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Everything posted by ElephantEarwax

  1. of the random threads being one. I see them as separate threads. So as a Fartomancer, He lifted off.
  2. Granted, but you then have no more fun. I wish for bird-seed-cake.
  3. Welcome to the shard. Have a cookie. Would you say the words, "My life to yours, my Breath become yours". Who was your favorite character.
  4. granted but this forces you to constantly work to get them food. I wish for a cake.
  5. Granted, but it is in English, and they cannot speak back. I wish I was a giraffe instead of an elephant.
  6. The consensus is RAFO. But, the commands can do tons of stuff. And you can make lifeless, and command them to do stuff. Also Nightblood. https://coppermind.net/wiki/Awakening#Awakening_Commands
  7. You're coming close to being killed. I sat and pronounced Eric the two ways for a solid minute.
  8. 161. Listen to old men in caves bearing gifts.
  9. Granted, but you cannot see them. I wish for a suit of shardplate.
  10. An elephant walks into the room, and puts a hole in the wall. He says to ignore him.
  11. Irrelevant walked into the shop and asked for 2 servings of the special.
  12. The Ghanderflaffles were outraged, as butter is a ghanderflaffle's 7th favorite food.
  13. They obviously just listen to The Boombox. (from White Sand)
  14. Soon, soon we will have the glorious hemalurgy table. Then Earth's hemalurgists will be able to more fully complete our work. This is an awesome post. If you want to come do some hemalurgy work, come to the Dark Alley. Welcome to the shard.
  15. This is why down votes were removed. So you don't lose all of your rep.
  16. The acid was Flouroantimonic acid and spawned a Ganderflaffle behind in the stream.
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