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Stormblessed Dolphin

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Everything posted by Stormblessed Dolphin

  1. The music was so beautiful, Butt was moved, he breathed in the music like stormlight, and danced. Danced like a swan, like a flamingo, like a graceful crane, like a chicken with it's head cut off.
  2. Well, on that topic, Draulin. Even though she can be tough, she has helped push her daughter to become better
  3. Meanwhile, Idashwy walked in, "Wait, didn't I die? I specifically remember dying about a month before Lady ZoBell's party. yes, i was specifically spiked as to steel my F-steel." She walked over to Lift "That's rusting beautiful by the way".
  4. when you shaped your candy wrapper so it was like a coin, and pretend to Push it acroos the room. But then you realize that probably wouldn't work since its aluminum..
  5. Not sure what's happing at the moment, but I have hard one I want to do *evil grin*
  6. The little girl turned out to be Lift, "Wait, are you a rich guy?" she asks.
  7. @Leyrann just had to point out my typo didnt ya? (maybe that should be our new thing) Welcome! (or should I say Wlecome?) @Merrickz
  8. Welcome to the Shard! Firstly, I like your username! Secondly, thank you for your story! And I was going to ask, but I think i see that Mistborn is your favorite. Also, look out for people offering free cookies, unless they are cerified otherwise, there is a high possibility that they contain hemalurgic spikes Lastly, if you're interesting in social grouap and guilds, and a little bit of roleplay, check my signature (text below my post) Enjoy the Shard!
  9. @Bridge 4.0 These Oaths are accepted. Wlecome! hop on to our discord (linked in the OP of this topic) if you want. Enjoy your status as a member!
  10. @Narcoleptic Axolotl These oaths are accepted Welcome to TUBA! If you want, join us on the discord, we have a lot of fun there. Other than that, enjoy your status as a member
  11. Butt had to get a taco, before they were all gone, and this was his vision, he was in control, so he leaped a hundered feet to snatch a taco before the chasmfiend could eat it.
  12. So, @Nerd3.14159265358979 Leyrann will need to know, would you like to join the Knight of Honor? or of the Void?
  13. Suddenly, Butt was struck by a vision, in which he saw a Parshendi emerge from an ocean of tacos.
  14. Tragically, he was suddenly, and maliciously, destroyed by a fire breathing cactus, the cactus promptly exploded, knocking down a passerby named Juan.
  15. To clarify, that is TUBA's official position, but the unwritten, and understood precedent is that Hemalurgy is looked down upon due to history. So, I would say we are the best pllace for people who feel inclined against hemalurgy. I would also like to note that while we allow our members to use their own judgement on some matters, we still keep all of our baking facilities 100% hemalurgy free.
  16. Well, I guess that we could have someone make multiple discord accounts for the purpose of keeping track of people's money who have tech issues. And that would still be more manageable than having to keep track of everyone's. And this makes it easier to audit the system. huh. this just might work.
  17. Thank you. You have been accepted back into our ranks. Oaths, updated, accepted.
  18. Would discord be a viable option for keeping track of money? a bot could be found, or made, to give and keep track of money. Yes, there are issues. it would require every member of the alleyverse to join a discord server in order to have money, and this could cause problems or be unfair to people without access to discord. But it would simplify it somewhat, and take the pressure off of anyone who would potentially have to keep track of it. It just depends on if the benefits, it being simple, outweigh the issues, the number of people who have problems with, or cant access discord.
  19. While it would be cool to have a monetery system. I feel like it would be too difficult to maintain. Unless We had someone, or a group of someones who wer Always online, and could keep track of everyone's money. so, an impartial guild devoted to banking. (I think that any members of it would need to have no other affiliations ever). It could even be called House Tekiel or something
  20. Announcement: Just letting everyone know that the link to the TUBA discord is now available at the end of the first post in this topic. https://discord.gg/juCfPtH
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