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Everything posted by alder24

  1. That's even better motivation, and there is nothing more to add, it answers first question. Nightwatcher would always grant her visitors wishes, this time it was above her abilities, so Cultivations got involved (with whatever end goal she had in mind). But Lift's wish was against Cultivations intent, as its all about changing and growing (there was WoB about it), so Cultivation messed up with her spiritual web - probably gave Lift ability to heal herself according to her self perception (similarto Returned). And about boon and curse it's not always so easly distinguishable, Taravangian needed both intelligence and compassion to have his wish granted, with Lift it maybe similar.
  2. We know Lift was in Rall Elorim for some time, and that's in Iri, and they know about Old Magic (Evi). That quote about her mother tells me that she looked after Lift, but when she felt ill, Lift did not do the same, as a selfish kid she ran away from responsibility, and maybe instead of facing grimm truth, she decided to be kid forever so noone would ever blame her for what's happened to her mother as "she is just a kid who don't know better". Also her mother "wasted away" so she was probably dying for prolonged time of some illness tying her to bed and as Returned are immune to ilnesses, Heralds would be too. But as this is quite literally the only thing we know about her past, that may be the possibility. But if her mother doesn't fit as a Herald, there is zero information about her father soo I'm betting on Nale!
  3. I highly doubt that Hesina is Vedel, she is mentaly stable without any kind of insane behaviour. Also as you point out her parents are alive so that most likely exclude them as Heralds. However they might be of Herald's descendants as we don't have much information about their ancestors. I personaly don't like the idea of everyone being suddenly offsprings Heralds as its difficult for CS to have kids, Chana is enough, and adding more is unnecessary. If I remember correctly there was a WoB saing that sprens are attracted to bonds being formed so they will try form more bonds with people around - Bridge 4 is good example as they aren't related yet all are now knights. If I were to find Herald's kids I would be looking into someone with very troublesome and traumatic childhood as having insane thousands year old parent would not be perfect for child growing up. I'm much more in support of theory of Liss the assassin being Herald Vedel as it fits perfectly to her insanity - for a healer to the killer - and it place another Herald in Kholinar's palace during Gavilar's assassination. EDIT: I think Taravangian would be a great Bondsmith material, if only he had more hope in saving all of Roshar. Having 2 Heralds on Braize would be catastrophic, as only Taln is able to withstand torture when others broke after less then a year - with herald's current mental state it could last even less. Lift mysterious past (did't she mention something about her mother, or she did not want to remember her?) and her trauma fits well for a candidate of being child of Herald
  4. I belive that Sizgil did not break his oaths, they were removed when he picked up Downshard. Downshard extended his soul so much that oaths were removed or changed by this. That would mess up not only him but his spren Aux as well. As Lift's spiritual web was changed by Cultivation it messed up a little with her bond with Wyndle (she can touch him), becoming a Downshard while being bond to spren would completely messed up all of Sizgil's connections and his spren, who is part of Sizgil's spiritual web, would be highly affected as well, possibly turning him into "dead" like state. I like the idea of Sig fulfilling role of the "spren" and Aux of the knight capable of accessing surges in their new bond. Rysn was forbidden to bond with spren probably not only because it would gave her access to surges but also Downshard would messed up with the bond and the spren - WOB: If he would have broken his oaths then he would know they cannot affect him now: And he still was able to summon Aux as Shardblade when he wanted to pretect those who cannot protect themselves I couldn't also find if he ever specifically said that he had broken his oaths: I don't find it convincing enough that Aux is some CS or different spren that bonded with Sig after picking up Downshard or that he killed his spren before. Downshard messed them up and left behind more than the Torment, they became something that Sig never wanted them to became "destinations really are important".
  5. Stormfather is not only spren but he also holds the bigest remains of Honor, he's probably the most invested being beyond Shards, so I believe stabbing him with Nighblood would look really similar to stabbing Odium - it could seriously damage or even destroy the identity of the spren but not fully consume all of its Investiture. What would remain would be injured Stormfather or Investiture without a Vessel, which would probably reform and manifest itself as new spren. You could probably stab Stormfather in that vision during Highstorm as it looks almost the same as Odium's visions that Taravangian was pulled into. But other Godsprens and Unmade would probably be fully consumed by Nightblood.
  6. The problem with Kaladin as the Sword of Harmony is that Harmony needs someone to act on his behalf as he is useless even on the world he's most (and only as far as we know) invested in. Kaladin being that sword would be equally as useless as Harmony is right now as both of them cannot act on Scadrial where they're both most needed. Wax on the other hand is on Scadrial, is watched by Harmony and his Kandra from early on, performs multiple tasks on behalf of Harmony, talks with him on multiple ocasions, his story takes place after this letter is written, and he even said he's a Sword of Harmony. I don't know why there is such confusion about who is Sword of Harmony. Kaladin is Son of Honor not Sword of Harmony.
  7. Fullborn is just so ridiculously overpowered that it's just uncomperable. He can think extremely fast, move like lightning, heal almost any wound even decapitation, push metals inside body even invested ones, not to mention Atium. Even Ishar would be nailed to the ground with metals within his own body before he would be even able to touch a fullborn to manipulate his conections and that just steel push. You should maybe split it into mistborn and full feruchemist. As much as I would like to vote fo God-king cause he can just Awaken clothes of his opponent to suffocate him and I just love the potential of Awakening, fullborn is one true god in this fight.
  8. The relationships in this part are like in soap opera - no idea who is who. And that's definitely THE Kaladin, thinking about cutting himself and dreaming about descending from the bridge. i love this journey we went through, sad to see it ending.
  9. Oh Stormfather, what a reveal! Navani is not only Gavilar's daughter, but a sorceress and a chosen one! Wow, that's a lot. Moreover she's not willing to jump into a bed with her own father, who killed Elhokar. Wow, that's a lot. "You would be the Empress of I'dw tr ybeir" that's a great name, it's a hidden Gemheart!
  10. No, even Diagram knew it was inevitable It's purpose was to establish Taravangian as a ruler/representative of Roshar so he could made deal with Odium saving parts of it - at least in Taravangian's mind, Diagram real goal was to guide him into ascension. The Diagram also mention how to find and destroy Radients, probably seeing them as opposition to Taravangian's efforts to unite Roshar. Naming them as a danger. That's why I thing that quote below refers to Radients, as coming of Desolation is nesesery for Taravangian's plans, Radients appearing among Parshendi would prevent Everstorm from coming - which ironically he needs to become "king of everything" and save them. The "missing piece" could probably refer to the Willshapers, as they were nowhere to be found among humans.
  11. Yup, these cursed by Storms pointy hats! I'm with Adolin on this one, holy war is nesesery! "We march on Taravangian" - if only this happens in OB, naaah joking "The gate-beings who'd been hersing threats at her. Here was a blighted planet, but a lot of the planet was gray as well. The way the air hung in the islands and in the hills, dark and dull. This was the kind of thing Eshonai had come to hate." - surprisingly this all fits Eshonai well, I will even suggest that Eshonai planet explorer is much better. This bot getting better and better. The story is more coherent but still cut mid-sentence. I guess it's its writing style. The Bot deserve Aether for this one.
  12. Not to Rlain, but i think it's about Eshonai, she is the only one that matters cause she begins to bond spren before taking Stormform. If she did become a Radient, Listeners would turn away from Venli and Odium and embrace Honor's way, preventing Everstorm from coming that time. "Push for the Alethi to destroy them outright before this one obtains their power. It will form a bridge." Destroying Parshendi did form a bridge for Odium.
  13. He's insane, sometimes there just isn't any reason for madman actions. However in this case it's much simpler - if he truly believed that Radiants return could cause Desolation, then rediscovering and settling down their abandoned and ancient city could quicken that as well. That's just bad idea when you try prevent Desolation in your wicked way. And why would Nale even open gates for him?
  14. There would be definitely very few Radients of 5th and 4th Ideal, we can take Skybreakers as an example, few lucky one were able to swear 4th Ideal and none 5th since ages, except for Nale. But with 3rd Ideal that's different - it's the point when they become full Radient in most Orders. Majority of Windrunners bonded with Sprens in RoW are already at that Ideal. So assuming that 50% of all Radients during Recreance was at 3rd Ideal is not that big of a stretch - that's 1000 of Honorsprens alone. It is possible that lots of Shardblades were lost in storms, but to make them responsible for missing hundreds or thousands of Shardblades is in my opinion too much. As proven time and time again in books it, the knowledge of next Highstorm is common even among the poorest one. Moreover there are shelters natural or man-made placed densely, in every village, in every town, near them and on paths all across country. Even if a Shardbearer was to catch by sudden Highstorm, he could easily made himself a hole with Shardblade - like Kaladin in OB did, Shallan in WoR, or like one that scouts on Shattered Plains were using. Even desperate Eshonai attempt after battle of Narak would be much easier to survive in other places as it would eliminate risk of drowning - just hide behind heavy rock or hill for protection against debries and you could survive. Moreover as Laral said in OB it's not to difficult to put your spheres outside when wind appears, so it's possibly not that difficult to predict incoming Highstorm and find place to hide. As Roshar was tormented by Highstorms even before shattering of Adonalsium (i think so?), these methods used today, would be also commonly used 1500 years before as they don't require technological advancement at all - just a little bit of thinking. So it's hard for me to imagine that majority of the Shardblades were lost in the storms. And than how much cream accumulate on the ground? I don't remember that books describe it often. Cream on the buildings was mention multiple times, but ground was described as solid rock with cracks, stones and plants on it - the only description of cream accumulating on ground was on Shattered Plains in context of buildings as ground level was on the level of second floor of the buildings (Adolin's POV, Battle of Narak). Let's remember that Shattered Plains were shattered befere Last Desolation, so more than 4500 years - assuming that the height of the floor is 3 meters, it gives you roughly 0.67 mm of cream a year, starting from Last Desolation! Crazy low value of yearly accumulation of cream, definitely not enough to indistinguishably cover laying Shardblade not to mention one sticked into the ground. And that's after a year! Let's go even further - assuming that every week (5 days) Highstorm appears, that's gives us 100 Hightstorms a year (year has 500 days) and 0.0067 mm of cream each Highstorm. To comparison, width of the hair is 0.06 - 0.1 mm so you would need 9 Hightstorm for cream to be as thick as the thinnest hair. Good luck covering something with that. The only way for Shardblade to went missing in the storm is to be carried by winds in it, but the farther east the winds weaken, blade would eventually struck the ground - depending on the angle it could be buried deep in the rock, as seen in OB, but it is as likely to strike the ground with its the handle, flat side or blunt edge such as with its tip or sharp edge. I'm also thinking is it relevant to the story? Will finding all those missing Shardblades change anything? It's easy to predict that BAM will be released and that will fixed everything, Deadeyes become alive again etc. Well I think that is just boring! Can BAM reestablish its connection to everything and Roshar just like that, fixing it with ease? The Sprens spiritual web was cracked due to her imprisonment similar to how Radient's web is damage which allows Sprens to form Nahel Bond. It would be much more interesting if the damage was irreversible and to fix Deadeyes reverse Nahel Bond must be made - something like Adolin is doing - that creates so many new possibilities. But that's just my speculation, or rather hopes.
  15. I don't think that's true, Fused still needed to travel from Braize to Everstorm for the first time, and there was Taln preventing any movement from Braize. But, as it was stated multiple times, connection/bridge created by Everstorm might be enough to bypass Taln, as voidsprens were present on Roshar before Taln returned.
  16. I'm confused about it. I would like to be it more as a relationship focused on scheming and plotting, exchanging knowledge and being on equal intellectual level without romantic interest on both side - but then maybe developed with their interactions. But this is all skipped and it's just weird for me to be suddenly as romantic serious relationship. They could make it work, as I don't look that much on age gap, and Jasnah could become ageless as there are many and options for it, one commonly used across cosmere. They goals are aligned, but methods definitely different, so there is a potential for conflict but also for development. But without that beginning it's just confusing for me. And to add up, it's taking a lot form mysterious side of Hoid, humanising him a bit too much a bit too early.
  17. Most powerful? Shards - do they count? But seriously Hemalurgy is probably the strongest one - with it you can become user of every other magic system, and the only thing you need is simple knowledge how to do it.
  18. Wait, where is the rest of it? Did Bot learned when to apply cliffhanger to boost sales? It ended in the most intense moment, I need to know what happened next! Did Kaladin saved her as always? Did Jasnah balcony survived? What happened with all those Sprens? I love Radient description, and Jasnah "not the stone, but a woman!". Dalinar is exactly like Dalinar should be 10/10 and even have ShardWalkingStick or is it The Stick™ Shallan's nemesis? And are the archers fighting the wind, the storm, the Windstormsprens or what? And then this piece of Raysium came "The dead girl's spine showed at the bottom of the pile of debris, her face a bloody smear." - so dark, so brutal, so good, Ati would be proud! Can't wait for Edgedancer and Oathbringer, and you know, Words of Radiance part 2
  19. Yes, I think I wrote about that Ishar and Stormfather connection shenanigans as the SF sees the world mostly through the Hightstorm - I'm well aware how weak this argument is but it was never my main point. Don't get me wrong, I've noticed that SF in Prologue is a little different, something is not fitting, I like Ishar the Stormfaker theory, which is greatly argumented and well-written. But some points just don't seem right. For me it's choosing between ignoring already well-established fact in Prelude that Heralds can't feel each other regular death or that SF somehow can feel it as we quite literally have no information about it from books - which leaves open doors for speculations. This one singular argument was always the theory breaking point for me. But I will gladly be wrong, just need some more definite "prove" (not full confirmation). Right now it's just much more believable in my opinion that it's The Stormfather the whole time, who is lying a little bit or just fully manipulating Gavilar, both are twists on their own. And It's just fun to speculate and discuss it That's a very good explanation. Makes a lot of sense. I was wondering if when cognitive shadows like Heralds are dieing, are their souls remaining the same, or are their souls infused with investiture and copied into new soul, when old goes Beyond. Most likely the fist one, but I don't think we fully know what is exactly happening to Heralds and Fused souls when they are dieing except for being damaged.
  20. It's definitely goes both ways, it's the same argument over and over again. Your points are that because Ash felt Jez perma death, Ishi also could have felt Chana regular death. My is because perma death and regular death are completely different things, and we have proof on page of herald not reacting and not knowing about regular death of other heralds, therefore Ishar could not have felt it. And what goes both ways is speculations if SF could have felt it - which we are lacking proof because there is no such scene in books. Lack of proof is not a proof at all, we can either speculate it have happened or nor and both of arguments in this case are equally weak. Moreover perma death is much more different than regular death, as perma death quite literally severs all connections between Jezrien and Heralds and torn him out from Oathpact in brutal way - as we see it during Dalinar and Nale fight. Perma death is more similar to trapping BAM in a gem - which completely separated all her connections. Regular death on the other case do not damage any connections, nothing is torn out, nothing is removed, or severed. It's reasonable to see why one would be felt and other not. And once again, we know SF can see Ishar, know where he is and who is he - there is some connection between at least two of them. It's not that big of a stretch to claim he could have felt death of Chana - it is a big speculation but not completely without proofs. Connection is there. And yes, Ishar could establish some kind of connection to future of someone to see future - which is weird, unlikely but still possible as we do not know much about this kind of interaction. @mdross81 good catch. I highly doubt that frost would appear with SF as he is more omnipresent. Yet in case of feeling herald death, both Ishar and SF could reach into spiritual realm and manifest frost - more likely for Ishar to do it. But I also remember that just using surges and Stromlight makes frost appeared - I think in Szeth prologue it was said when he inhale Stormlight, probably when Kaladin was using big amounts of lashings etc - can't remember when but remember it appears when Stormlight is used. Which could indicates that frosting is much common.
  21. That goes both ways - we've never seen herald react to temporary death of another herald, especially in prologue that provides us lots of information about this. Not even later did any herald mention that few years before they had felt herald dieing - not Nale, not Kalak, not Ash or others - which by your logic it would be improtant piece of knowledge to share. Lack of information is not giving us anything, it's open door for speculations which works both ways. From storytelling purposes there was no need to show SF reaction to that, as it was shown though better eyes. We can't assume that there was no reaction or there was one. And from continuity reason mentioning SF reaction to it year later is just weird - "hey remember your reaction to Yez death year before? What was that?" - just doesn't fit at all. Moreover it was already established that SF can feel Ishar's location, so there is a connection at least between them. Yes, Ishar is known as Herald of Luck, Kalak and Jezrien are known as Stormfather - which doesn't prove anything. Ishar could somehow reach to fortune to see future but that just leaves us with too many questions. Or as I explained earlier - assuming he is Stormfaker he could have felt Jezrien's blade, as Kalak mention it in Jasnah Prologue. Nale knew it in Venli chapter - somehow. It's easier to assume that they can feel proximity of Honorblades due to existing connection rather than Ishar can use Fortune with unknown abilities, and knowing that anything in Honor's surges is against futuresight.
  22. Lying Stormfather would change a lot, and it would set up conflict between him and Dalinar, potentially fulfilling some of the Death Rattles. But I think with the prologue 5 and assuming it was indeed real Stormfather all along, there is one instance of him lying to Dalinar - when in OB he was explaining Oathpact and Heralds in the vision, he said "Taln had finnaly broken" like others and cause True Desolation - we know from WoB that he didn't break and he should know it as he felt another herald death - assuming it was him in prologue.
  23. War is an option, terrible option - it only gives direction for a Odium's hatred which is even worst news for cosmere. It fits Dalinar however but I agree, it still doesn't make sense to end like that. Honor however is not just about what's right, it's more about keeping promises no matter of they're good or bad - at least that's what Odium told us, and looking how Honor was at the end of his life, it fits, but also gives us room for what's right. Kaladin arc is quite fitting for Honor but despite his passions he's lacking that hatred, he has some of it, or had. Justice is an option as it's directing that divine hatred against those who broke their promises. But it still doesn't fits for me that well, but I've no idea what could it be. Unity could be an option - but it's fits basically every combination of Shards and from narrative point of view it fits even better, not only Dalinar's arc but also Kaladin's and even Navani's. Unity is also quite opposite to War - so we would have two natures of the combinations of Honor and Odium combined.
  24. Not at all, at least not me. It can be simply explained by SF changing after realizing his mistakes with Gavilar. But I still think there is something not quite fitting with that SF. The differences between Italics and caps could be easily explained when we look where caps appears - just at the very end of their conversation. At this point SF realized his mistakes and could begin breaking connection between him and Gavilar, knowing he's the wrong person, and knowing death was coming for him. And even fearing of what's coming so soon after Herald just died - it was after that we've finnaly seen caps. It also could be easily explained as SF expressing more human side of him in italics and more Storm one in caps - as we see sometimes SF behaves more like human even before bonding with Dalinar (relations with Eshonai, all of them). SF and Gavilar have probably months or even years of communication behind them, so it's not surprising that they talk more openly. Also SF in Prologue do not like to being ordered by Gavilar to watch the door - said in italics "I am not your errand boy. We have no Bond. You are my tool Gavilar." - something that definitely real SF would said. Also just look at how SF is talking to Dalinar at the beginning of OB, just few days after bonding - he gives a lot of information, expresses his feelings, and answers most of the questions Dalinar asked - the same behavior is seen with Gavilar. Bond was very fresh and would probably still not affected him and his personality to that extent. SF is much bigger spren than Syl, he do not needs bond to exist and remain thinking and feeling in physical realm. But why did SF talk with Gavilar before bonding and with Dalinar didn't? Well he answered it right at the end - he made a mistake, and he promised to do it differently next time - which he did with Dalinar - completely consistent. Maybe even that's why SF is so strict about misquoting him with Dalinar as he don't want to repeat his mistakes with Gavilar? I'll admit, there is something not quite Stormfatherly in Gavilar's SF. But much less then you suggest. Mostly about almost open statement of making Gavilar a new "...Herald" and few other surrounding it at the end of the prologue. Also when he felt Herald dieing there were lightnings coming out of him - very stormy indeed. And the sound he made - "Then, the Stormfather cried out. A sound like a peal of thunder, agonized." Would someone who was faking it be able to maintain the image while feeling that amount of pain to cry out of agony and make it sounded like a thunder at the same time? And I've checked my newsletter transcript and as I've pointed out in my previous post there were only two sentences spoken by SF in italics - just after Herald death. Those sentences are very fate sealing "I'm done with you and your stupidity" rather than sudden appearece of real SF. If all of the italics was someone else then why would he just said Goodbye like an conversation ending? How could he not react to Gavilar talking to him/himself constantly in so suspicious manner? Why would he even say anything at that point? He didn't say a word during or after the vision! All of this points me to conclusion that different fonts do not determine who is speaking as it just doesn't make any sense to separate conversation in this way. Therefore I think that argument about different fonts should not be taken as prove for anything as it creates more problems with Stormfaker theory then resolves. If there was just few more sentences spoken in caps here and there than that would make much more sense to analyze the differences and could make the argument for it. "It appears Ishar can be absolutely bonker-balls in Tu'kar but still manage to hold it together when interacting with the other heralds. If this is so, then Ishar could be insane but managing to hold it together when talking to Gavilar as well." Nothing like we've seen before. Even Ash when rescuing Taln could not hold herself down from her maddens driven urge to destroy her images and deny her God like status. Believing Ishar could do it so well with Nale just year before RoW is not convincing at all. "If Brandon wanted to make it work" This is brilliant, that explains every theory that could be make. So let's not go that way. The only way for Ishar to do things like in Prologue is via connection manipulation, Bondsmith abilities - with Honorblade it is easy, however most evidence suggests that he did not have it at that time yet. Only other reasonable argument is that he was using his Ashyn-Bondsmith abilities which we don't know anything about, even if he still possessed them after arrival on Roshar. "As well, can the Stormfather see inside buildings before bonding Dalinar?" Not in a Storm. Valid point. But for Stormfather being able to send visions to someone, he would need to establish connection with that person - which could be enough to see around that person if needed. "Random thought, but part of me has always been suspicious that Taln died. I low-key have wondered if Ishar did him in." I was always wondering why they did not wait for Kalak if they didn't know if he survived. This whole plan would collapse if Kalak had died as well. But that is a huge speculation, and it was clearly establish that Taln dies very often during battle. "Why would the Stormfather show kindness to Eshoni if the Stormfather was actually more like the italic-voice with Gavilar?" The same voice that is talking about downsides of immortality and is expressing lots of human emotions? Like Dalinar's SF? Hmmm "I feel like people are saying that because the Stormfather has MORE Honour in him that this means the Stormfather can act like he did with Gavilar, but nothing about how he acted with Gavilar seemed honourable at all." Honor is a very broadly defined concept, even Honorsprens define it differently among themselves. The only sure thing is that it is nesesery to keep their promises at all cost. For me saying that Stormfather holds pieces of Honor means that he is different than regular Sprens and is hugely connected to Honor which allows him to feel Heralds death. "and decided to trust Dalinar" Did he? He did not want to bond with him but seconds later did it and still had problems with Dalinar during OB like when he was used to open Oathgate. I would not say SF fully trusted Dalinar up until Battle of Thaylen. The italics voice was also quite trusting in Gavilar's intentions as was very surprised when told that Gavilar would give up on Braize. Naive even as he was witnessing Gavilar plotting and scheming all the time. I don't think there is yet any Everstorm spren, or at least sapient one, as it just appeared. And we know Sprens are shaped by human/singers/others perception. So there probably would not be enough time for that perception to manifest in form of a spren or to shape it. But maybe that spren is pure Odium essence so it doesn't need perception at all. However this spren is awfully quiet. I would rather choose Odium himself as the Stormfaker rather than spren as Gavilar was traveling to Braize and could establish connection with Odium. But on the other hand SF was very surprised and terrified that Gavilar would just give up on Braize immediately of which real Odium or his spren would be very fond. SF's reaction to "give it to me now" is easily explained as that was his very first words spoken with true internet - few sentences later explained even by SF as "it's not the Words that matters" or something like that. 1. As I said before, there was no Dalinar POV during that moment, as we see it only through Moash and Ash PoV. We can't say he did not feel it or he did with certainty. And then we skip year in-between books so to have that kind of conversation between Dalinar and SF after a year would be weird. 2. Ishar seems to have bigger connection with Dalinar as he is Bondsmith and Gavilar not, Ishar even said it that. Ishar would have to most likely establish connection with Gavilar by touching him. 3. SF was fully aware when Odium hijacked the vision, he was literally pushed away from it. Ishar probably would not have to do it by brute strength but still starting and ending visions by request would be something that SF could sense, and he would be aware of Gavilar talking to someone in his visions, even if he could not sense that person. We also knew that Gavilar's visions are the same as Dalinar's so they must come from SF. SF completely ignoring all that weirdness is a stretch. Also with Lift, he noticed her as soon as Dalinar did, so it suggest the same would happen when Gavilar would be talking to someone else in the visions. 5. He categorically refused to bond with Dalinar and few seconds later agree to it. Abandoning lie is much lesser deal than bonding and risking life. Could dead person from beyond even do that? You can connect to dead people, or at least to your perception of that person but other way around? Interesting idea, maybe not as a Stormfaker. "It is entirely possible that in prologue they did not know if Kalak died simply because the sensation of death of another Herald could be lost in the battle, if it is not particularly overpowering, but this is admittedly a conjecture." Seeing how overwhelmed Gavilar's SF was it would be the same for Ishar during battle, hard to miss. "True, but someone in touch with Connection could most likely do that (see future)" That's more of the Fortune thing not Connection. Seeing future is good counterargument but also it doesn't have to be that - he could just sense Jezrien blade as even Kalak noticed that Szeth had it somehow in Jasnah Prologue. It could be just a deduction not future visions. Huh, I'm providing counterarguments for my counterarguments "Similarly, Ishar could for example piggyback on connection to Stormfather through remains of Oathpact, and then use connection of Stormfather and Gavilar to 'touch' Gavilar." Good point, which would mean that SF has connection to Oathpact and it was him feeling death of Herald, completely removing that part form theory, which for me would be more convincing.
  25. This is pure atium! Just hilarious! Syl with daddy issues? And then this - "He raised his free hand, summoning the bridge." - I'm dead! Just imagine Syl as a Shardbridge. Can't wait for Words of Radiance!
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