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Status Replies posted by danex

  1. National Abolition of Slavery Day


    Hell yeah

  2. I've got 175 notifications.


    What??? I am genuinely a bit irritated about this, I try to keep up with my notifs but there's no way I'm checking all one hundred and seventy-five of these.

    Well, tell me if you quoted or tagged me I guess.

    (Also it went up to 183 while I was typing this.)

  3. its -19° outside.

    -33 with windchill factored in

    class was canceled tomorrow because if we go outside our skin will literally freeze within 15 minutes without proper gear.

    its dropped about 40° in like 4 days. one heck of a cold snap.

  4. its -19° outside.

    -33 with windchill factored in

    class was canceled tomorrow because if we go outside our skin will literally freeze within 15 minutes without proper gear.

    its dropped about 40° in like 4 days. one heck of a cold snap.

  5. thinking of changing the vowels in my name

    dont really like the way dannex sounds in my head anymore

    and people always just shorten it to dan and i dislike that

    possible options:








    i dislike anything with vowel #1 as ‘A’ since then we have the same problem of people shortening it to dan

    and i dislike the way the second vowel looks as a ‘Y’, so those bottom 6 are out too. 

    i kinda like the first vowel as a ‘Y’, but that is definitely the most radically different from what it currently is


  6. thinking of changing the vowels in my name

    dont really like the way dannex sounds in my head anymore

    and people always just shorten it to dan and i dislike that

    possible options:








    i dislike anything with vowel #1 as ‘A’ since then we have the same problem of people shortening it to dan

    and i dislike the way the second vowel looks as a ‘Y’, so those bottom 6 are out too. 

    i kinda like the first vowel as a ‘Y’, but that is definitely the most radically different from what it currently is


  7. Whoever finds the exact shade of grey needed to hide text in an SU reply gets imaginary Bookwyrm points.

  8. Whoever finds the exact shade of grey needed to hide text in an SU reply gets imaginary Bookwyrm points.

  9. yall
    go check out brandon's new video on his yt channel
    just do it

  10. yall
    go check out brandon's new video on his yt channel
    just do it

  11. yall
    go check out brandon's new video on his yt channel
    just do it

  12. yall
    go check out brandon's new video on his yt channel
    just do it

  13. I've booted up Minecraft again after like, a year+ of not touching it. And boy, can I just say this game is amazing?

  14. If I had a nickel for every time the same person asked me if I'm Amish, I would have two nickels.  Which isn't a lot, but you would have thought he would learn after the first time.

    I think it's hilarious (he just does not know what to make of me), but slightly weird all the same.

  15. im obsessed with chess again

    if yall were around for the last time this happened

    somehow i've gotten worse

    like a lot worse

    my elo the first time was like 700 (already not good)

    and now i'm stuck in the 300s

    but idc chess is fun and im playing it anyway

  16. Important.jpg.66fe3fbed122eeacd4dd5dd61e9a3d59.jpg\

    [12:22 AM; Jan 22, 2023]

    Ladies, gents, and genderbents; we call this court into session to discuss the reinclusion of Pluto into the Solar System Family. All rise for the honorable judge.

    [Judge enters]

    "At ease. Defendant may state their case."

    [Defending Attourney]: Your honor, let the record show that there are three qualifying factors to make you a planet:

    1. Be round (have enough gravity to squish yourself into a ball - known as Hydrostatic Equilibrium)
    2. Orbit the sun (obviously)
    3. Achieve influencial domination

    That third one is the one that disqualifies Pluto. Influencial domination means that the object in question has assimilated most or all smaller objects on their orbital path - that is to say, that it has conglomerated enough mass to dominate its sphere of influence. Pluto has achieved no such end result.

    [Judge]: Very well. May the prosecutor make their case.

    [Fadran (Prosecuting)]: Your honor, let the record show that this assumption was derived arbitrarily. While it is an effective claim, it is not based in fact or logic.

    [Defending]: Objection!

    [Judge]: Defending?

    [Defending]: Request for source.

    [Judge]: Affirmed.

    [Fadran]: The IAU's official term for the third effect is "clearing the neighborhood." There are no official thresholds, values, or proportions to back this claim. It is a simple phrase without any clear meaning. By its definition any amount of debris in any orbit could disqualify any planet, such as a rogue asteroid or even just a speck of dust.

    [Judge]: Defending?

    [Defending]: Your honor, while this claim is correct, it breaks down upon further investigation. On the other end of its scale, by removing this definition, any significantly-sized, round object orbiting the sun could be defined as a planet.

    [Fadran]: Request for source.

    [Judge]: Affirmed.

    [Defending]: Here is Wikipedia's list of objects in our solar system by size. The majority of these objects exist in an orbit around the sun. There are, approximately, dozens of these objects. Rejecting the definition of "clearing the neighborhood" would qualify most of these as planets.

    [Judge]: Prosecuting?

    [Fadran]: Your honor, the prosecuting wishes to cross-reference this information with this list of gravitationally-rounded objects.

    [Defending]: Your honor, relevancy.

    [Judge]: Affirmed.

    [Fadran]: Your honor, this list provides clear information as to several very specific bodies to be considered in Hydrostatic Equilibrium. In addition to the eight current planets plus the sun and moons, there are only ten other objects listed to meet this criteria. They are Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, Eris, Orcus, Salacia,Quaoar, Gonggong, Sednar.

    [Judge]: Let the record show that each of these objects have adorable names.

    [Defending]: Regardless, your honor, to remove the qualifier of clearing the neighborhood would be to speak out against the IAU itself in a decision made based on science that we had nothing to do with. It would violate the trust of our greatest minds and innovators. I call to cede this case to them on behalf of the Planet Earth.

    [Judge]: Is this your closing argument, defending?

    [Defending]: Yes.

    [Judge]: Prosecuting, are you prepared to make a closing statement?

    [Fadran]: Yes.

    [Judge]: Continue.

    [Fadran]: Your honor, the jury, and the world: Ohana means family. Ohana means no one is left behind. Pluto was once our own brother in the Solar System, and to cast him aside due to such arbitrary conditions and lackings of traits is to dishonor our names as children of the Sun and as citizens of the Milky Way Galaxy. We disservice our science, we disservice our culture, and we disservice our brother in spacetime.

    Let the record show that it is no more than rank distate that disqualifies him as our sibling. It was our human misconduct that pushed aside this deformed ally, friend, and brother. We cast him away to the other belittled and forgotten dwarf planets because we were too blind to see that a brother no matter the shape or size is a brother indeed.

    I call to reinstate Pluto as a planet! I call to bring our brother home! And if it means we must recognize a dozen others, them let them come! Let us open our doors, open our arms, and open our hearts to the family we have forgotten and cast aside! Is there not room enough in this Solar System for the all of us? I call to bring them home!

    [Defending]: ...

    [Judge]: Have you concluded your finishing statement?

    [Fadran]: Yes, sir.

    [Judge]: The vote is now taken to the jury.

    1. danex



      However it was not evidence expressed in this case and thus cannot qualify.

      thats not how courts work

      the jury doesn't need to cite a reason from the cited evidence they just provide a verdict

    2. (See 55 other replies to this status update)

  17. Important.jpg.66fe3fbed122eeacd4dd5dd61e9a3d59.jpg\

    [12:22 AM; Jan 22, 2023]

    Ladies, gents, and genderbents; we call this court into session to discuss the reinclusion of Pluto into the Solar System Family. All rise for the honorable judge.

    [Judge enters]

    "At ease. Defendant may state their case."

    [Defending Attourney]: Your honor, let the record show that there are three qualifying factors to make you a planet:

    1. Be round (have enough gravity to squish yourself into a ball - known as Hydrostatic Equilibrium)
    2. Orbit the sun (obviously)
    3. Achieve influencial domination

    That third one is the one that disqualifies Pluto. Influencial domination means that the object in question has assimilated most or all smaller objects on their orbital path - that is to say, that it has conglomerated enough mass to dominate its sphere of influence. Pluto has achieved no such end result.

    [Judge]: Very well. May the prosecutor make their case.

    [Fadran (Prosecuting)]: Your honor, let the record show that this assumption was derived arbitrarily. While it is an effective claim, it is not based in fact or logic.

    [Defending]: Objection!

    [Judge]: Defending?

    [Defending]: Request for source.

    [Judge]: Affirmed.

    [Fadran]: The IAU's official term for the third effect is "clearing the neighborhood." There are no official thresholds, values, or proportions to back this claim. It is a simple phrase without any clear meaning. By its definition any amount of debris in any orbit could disqualify any planet, such as a rogue asteroid or even just a speck of dust.

    [Judge]: Defending?

    [Defending]: Your honor, while this claim is correct, it breaks down upon further investigation. On the other end of its scale, by removing this definition, any significantly-sized, round object orbiting the sun could be defined as a planet.

    [Fadran]: Request for source.

    [Judge]: Affirmed.

    [Defending]: Here is Wikipedia's list of objects in our solar system by size. The majority of these objects exist in an orbit around the sun. There are, approximately, dozens of these objects. Rejecting the definition of "clearing the neighborhood" would qualify most of these as planets.

    [Judge]: Prosecuting?

    [Fadran]: Your honor, the prosecuting wishes to cross-reference this information with this list of gravitationally-rounded objects.

    [Defending]: Your honor, relevancy.

    [Judge]: Affirmed.

    [Fadran]: Your honor, this list provides clear information as to several very specific bodies to be considered in Hydrostatic Equilibrium. In addition to the eight current planets plus the sun and moons, there are only ten other objects listed to meet this criteria. They are Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, Eris, Orcus, Salacia,Quaoar, Gonggong, Sednar.

    [Judge]: Let the record show that each of these objects have adorable names.

    [Defending]: Regardless, your honor, to remove the qualifier of clearing the neighborhood would be to speak out against the IAU itself in a decision made based on science that we had nothing to do with. It would violate the trust of our greatest minds and innovators. I call to cede this case to them on behalf of the Planet Earth.

    [Judge]: Is this your closing argument, defending?

    [Defending]: Yes.

    [Judge]: Prosecuting, are you prepared to make a closing statement?

    [Fadran]: Yes.

    [Judge]: Continue.

    [Fadran]: Your honor, the jury, and the world: Ohana means family. Ohana means no one is left behind. Pluto was once our own brother in the Solar System, and to cast him aside due to such arbitrary conditions and lackings of traits is to dishonor our names as children of the Sun and as citizens of the Milky Way Galaxy. We disservice our science, we disservice our culture, and we disservice our brother in spacetime.

    Let the record show that it is no more than rank distate that disqualifies him as our sibling. It was our human misconduct that pushed aside this deformed ally, friend, and brother. We cast him away to the other belittled and forgotten dwarf planets because we were too blind to see that a brother no matter the shape or size is a brother indeed.

    I call to reinstate Pluto as a planet! I call to bring our brother home! And if it means we must recognize a dozen others, them let them come! Let us open our doors, open our arms, and open our hearts to the family we have forgotten and cast aside! Is there not room enough in this Solar System for the all of us? I call to bring them home!

    [Defending]: ...

    [Judge]: Have you concluded your finishing statement?

    [Fadran]: Yes, sir.

    [Judge]: The vote is now taken to the jury.

    1. danex


      I vote no because 13 years ago i saw that one magic school bus episode where they go to pluto and arnold takes off his helmet and his face freezes and it terrified me and i've been traumatized ever since and it has embedded the theme of 'pluto = death' deep into my psyche.

      also it's orbit is jank


    2. (See 55 other replies to this status update)

  18. Allow me to take you through the acid trip that was today

    • Wake up at 9:30~ish
    • Class isn't until 11:30 - "rest eyes" for an hour
    • Wake up at 12:00
      • Miss class
    • Be incredible ashamed of yourself for the rest of your day (still am)
    • With nothing else to do (no other classes on Fridays gwehehehe) watch Youtube
    • Oooh! Skurry uploaded a new video! Watch.
      • It makes me cry
      • A youtube video of someone playing a video game makes me cry
      • (It's because it's about a younger sibling who's older sibling is in college and can't play with them anymore. I'm the older sibling. I'm in college).
    • Eat breakfast
      • It's 2:30 now. It's lunch.
      • Linner, really.
    • Go to Board Game Club night (7:00) with Vennie (another Sharder who y'all new folks probably don't know).
    • Start with some normal card game flavored with dragons (get third place out of nine people - hehe)
    • Move to One Night Werewolf (also with nine people).
      • Win several times.
      • Keep randomly swapping out fun cards to keep things interesting.
    • Get hungry
      • Go upstairs to vending machines.
      • Uhh... all this is candy bars and small bags of chips. Those won't feed me.
      • Oh hey Pop Tarts. It's been a minute.
        • Get
      • Return
    • Consuming Pop Tarts on the way back to the One Night Werewolf people
    • Enter room as fellow player (will call them Bob) exits. They say "go away," which think is heckling.
      • Bob leaves
      • Other people return; ask were Bob is
      • Bob has left the game because Bob is allergic to Pop Tarts
      • Bob has left the game
      • Because Bob is allergic to
    • Pop Tarts.
    • Finish Pop Tarts in the back of the room with  s h a m e.
    • Call from acros the hall how to cleanse of Pop Tart
      • Wash hands thoroughly
      • Wash face thoroughly
      • Drink lots of water
      • For Pop Tarts
    • Return; people have broken up the game 'cause the Pop Tart incident (shame). Join three others and ask what they're doing.
      • Magic the Gathering
      • They ask if I want to join
    • Figure I might as well. Seems intimidating but I'll give it a shot
      • Be supplied an unopened basic deck that Vennie just has
      • Realize it has no sleeves (duh) so put it back
      • Instead take another deck that someone else just has
    • Learn the basics (quick learner; am smort)
    • Go first because die roll :l
    • Allow me to explain my deck build to you.
      • So as it turns out, MtG is a very optimized game. I know; who would've thunk. People build their decks around a couple specific mechanics so that each card capitilizes upon each others' for maximum results.
      • Mine was built around this thing where you "exile" cards, which is like killing them but not. Usually it's a permanent thing but this deck is full of cards that are only sorta exiled for awhile until you use them all of a sudden to blow stuff up!
      • Also we were playing "Commander," which is a ruleset that means you have a permanent guy with various abilities. Mine summoned wolves every single time I used my not-exiled cards - which was a lot. I had a lot of wolves.
    • I don't really remember much of the game. I was mostly shooting fireballs at Vennie because they seemed experienced and that was scary. What was crazy was that pretty much all of my not-exiled cards got other cards in addition to the wolf cards; and then some gave you even more cards when you get those cards, and then clone those cards to make more of those cards, and....... I just had so many cards out all the time.
      • Doesn't matter 'cause Vennie nuked them.
    • Take 20+ damage in one turn which apparently means I lose the game.
    • Leave
  19. trying a new experiment called 'see how long i can survive without going to walmart'

    which means today i'm eating stale cheerios (original not honey nut) and a can of mtn dew code red for dinner

  20. trying a new experiment called 'see how long i can survive without going to walmart'

    which means today i'm eating stale cheerios (original not honey nut) and a can of mtn dew code red for dinner

  21. trying a new experiment called 'see how long i can survive without going to walmart'

    which means today i'm eating stale cheerios (original not honey nut) and a can of mtn dew code red for dinner

  22. We should implement the Boule.

    Fadran, what the heck is that?

    The Athenian Council of 500, of course.

    ...Yes. And that is?


    Oh gods -

    Athens was among the first societies to use a democratic structure for their government. It was early and flawed, of course (i.e. only men could vote/hold power), but a number of their systems still hold up today. For example:

    The Ekklesia: Athens was a city-state, so most of the people were condensed within the walls of the city. To make decisions about war stuff and electing magistrates, any citizen* could just show up to where everyone was meeting a cast a vote.

    That system is literally just an election: we all know how those work. Show up and get a say. We've basically kept and repurposed that system for modern-day things (such as the fact that - gasp - women and black people are human beings too).

    They also had:

    A Jury System: Also pretty simple! When someone did a naughty, the city would randomly select one hundred people to act as the jury. The defendant would state their case (there weren't any attourneys back then) and the jurors would all vote either to condemn or to free.

    Also how our jury system works nowadays, though with several noticeable differences (only twelve people serving as jurors, legal requirement for a lawyer, etc.)

    Nice, nice. Can you explain what this Boule thing is now?

    The Boule consisted of five hundred citizens serving a one-year term, who each had one vote in day-to-day issues and decisions. There were fifty citizens from each of Athens' ten tribes, who would determine the agendas to pass by the Ekklesia in addition to investigating officials and even other council members. Eventually the members were even paid for their service in order to expand the powers to the poorer classes.

    But what makes this system so unique is that every single member was selected at random.

    Dear gosh, that sounds like a terrible idea. And you want to bring it back?

    Just think about it for a second! I know I'm probably not supposed to talk much about politics here, but I think I speak for all of us when I say our current government is a complete mess on both and all sides. The design to allow people to change their circumstances by work and perseverance has ultimately backfired, giving power only to people who can afford to spend millions on campaigns or take charge of massive megacorporations. We've very efficiently engineered a society where a whole bunch of old, white men make decisions for what is supposed to be the most diverse nation in the world.

    Most people are good people. Most folks just keep to themselves and don't stick their noses into other peoples' business. Most of the people you know and love are just normal, with a normal perspective of the world and a normal set of opinions. So to make a normal society for normal people, it makes sense that what you need are normal decisions made by normal human beings. I guarantee you that five hundred average joes can make better decisions than ten exorbitantly rich politicians with corporate backing and skeletons in the closet.

    Yeah, okay, but won't that still mostly just give power to white people?

    That's the thing though. The Boule selected fifty members each from the ten tribes, so why don't we do the same? Select a set amount of people from various demographics (white, black, mexican, asian-american, etc.) to represent each equally?

    That sounds like you're giving minorities more of a - - - okay, nevermind, yeah, that makes sense.

    Glad I convinced you, totally real person typing in italics.

    'Til next time, this has been 

    Fadran With a Lot of Opinions




    (And, uhh... apologies to the non-americans here, hehe).

  23. We should implement the Boule.

    Fadran, what the heck is that?

    The Athenian Council of 500, of course.

    ...Yes. And that is?


    Oh gods -

    Athens was among the first societies to use a democratic structure for their government. It was early and flawed, of course (i.e. only men could vote/hold power), but a number of their systems still hold up today. For example:

    The Ekklesia: Athens was a city-state, so most of the people were condensed within the walls of the city. To make decisions about war stuff and electing magistrates, any citizen* could just show up to where everyone was meeting a cast a vote.

    That system is literally just an election: we all know how those work. Show up and get a say. We've basically kept and repurposed that system for modern-day things (such as the fact that - gasp - women and black people are human beings too).

    They also had:

    A Jury System: Also pretty simple! When someone did a naughty, the city would randomly select one hundred people to act as the jury. The defendant would state their case (there weren't any attourneys back then) and the jurors would all vote either to condemn or to free.

    Also how our jury system works nowadays, though with several noticeable differences (only twelve people serving as jurors, legal requirement for a lawyer, etc.)

    Nice, nice. Can you explain what this Boule thing is now?

    The Boule consisted of five hundred citizens serving a one-year term, who each had one vote in day-to-day issues and decisions. There were fifty citizens from each of Athens' ten tribes, who would determine the agendas to pass by the Ekklesia in addition to investigating officials and even other council members. Eventually the members were even paid for their service in order to expand the powers to the poorer classes.

    But what makes this system so unique is that every single member was selected at random.

    Dear gosh, that sounds like a terrible idea. And you want to bring it back?

    Just think about it for a second! I know I'm probably not supposed to talk much about politics here, but I think I speak for all of us when I say our current government is a complete mess on both and all sides. The design to allow people to change their circumstances by work and perseverance has ultimately backfired, giving power only to people who can afford to spend millions on campaigns or take charge of massive megacorporations. We've very efficiently engineered a society where a whole bunch of old, white men make decisions for what is supposed to be the most diverse nation in the world.

    Most people are good people. Most folks just keep to themselves and don't stick their noses into other peoples' business. Most of the people you know and love are just normal, with a normal perspective of the world and a normal set of opinions. So to make a normal society for normal people, it makes sense that what you need are normal decisions made by normal human beings. I guarantee you that five hundred average joes can make better decisions than ten exorbitantly rich politicians with corporate backing and skeletons in the closet.

    Yeah, okay, but won't that still mostly just give power to white people?

    That's the thing though. The Boule selected fifty members each from the ten tribes, so why don't we do the same? Select a set amount of people from various demographics (white, black, mexican, asian-american, etc.) to represent each equally?

    That sounds like you're giving minorities more of a - - - okay, nevermind, yeah, that makes sense.

    Glad I convinced you, totally real person typing in italics.

    'Til next time, this has been 

    Fadran With a Lot of Opinions




    (And, uhh... apologies to the non-americans here, hehe).

  24. Skiddo is my new favorite pokemon


    That is all

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