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Everything posted by Steeldancer

  1. LG79/AN10 Day 9: A Place to Stay The others returned soon after Thane dealt with the nameless traitor. They brought back good news. The humans had been apparently been willing to give them some shelter and food, just this once. They would have to move on after, but that was no problem to them. With food and shelter secured, and even some crops that they had been offered, their future seemed much more secure now. The only remaining problem remaining was the remaining traitors among them. They sat together in another meeting. Honestly, Thane was getting a little tired of this. But he figured it was necessary to finally secure their future. Part of the reason they knew there were still traitors among them, was because Kethri had been finished off while they had been visiting the human village. Nobody had seen who had done it, but it certainly hadn't been the humans, not matter what they had been trying to make them think. The humans down here were no fighters. Oddly enough, they had found a stormspren stone on Kethri's body. Somebody had probably planted it there to make them suspect Kethri. --- Ivory Dragonfly was killed! They were a Workform Rebel! Village Stash Player List I saw there was some discussion of possibly doing a 24 hour day, I'm ok with that if you all are ok with it. I assume at this point there isn't a lot of discussion left to do.
  2. So I got sick, and that got me out of my obligation that was keeping rollover from being on time. So it'll be at the normal time, at noon, here in 4 hours.
  3. I kinda wish I could have messed with the main mechanic a bit more before I died... Haha if I hadn't been clever I could have used a card to protect myself. Well, somehow we still won.
  4. LG79/AN10 Night 8: The Nameless Liar Thane waited with another singer to watch the children as most of the others went to go beg the human village for assistance. It was a desperate ploy, for sure, but with a highstorm incoming they basically had no choice at this point. He didn't know this other singer personally, honestly. Nor did he much feel like finding out. The past few days had been way too exciting for him, and honestly he wanted to take a nap. But something felt off about the situation. The guy he didn't even know had volunteered to watch the children with Thane. Somewhere within him, little warning bells were going off. So he kept himself from fully falling asleep, and kept an eye cracked open to watch the guy. It turned out to be a smart decision, because as soon as the children, and Thane, to his eyes, were asleep, he began to creep towards Thane. Thane's heart thundered in his chest, but he remained still. He had to wait. The nameless singer lunged forward. Thane sprang into action. He had changed forms a little while back. Now he was in nimbleform, and although without armor, it gave him the agility to dodge the strike with the small knife. The singer's eyes opened in surprise, and then hardened in resolve. A rhythm of Odium could be heard. Thane spun around the next attack, and managed to nab the knife out of his hand. Then, in a move that surprised even himself, he stabbed his attacker right in the gemheart. The malen collapsed. Thane lied down, gasping. Too many murderers were around. --- Cream Tuatara (7): Scorpion, Mouse, Flamingo, Vulture, Weasel, Dragonfly Amethyst Scorpion (0): Tuatara Cream Tuatara was exed! They were a Workform Servant of Odium! The night will be extended by one hour, due to an obligation tomorrow that I'm not sure will actually end by noon. So it'll end tomorrow at 1PM EDT, 8/12/21.
  5. LG79/AN10 Day 8: Survival Pavli sighed at the idea of continuing on, but like the others, Thane's speech had convinced her to continue on. "If we're going to figure out food and shelter, then we need to go figure it out now." The group hummed to the rhythm of Appreciation. Moirin stood up. "We're going to need to go to a human village. I believe there is one nearby." The group silenced, and then the rhythm of Surprise could be heard. Why would the humans have any reason to give them anything? "I would never suggest this normally," explained Moirin, "but there are no other places we can go to get resources. Once there, we can either choose to negotiate, or steal from them if necessary. Hopefully they won't just immediately summon the Radiants. We have no real defense against them." Thane sang to consideration. "Let's do it, unless anyone has any better ideas." Nobody spoke up, and the rhythm shifted to that of Resolve. It would be a dangerous thing to do. But survival came first. Unfortunately, one of them would not live to meet the humans, as when they were packing up camp, Atticus was murdered as he was happily painting a picture of a strange animal. --- Opal Lion was killed! They were a Artform Rebel! Village Stash Player List The day will end in 48 hours at noon EDT, 8/11/21. If this game goes beyond that point, my schedule will get a bit wonky around noon, so I may move rollover into the morning.
  6. The night is over! The day will start when I get around to it. Oops I posted this two minutes early. My bad. If anyone submits actions in the next two minutes, I'll still accept them lol
  7. LG79/AN10 Night 7: The Choice to Continue Thane opened his mouth and began to speak. "Yes, it is true that we are in dire straights. We have very little food. We don't know where we are going to obtain shelter before the highstorm. But we cannot give up what we have obtained. If we stop now, we are giving up the only choice that we have actually made ourselves in our entire lives. Everything else has been chosen for us by our gods. Our forms, our occupations, our wars, our families, everything. We cannot return, regardless of the fact that they will execute us for our betrayal. It is wrong. So instead of giving up, how about we put our heads together and figure out how we can obtain food and shelter before the highstorm hits." A singer, Chashen spoke up, even as many others were nodding in agreement. They had come so far. "That may be true, but they will hunt us down anyway. There's no point in continuing to cause suffering and pain if it will all lead to nothing." Thane frowned at Chashen. He was one of the ones that they had been suspicious of before. "Do you serve odium, Chashen?" Chashen laughed. "Me? No. But I can tell you that Odium's reach is long. We have run, but there is no true escape, even as the Fused said earlier today." Moirin frowned as well. "Take him, and bind him." A few hours later, they learned that he had been indeed serving Odium. There were yet traitors among them. --- Mint Heron (9): Scorpion, Mouse, Flamingo, Lion, Vulture, Weasel, Dragonfly Cream Tuatara (2): Mint Heron Mint Heron was exed! They were a Mediationform Servant of Odium! Player List The Night will end in about 22 hours at 12:00 AM EDT, 8/9/21
  8. The day is over, I'll get the next turn (if there is one) up as soon as I can. Don't pm during rollover either. Looks like I should be a bit more timely than I originally thought, so it should be within about an hour still.
  9. There are 4 hours left in the turn. Additionally, the night will probably be late in coming. I'm not sure how late, as today is going to be a bit odd.
  10. LG79/AN10 Day 7: The Tipping Point The hectic events of the day before had left everyone exhausted. But having found a fused among them, it was time to gather and confer. Not only about the fact that there were traitors were among them, but there were other problems as well, which now felt obvious after what the Fused had said. "We have no food. We have no idea where we will shelter for the next highstorm. And where are we going to settle when we get there? It was great that we made it this far, but we will all starve on this barren land. We must turn back if we want to live." Pavli sang to Despair. The remaining singers whispered among themselves. They had been rationing, but indeed they did not have enough. And this flat land offered no protection against the raging highstorms that would come within the next couple of days. These, on top of the ideological problems that also had been brought up, were legitimate reasons to turn back. But if they turned back, they also turned their back on their only shot at freedom. Most likely, if they returned, they would all be executed. A decision needed to be made today. Thane sighed, and began to speak. ---- After having stabbed this Edith once, they wanted them gone once and for all. Nobody even noticed Edith slump over as the meeting began. --- Plum Rhino was killed. They were a Warform Rebel! Village Stash Player List The day will end in about 48 hours at 12AM EDT, 8/8/21.
  11. LG79/AN10 Night 6: The Freedom of Choice The fight lasted for several hours. The Warforms were particularly aggressive in their attempts to beat others up. Several singers had fled and hid. Thane stayed out of the fighting, but watched. And noticed something. One of the fighting singers, flickered? What in the world? Unless... Dread entered into Thane's heart. Could it be? Was it even possible, after all this time they had wandered? He sprinted between the brawling, shouting singers. The emotions were high enough that they had attracted angerspren and painspren. He double-teamed the suspicious singer, and their appearance flickered again. It was. Mavset-im. Fused. There had been a fused among them for all this time. Of course, the Fused that had run their town had been Mavset-im after all, this would be the same one. Abaram. "ABARAM!" Thane shouted. While most of the singers continued fighting among themselves, several closer to him stood up in shock. Abaram, for her part, giggled. Had she gone insane? It seemed so. Voidlight streamed out of Abaram, as she covered herself in illumination, so she looked like a small thunderclast. The sight of that got all of the rest of the singers to stop fighting and start running. Thane was unperturbed. It was just an illusion. He reached in, and ripped her out, and the illusion dissipated. It seemed to him that some of her skill had been lost when she lost her mind. Abaram laughed to the rhythm of spite, an odious rhythm. "You think you have the option of running from Odium? There is no escape. There is no freedom. You will see soon enough. You will have no choice but to turn back in shame. You will choose it yourselves. After all, it is easier to obey than to be free. There is no escape. There is no freedom..." Moirin approached with a sword in hand. "Silence, Fused. We will not be bound by our ancestors any longer." She sang openly to the rhythm of Determination, and then beheaded Abaram. Her body slumped to the ground. The gathered singers were entirely silent, shocked by the series of events that had just occurred. Thane heard some speaking fearfully. Unfortunately, Abaram's speech had spoken directly to the fears that all of them had, that none of them had voiced. Was there really an escape from Odium? Is there really such things as the freedom of choice for them? Thane felt something in his heart stir. An emotion. A feeling. The sense that that would be chosen by them. They would choose whether they wanted freedom or not. And Thane had no idea what these people would choose. --- Emerald Falcon (12): Heron, Weasel, Flamingo, Dragonfly, Tuatara, Mouse, Scorpion, Rhino, Lion, Vulture Ivory Dragonfly(1): Falcon Emerald Falcon was exed! They were Mavset-im! Player List The night will end in about 23 hours, at 12AM EDT, 8/6/21
  12. What do you want from me, I literally have no reads at the moment. I am interested in what Drake has to say in response to my question though.
  13. Alright I'm done with Picard, so I have time again. I said I'd do some voting analysis, but I'm feeling too lazy to do that right now. I will point out that my chaotic idea was purely coming from a joking perspective. I would never actually encourage us to do that. I just found the idea of it funny, until I realized it wouldn't work because Kasimir wouldn't die, and that would ruin the point, because then instead of a tie it would be whatever Kasimir flips as would win. Not nearly as chaotic that way. Another random thing I read: Drake why do you feel like Matrim is confirmed evil? Every time I've played with him that I've thought he was evil, I was very very wrong about it. I'm going to refrain from voting for now, but I will actually vote this turn. I'm... Actually not entirely sure why I didn't end up voting last turn. I'm usually pretty good at voting.
  14. The flavor for this game is hilarious. I'll run some voting analysis after I finish watching Picard.
  15. LG79/AN10 Day 6: Conflict Among the Frost "I don't even believe there any traitors in the first place. I think they were all just accidents," shouted one singer in protest to the current events. Moirin had been driven to a decision. They needed to root out the traitors now, or never. So she had gathered everyone into one spot, other than the children, who couldn't be corrupted by Odium anyway, and then started questioning everyone. Thane stood in line dutifully like everyone else. Except the crazy Artform next to him busy scribbling on the floor. "Do you mind?" asked Thane, but the artform was unperturbed, and continued to draw his insane scribbles on the ground. That was when there was a commotion farther down the line. Several singers jumped on Jalnor and started punching them over, and over. Moirin and several others rushed over, and Thane thought he saw a glint of metal briefly before one stabbed Jalnor. Blood bubbled on their lips, and they fell to the ground, dead. The murderers scattered, seeming to disappear. Thane was shocked. Had they really just done that in front of everyone? The entire group erupted into chaos again. People started trying to account for who had been next to them and who hadn't. Thane knew exactly what was going to happen now. It was going to be a battle. --- Oxblood Beagle was killed! They were a Workform Rebel! Village Stash Player List The day will end in 47.5 hours at 12:00 AM EDT, 8/5/21.
  16. Look, Zhongli is great, his VA and gameplay is amazing. But he suffers from being distinctly male. The only male I'm down for is Dainsleif. Waifus all the way, and Ayaka is the cream of the crop. Genshin Impact aside, the turn is over. I'll get the day up as soon as possible. Please don't PM during rollover.
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