on— I don’t know most of the characters near the top of my list anyway— until I scrolled to the very bottom.

    1999/2000, Mat Cauthon, 13% match

    It’s totally true, but it cracked me up. Like, I matched better with Lord Voldemort.

    Soooo don’t take my username too seriously xD

  24. Mangrove trees are one of the worst things ever added to Minecraft

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