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Everything posted by MacThorstenson

  1. I think the big complaints are that its generally confusing that we have an RP centered around one authors works, that more or less all fit together, and then an entire other legendarium that while there are several equivalents, doesn't really make sense or fit with the rest of the universe. Also, no offense to those who like it intended, but the fact that there is a very small minority of the RP that uses it, and that the only reasons for keeping it around are that its been around for a while and that this small minority enjoys RPing with it, are making people question why it's currently in the RP.
  2. Depending on the implications of their interactions, Most likely they would be rated as two separate characters, so long as it was a day by day thing and not a, as soon as scholar malu gets in a fight then fighting malu comes out sort of situation. Does that make sense?
  3. Mac walked back in, surveying the longest thread after having been gone for ages. He wasn’t pleased. “Is... is that a plot?!!! I need to act quickly.” Quickly he turned the plot into a small ugly hairless football sized creature (it was the closest visual representation of plots true nature he could manage). Then he grabbed the plot and drop kicked it far into the future. So that no one would have to deal with it for years. Looking around, his business concluded, he nodded to the other Narrators then walked back to the alleyverse, wishing that he could drop kick their plot as well.
  4. What if my problem is that all of my friends and family are being killed by ghostbloods?
  5. Oops, sorry I didn’t understand the quotes. People get misunderstood through writing all the time. My bad.
  6. I object to this. The DA are clearly the friends of the people. In any alleyway in the city you can stroll right in and leave with magic powers. TUBA doesn’t do that. DA disclaimer applies.
  7. I dont think we would add anything new. If anything we would look at what’s already in the index and try to figure out what people want to use and what people don’t, so we can focus on balancing the index with regards to the things that people want, as opposed to those that people don’t want.
  8. As of right now, we are discussing what we will try to do regarding the Era change. One of the ideas was putting it to a big poll to see what books and series we should allow magic from. Because people have had a variety of opinions on what should be included, and the people who have been in this RP has changed a lot since we first included many of the elements in it. Even if poltergeists are allowed, unless they are a complete non combatant they would have a tough time being approved. In addition using their unique abilities to overcome obstacles in a plot would be heavily discouraged.
  9. I’ve been seeing concerns about everything from non Brandon stuff to obscure un published cosmere, so I asked the mod team for their thoughts. Actually kenod, it was both devotion and dominion
  10. I am asking the rest of the mod team their thoughts, but people lately have been raising questions/issues about why we have so many non Sanderson magic systems or things from really obscure books as the variety can be confusing for new people and others who haven’t read the books.
  11. He’s a what from what? *checked index* When did that get added to the index? And how the storming heck is that 800 points? How would you rank his abilities? Having never even heard of this I am a tad confused about what it is. Could you describe them to me? Along with detail about range of possession, speed, anything regarding it. @AonEne
  12. Kesho moved through the tunnels, going from huddled group to hudded group making sure people were Ok. Helping kids reunite with their parents, or making sure people were at peace. Or whatever they could manage given the state that they were in at the moment. Unlike some, He didn't see himself as some kind of savior or some kind of wise man. He was just a man who tried to do what was right. The philosophical arguments and disagreements from his youth started rising in the back of his mind, but he quieted them. He knew that this was right, so why did it matter where it came from? Whether it was what was right according to Cultivation, or to the Nightwatcher, or to the God Beyond, it felt right to him. If he was lucky, there was a hard moral code that he could follow, otherwise, he would make due with what he had, stumbling through the fog without a light. Hopefully making a good enough path for people to follow. But enough philosophizing. Internally debating himself was not the most productive thing he could do. There were people that needed help. He turned down the tunnel, just in time to see a team of soldiers run up from the med bay to continue fighting. The young man from his youth yearned to join them, but the slightly less young man that he was now knew that chay shan would not have helped much out there. His talents, however limited, were far better suited to being kind then to fighting. Besides, even in a situation like this, fighting was not the best thing they could do. The DA was helping, he couldn't compare to them. He paused between two people, an old man on the left who had a broken leg and needed something to do, or a tired mother who was trying to keep 3 kids close to her, despite their constant efforts to run off and explore. He smiled a little, the little kids had no idea of the danger they were in. They lacked understanding, like he had once in his little garden. . . He shook his head as he caught his mind wandering. He could philosophize later. Now he had something to fix. His mind was drawn to his chest, where he could tell if his blessing was providing guidance. But there was nothing, as usual, leaving him to his own devices. Hoping that the old Man was coherent enough to help him, he knelt down and whispered in his ear: "My friend, are you awake? If you are, could you help me?" The man opened his eyes and smiled sadly. "I'm afraid I can't be too much help to anyone right now," "Nonsense." Kesho said, "I need you to talk to some people, and spin a story for some children. Can you do that?" At the unsure look on the Mans face, Kesho continued, "It needent be anything big or grand. Even a simple story from far before this time would be helpful to the mother over there." He turned and pointed, then watched as the mans face softened as he saw the tired look in her eyes. "Very well. It won't be very good though." He started. "It doesn't need to be thought out to be good. The purpose of this story is only to bring people together. If it does that, then it was a good story." He clasped the mans shoulder in gratitude then moved over to the children and the mother, whispering in her ear that the grandfather saw her struggling with her kids and wished to help her by telling them a story, if that would be alright with her. With eyes full of gratitude and relief she sent them over to sit next to the man and listened as he started telling a story of his childhood. One from before the guilds were big, when the things people cared about were cookies and having a good time. The man was right. The story wasn't thought out. It tended to ramble, didn't really have a plot or a point. But it brought them together. The mother, her kids, the man, and those around them. The world was falling apart, but here people were unified. That was right. Regardless of who you were, this unity and togetherness was right and good. The world was a better place. His gift didn't really provide as much guidance as some people thought. He couldn't manipulate it into letting him get much of anything, including guidance. The only thing it did was give him a little nudge when the path was covered with fog. A little knowledge about where to go.
  13. Well why do you want to write it? The issue is that there are a limited number of interactions that an OP character can have. People don’t tend to view them as people. They feel like more forces of nature and tend to be inaccessible. When it comes down to it, people psychologically aren’t built to have the power to destroy cities at their fingertips. Beings with that kind of power who use it cease to be human and unless they actively try to stay weaker then they are, it’s tough for them to interact with others, both because they don’t see the world through the same lenses, and because other people don’t see them through the same lense. We make sure that people that have OP characters have a use for them, because otherwise they stagnate. If you have a specific way they can interact with people such that they don’t stagnate, then put that in the why box. If you want, PM me the idea for the character and i can try to help you develop it. I am a huge fan of OP characters, but I hope that OP characters are able to be good OP characters and not a way for people to exercise their fantasies of being able to completely control their environment.
  14. Is it possible to make blogs that several people can submit entries to? I want to make a collaborative blog with several people on this site.
  15. Op is any character over 150 points. If we decide as a community to add RWBY lore and Magic to the larger alleyverse then yes. But I would prefer to avoid adding another universe to the alleyverse unless the majority of the AV gets on board with RPing with it and them.
  16. Farewell Gancho. Twas a pleasure alleyversing with you.
  17. Kesho moved through the tunnels, going from huddled group to hudded group making sure people were Ok. Helping kids reunite with their parents, or making sure people were at peace. Or whatever they could manage given the state that they were in at the moment. Unlike some, He didn't see himself as some kind of savior or some kind of wise man. He was just a man who tried to do what was right. The philosophical arguments and disagreements from his youth started rising in the back of his mind, but he quieted them. He knew that this was right, so why did it matter where it came from? Whether it was what was right according to Cultivation, or to the Nightwatcher, or to the God Beyond, it felt right to him. If he was lucky, there was a hard moral code that he could follow, otherwise, he would make due with what he had, stumbling through the fog without a light. Hopefully making a good enough path for people to follow. But enough philosophizing. Internally debating himself was not the most productive thing he could do. There were people that needed help. He turned down the tunnel, just in time to see a team of soldiers run up from the med bay to continue fighting. The young man from his youth yearned to join them, but the slightly less young man that he was now knew that chay shan would not have helped much out there. His talents, however limited, were far better suited to being kind then to fighting. Besides, even in a situation like this, fighting was not the best thing they could do. The DA was helping, he couldn't compare to them. He paused between two people, an old man on the left who had a broken leg and needed something to do, or a tired mother who was trying to keep 3 kids close to her, despite their constant efforts to run off and explore. He smiled a little, the little kids had no idea of the danger they were in. They lacked understanding, like he had once in his little garden. . . He shook his head as he caught his mind wandering. He could philosophize later. Now he had something to fix. His mind was drawn to his chest, where he could tell if his blessing was providing guidance. But there was nothing, as usual, leaving him to his own devices. Hoping that the old Man was coherent enough to help him, he knelt down and whispered in his ear: "My friend, are you awake? If you are, could you help me?" The man opened his eyes and smiled sadly. "I'm afraid I can't be too much help to anyone right now," "Nonsense." Kesho said, "I need you to talk to some people, and spin a story for some children. Can you do that?" At the unsure look on the Mans face, Kesho continued, "It needent be anything big or grand. Even a simple story from far before this time would be helpful to the mother over there." He turned and pointed, then watched as the mans face softened as he saw the tired look in her eyes. "Very well. It won't be very good though." He started. "It doesn't need to be thought out to be good. The purpose of this story is only to bring people together. If it does that, then it was a good story." He clasped the mans shoulder in gratitude then moved over to the children and the mother, whispering in her ear that the grandfather saw her struggling with her kids and wished to help her by telling them a story, if that would be alright with her. With eyes full of gratitude and relief she sent them over to sit next to the man and listened as he started telling a story of his childhood. One from before the guilds were big, when the things people cared about were cookies and having a good time. The man was right. The story wasn't thought out. It tended to ramble, didn't really have a plot or a point. But it brought them together. The mother, her kids, the man, and those around them. The world was falling apart, but here people were unified. That was right. Regardless of who you were, this unity and togetherness was right and good. The world was a better place. His gift didn't really provide as much guidance as some people thought. He couldn't manipulate it into letting him get much of anything, including guidance. The only thing it did was give him a little nudge when the path was covered with fog. A little knowledge about where to go.
  18. Here's a new character submission: @Voidus can you give him a look?
  19. Hey Rushu, we are looking at this, and over the next few days will be reading through Alns posts, but are there any major moments that you want us to look at for seeing character developement?
  20. Just chiming in quickly here, don’t we find out that mistborn can burn any metal in Era one? Just that the non Allomantic ones don’t have an effect and make the mistborn sick or kill them?
  21. Instead of screaming when you touch it, it would shout: A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON.
  22. We would just unhide the plot threads and then do terrible things to you in retaliation. Probably. More likely ask you to stop nicely.
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