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Everything posted by ElephantEarwax

  1. May I be added to the list? I am working on giving constructs better powers and making better desserts.
  2. It is definately both. You try and his voice puts you to sleep, and why would you want to.
  3. But why? I would personally love to control talking cheeseburgers.
  4. I AM GROOT. Groot starts to grow at the celieng of the room, supporting it as he weakens the walls.
  5. I want to watch at least one world burn.
  6. So I have to make stuff come out publicly?
  7. .Knowing the old history souldn't he be able to figure out alleymatics (magic) from what is going on now? Nevermind. Nothing going on here. *cough*I will not abuse him or previous framing knowlege to make a powerful character. *cough*
  8. Lol, I am too. Its great. We jam out to music and play with a spooky pancake.
  9. Groot grabbed George and pulled him back not wanting him to get hurt. Crooning, "I am Groot" softly.
  10. First come first served I believe. and @Argent I can confirm that it was not on their page, but was on Brandon's.
  11. "I AM GROOT" Swinging a chunk of wall down at Night, drawing in stormlight and causing the piece to begin smouldering.
  12. Groot, comes back into the room, and seeing the monster, begins to pull pieces from the floorand throw them towards the beast. "I am GROOT!"
  13. Hoid Hoiderson. NONONONO Do never say that again. It hurts.
  14. Welsome to the shard @Ember Hawk. Have a cookie and an upvote. Will you say, "My life to yours, my Breath become yours," for initiation. What was your favorite book?
  15. Dang man. thats good. I have been trying and got 2 people on. 1 having not read any books, the other reading SA. and many many denials.
  16. Groot walks at the building and grows his vines into the structure, bits of the walls beginning to fall away. "I AM GROOT."
  17. Welcome to the shard, Have a cookie and an upvote. I would have to say that I couldn't choose. I will have to be fullborn. Edit: I also reported this, It should be in a different forum @Lightblood. So it will be moved.
  18. In the garden, Groot is looking at plants and saying "I am Groot," to anything that moves.
  19. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. (Please make acct)
  20. Handing the attendant a flower he plucked off his arm, Groot enters the ball. He begins making his way slowly across the ballroom, toward the garden.
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