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Everything posted by ryshadium90

  1. I completely agree with you. This is one of my favorite Ghibli films, right next to Nausicaa and Spirited Away. The demons can be a little creepy, and I've always found the dynamics of Ashitaka's arrows in that scene to be a little out of whack. It takes tremendous force to take off a person's two arms, right from the socket, with one arrow. The same with a head straight from the vertabrae. Even if there was that amount of force, given the demon arm, the bow should've broken under the stress. Regardless of that, the movie is great, and I love Miyazaki's theme of protecting the environment. (For those of you who have seen Nausicaa, you need to go and read the graphic novels. They are fantastic. A little confusing, but every book needs a little bit of that. They go into so much deeper story lines, and extend farther linearly than the movie does.)
  2. Hm, still like the idea.
  3. I like the idea of the Aons inside spheres; gives it a more "solid" yet mystical feel.
  4. Ditto! For both parts. I love your summary of Lift. This thread fits her perfectly because her character is already blunt and simple.
  5. "If I could, it'd be somewhere far from your furry beast." Toph lounged back against the stones. Aang was still the loudest airbender she knew. Well, she only knew a few, but that was to say the least. "However, since that granddaughter of mine went and found her own, I might as well settle for yours." She scratched her nose. "At least Appa had less mucus flow."
  6. I was talking to my dad about this the other day, and he was wondering if they will be able to do Aquaman any justice (no pun intended) for underwater scenes. Also, is the guy playing flash, the same as Credence in Fantastic Beasts? Also, again, to those of you who are Studio C fans, you need to watch this in accordance with @Captains Domon's clip.
  7. "Hmph. Took you long enough Twinkle Toes," Toph replied, cracking her fingers. "Could've gone on a life-changing field trip in the time you took."
  8. The forest was silent. Silent of any foreign noises that is. There was still the sound of frog squirrels hopping to and fro, the elbow leeches wallowing around at the bottom of some forgotten pond, and the catgators slinking among the mudbanks. Even the faint splashes of water were normal, signifying the swamp benders sluicing through the rivers. In the coverage of roots, an old woman picked at her ear, flicking whatever treasure trove that came out of it away into the distance, noting with satisfaction her increased ability of earwax-flicking. "Don't you go moaning and groaning," she said, switching to the other ear. "It's called personal hygiene."
  9. I love the contrast between the sky and sea! Despite the highstorm, please take me there!
  10. Unless you're a hobbit... So have you heard of IB? (Yes, international baccalaureate)
  11. Unless your Kelsier. Then you still get to have adventures.
  12. Nice one sule. I'm giving you an upvote, kolo? (Is Galladon your favorite character?)
  13. Good. IB is a horrible thing. It means all work, no sleep, basically all for nothing. Yes! Another Studio Ghibli fan! Which one is your favorite? Also, which food item from the movies is your favorite?
  14. Did you guys introduce the books to each other?
  15. Oh man, I didn't even think about that. I only thought about Lift and Lopen, but Lift and Wit, haha, and the Shardfork.
  16. @Soulcast Totally agree! What in the world are Wax and Wayne going to get up to? If I had enough excitement left in me, I'd be thinking about that day and night, but Oathbringer has kind of monopolized that supply.
  17. When you keep checking the notification on the forums while working on an IBLit presentation about dumpster diving.
  18. Have you ever heard of IB? Or Studio Ghibli? (Those are not related questions.)
  19. You forgot Eragon. I wanted to die watching that movie. Everything was SO WRONG!!! Why does Roran look like his brother? Why do the Ra'zac just look like dark feathery dudes? Why does Saphira have feathers and not scales? Why in the world does Arya HAVE BLOND HAIR AND ACT LIKE A DAINTY PRINCESS? Where's Orik? And why, why, why IN THIS WORLD OF RIDICULOUSLY BAD FILMS is the plot so choppy? It hurts my soul, and has scarred my aspirations of ever seeing a Brandon Sanderson film.
  20. Mind. Blowing. Please take me there.
  21. I like Avengers as much as the next person, but to a certain point, I feel like the Marvel franchise is really starting to stretch things out. Most of their meat is way too much action/humor and not enough thinking moments. A good film needs to have a balanced amount of all categories.
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