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Everything posted by ElephantEarwax

  1. Hoid was alive before the shattering of Adonalsium. He is from Yolen.
  2. So, they could almost create new aons that are complex. I was thinking, could there be undiscovered/lost(during the reod) aons or modifiers? Just speculation.
  3. Thanks, I missed that, I'll have to reread Elantris. I haven't reread it since I started looking into the deeper cosmere and I missed a lot.
  4. I was reading SH and when Kel was listening through the window, one elder said, someone was worrying about fortune being stolen. I have seen ideas where fortune being feruchemical, but I believe they drank it. Could it be that there is a shard Fortune somewhere and it was shattered and captured, or they have a piece of the shardpool from Fortune. That seems plausible, and that explains how they could live so long+stay in the cognitive realm(if they are dead?).
  5. Posssibly needing the investiture from a certain area to go/leave there?
  6. I just read through WoK, WoR, and AU in the last week and a half and from what I can gather I do not think we have seen the other spren that bond with to make bondsmiths. Does that seem accurate? But I had a thought, could they be other splinters from Honor? I think that would fit with what we have seen in other nahel bonds, and if they were less powerful than the Stormfather, they could have been broken, or injured more. That being why they have not been seen.
  7. Has the Stormfather bonding all of the bondsmiths been torn down? This post explains it better then my thoughts.
  8. I have a few questions. Sel: Did Galladon use AonDor to access Shadesmar, or was it through a different ability or form of investiture? Do all of the nations have a form of magic? Nalthis: Do worldhoppers have a breath when they arrive on Nalthis or are they drab.
  9. I am a fan of Brandon's. I read Mistborn and loved it and the rest of the series. I heard about Cosmere and read all of the other Cosmere books in about a months time. I loved it and can never get enough of the universe and Brandon's writing. I decided to join the forum to speak to some people who will know what Sanderson's books are about. My favorite authors are Brandon Sanderson and JRR Tolkein.
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