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Just another guyn

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Everything posted by Just another guyn

  1. So, having looked at the adventure game, it looks fun, however, being the stubborn d20 enthusiast I am, I want to build dungeons and dragons 3.5 or 5.0 classes, races, feats, etc. for mistings, twin born, ferrings, and mistborn. anyone know how to write balanced classes? Or can help me start parsing the physics of allomancy?
  2. If you have to/want To go the HTML route, w3 schools is the way to go. They make it really easy and fast to learn CSS and HTML.
  3. I'm working on making a basic echo dot control my room via raspberry pi 2, but having trouble finding some of the parts and know how to do it. Anyone on here good with pi?
  4. I just audible Sanderson books offline for long drives. Or I listen to NPR, KSL, or something on the radio.
  5. So this doesn't have to be about sanderson stuff? Just general tech stuff we want to talk about?
  6. Firstly upvotes to extension for finding the quote. secondly, as far as I can remember,
  7. It would be nice if I could find a way to directly upload audio of interviews to the site somewhere. The best way I can find is a google drive link in a post, but my mobile device can't access google drive, and I have very limited access to desktops.
  8. I need to check the forum rules, but Brandon did not forbid me from making any of my questions and answers public. I will attach the audio when I have a computer that can clip out the accidental five minutes of static.
  9. It wasn't a public event, to my knowledge it was only for his students at byu and a few of their friends. I can make a thread for it if you want.
  10. I asked Brandon about possible issues with compounding mental speed, such as extream hunger. Apparently the hunger is only due to calories burned as regular thought process, not due to speeding of any digestive proccess, so you wouldn't need much food to sustain the compounding.
  11. Where do I send audio I have from a signing?
  12. So I asked Brandon at the signing tonight about what would happen if you drew a line of forbidance in a chalkling, and he said it would negate both of them. I was going to post it as a theory last night, but couldn't, so here is the solved theory.
  13. Just asked Brandon about it at a book signing, and he said that there are over a million theoretical possible metals, however there are not actually that many usable ones. I asked about that being due to some exploding on contact with water like harmonium, and he partially rafoed me, and said that harmonium would be very difficult to burn as it "reacts violently with nearly everything"
  14. I'm not saying it still any particular attribute, I'm just saying a shard could be using it as a way into renarins sou to manipulate him, like ruin did to vin
  15. I would probably have energy storage and conversion, so if I get hit by a falling truck I can then convert the energy into electricity and zap someone. This means I would usually appear as completely black as I am absorbing all light hitting me... my secondary ability would either be photon manipulation or mind control. Idk. My name would be Void and anyone who insults me will eat fish sticks, after which I will boil them. and my weekness would probably be thunder. I have almost been struck by lightning several times (within a hundred feet) and have a phobia for it already. Either that or public speaking.
  16. After further reading, there is also the possibility of more base metals then just 16. Just thought I would mention that.
  17. There is also the possibility of red shift by those stars traveling away at high speeds... energy released from splintering might do it... also there is the possibility of some sort of black hole warping light that gets to near it, witch also could cause redness. I'm not much for physics, but if I remember from the class I took correctly, then this is possible. Please correct me if I am wrong.
  18. I think we should look for hemalurgy in those expensing visions... it smells to much of what ruin did. Even if it's not physical hemalurgy.... (insert personal theory on how traumatic events cause ruptures in connections that mirror hemalurgy can sdna scars) hemalurgy messing with renarin is exactly the kind of heart wrenching evil Brandon is capable of.
  19. Back to the letter writing, I think it will be hoid writing to a nonshard... but that's just my gut reaction.
  20. Soul stamping may also be able to work around that by changing an object past. The other option is stamping nightblood sheath or something always near nightblood. I wonder if odium plus night blood would result in some sort of scar on the cosmere... we already have one of those...
  21. Really officer it was an accident. He startled me so I dropped my knife. sideways what do you call a boring hotel? Adolin Why does leras like jam? It's a preserve what spren does eshoni least want? Hoid spren these are not the hoids your looking for. some commands are breathtaking. everything she has ceons everything was calm until there was serene (use the original audiobook pronunciation, not the 10th aneversiary edition) Where does harmony cathc flies? In his spirit web what do you get when a carpenter has a child? A sander's son some shards really ruin a good pun aona bunch of bad puns what do you call breeze going down stairs? A condescending con descending
  22. Everything being networked together by the external connections is something I agree with. It almost seems like there is one vast complex spirit web , kind of like a computer program, with individual tags for each person.... when considering this with how feruchemy works, it almost seems like feruchemy is then the pinching off of a single strand and the letting it out... kind of like kinking a hose to stop the flow, then getting higher pressure out of it when you release it... i guess I'm just rambling, but the long and short of it is I agree with your basic theory, although not entirely with the subastral. I do think that Soren could have just taken a bit of shadesmar and expanded it, stretching the space there and creating their cities, if they didn't just build them wherever, rather than there being a separate layer of the cognitive realm.
  23. With the right modifiers, you could put an upper limit on night blood, to prevent any "sleep". I personally think stamping would be better, as I suspect that has a better chance of working throughout the cosmere. There also may be a way to "fix" investiture night blood emits as black smoke... possibly with the stamp? But I definitely think linking nightblood to the dor would be scary. Sounds like something odium might have a use for... edit: in retrospect, knowing the Brandon occasionally looks at these threads, I suggest you hide this where it will never be seen as odium using nightblood with it connected to at least two other shards is entirely to terrifying. Not even bacon could fix that.
  24. When someone mentions the cosmere and you make the fan girl sqeak followed by the hand waving thing... and your a guy on a date with someone really cute who doesn't Sanderson. or you realize you are much less attracted to your prom date based on the fact that the dor has two o's to them or your favorite date is the one where the movie was cancelled so you just discussed aondor theory for three hours at Wendy's.
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