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Stormblessed Dolphin

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Everything posted by Stormblessed Dolphin

  1. The rat quickly summoned it's little shardblade and struck the Sky Chicken's head. It's eyes trailed smoke as it fell to the chasms, to become a crumb for a chasmfiend to find.
  2. When you're on a roller coaster and think "this is what it's like to be a Windrunner"
  3. Meanwhile, a Rat that had bonded a windspren flew over the shattered plains, its destination was Urithiru.
  4. Meanwhile, one of the narrators shattered the mythical fifth wall. He laughed. Now, truly, anything could happen! THIS WORLD WOULD FACE THE WRATH OF THE STORMBLESSED DOLPHIN. SELF-PROCLAIMED RULER OF THE NARRATORS!!! But then Lift strikes him down with a pancake, trapping him in the cognitive realm.
  5. When you're sitting at your desk, eating pop tarts, desperately wishing for something relevant to post here, anything to display your extreme sanderfan-iness. Your extreme Devotion to the fandom! Your Ambition to read everything Brandon has ever written! Your sense of Honor, that could never let you skip to the end of a book, or start on the second book of a series! That same Honor that forbids you from skipping a prologue! Your distress when someone Ruins an ending by a spoiler! Oh, but spoilers, the embodiment of Odium! How you long to live in Autonomy! Separated from all sources of spoilers. Living in Harmony within the Dominion of the Cosmere.
  6. Support intensifies
  7. One of the narrators used his surge of adhesion to repair the fourth wall (not me, but someone lol)
  8. Meanwhile, in an interlude somewhere, a character was doing only mildly relevant things, probably irrelevant things, but they were important enough to make it into an interlude, so here they are: A boy ran through the tall grasses of an unknown shardworld, he was being pursued by a giant monkey.
  9. @DarthWoodrack These oaths are accepted. Welcome to TUBA! Go ahead and Hop on our Discord if you like https://discord.gg/AwqZJhB and enjoy your membership status!
  10. I had to vote Mac because he is at the head of most Alleyverse discussions, making him one of the most informed. (and yay! someone voted for me. I'm Honored XD)
  11. When you go up a reputation level and you celebrate by posting here
  12. You know you're a sanderfan when you have this here conversation about hardware stores.
  13. and they also have the drawers with like washers and stuff.. like coins kinda!
  14. When you're at the hardware store, in the nails section. and you think "It's the ammo depot for Coinshots"
  15. But all organizations, businesses, governments, you name it. They all have information that they don't want shared with their competitors. This is how the world works. TUBA is no exception. Neither is any other guild on this site
  16. @Amalek These oaths are accepted. TUBA reserves the right to withhold membership, or other privileges from anyone, at any time, and for any reason. Aforementioned reason(s) are not required to be made public.
  17. when you make a note in your phone of something that you could put in this thread
  18. when you drink a little bit of an energy drink. And you feel your heart rate increasing. And you feel energy coursing through your veins. and you think "Is this what stormlight feels like?"
  19. I mean.. Maybe? See, The distinction of "Senior Member" was just to show who the original members were Pre-potato. It doesn't really carry much of anything beyond that
  20. Hello everyone! I, Stormblessed Dolphin, Leader of TUBA, have returned from my Absence! Welcome @Hydra! I have added you to the member list. (Also, if anyone is missing from the member list, please let me know..)
  21. However, SpongeBob proved to be indestructible force of stupidity. No matter how much Awesomeness they used against him, he would somehow survive their hatred. However, because of the amount of hatred they generated, Odium was attracted to this place. He was NOT Awesome, so Lift and Odium fought an epic battle.
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