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Everything posted by Spoolofwhool

  1. We're not talking about bendalloy hemalurgical spikes, we're talking about gifting allomantic and feruchemical bendalloy abilities to Lift using a gold and an atium, or whichever metal steals allomantic temporal powers, spikes.
  2. We know that hemalurgically-gained powers can be used to compound, else Marsh wouldn't still be alive after 300 years. Personally I think just giving her twin bendalloy abilities would be enough since that would mean that with unlimited bendalloy she could produce unlimited stormlight, and basically be immortal. I imagine that with unlimited stormlight a surgebinder would be on the order of a twinborn gold with immortality regeneration.
  3. Every shardpool is just a separated system of a shard's power, so yes, I think every pool could be used in a manner similar to the Well. However, I think for most shardpools it would be harder since unlike the Well, they weren't created with that usage in mind.
  4. 1. The Well of Ascension is cyclic because its power is used. After being used it takes 1024 years to reaccumulate. If no one used it, it would just remained there. I imagine if someone else managed to use the power of a shardpool, the power would take a certain amount of time to accumulate again.
  5. True point. My theory on that is moot then. If we therefore assume Frost is still on Yolen, then I have little doubt that Yolen is not a part of the greater Roshar system, due to the how Frost references in externally. Makes me wonder how the letters are being carried to the other. Magical Shadesmar post?
  6. Only if he were using stormlight around them. He probably doesn't need to absorb stormlight all the time and does so privately.
  7. Isn't it the other way around? Frost told Hoid to "leave that place" in the second letter. While this does indicate that Frost is far removed from Roshar, and not being a worldhopper, would still be on Yolen, therefore making Braize Yolen impossible. A possible thought though, is that while Frost is confirmed to not be a worldhopper, he may have been moved to another world by someone else's power. Could be wrong though, not sure if it is confirmed that he has never traveled between worlds before.
  8. Honestly, yes it is pretty weak. First of all though, this isn't my idea, just something that I agree is within the realm of possibility, though barely, that has been mentioned earlier in this topic. Using strong was perhaps a poor word choice, but compared to other arguments for the "Yolen = Braize" theory, it's definitely up there. Secondly, I didn't say that Roshar was created post-shattering, I just said that bits of Adonalsium's power ended up on it. The two are not related.
  9. The OP's theory is that Yolen was renamed to Braize without anyone realizing, thus hiding it. Personally, I doubt this. That said, I haven't read Mistborn: Secret History or Dragonsteel so I'm missing some information. On the other hand, a fairly strong argument for this theory is that there were spren on Roshar before Honor and Cultivation arrived, which means they were likely directly of Adonalsium. This would make sense if Roshar was near Yolen.
  10. While I agree that there's merit to splitting off pieces of your shard's power in order to lessen the affects of the shard's intent on you, I don't think it's possible to separate the power enough to completely nullify the intent while still maintaining noticeable presence as shard. Even the power of the Well of Ascension, as limited as it was to the greater power of Preservation, was enough to affect Rashek's use of the power when fixing Scadrial.
  11. That is essentially it, as has been stated. Leras crippled himself intentionally as a stop-gap. He lacked the power or ability to kill Ruin, or more accurately Ati, so just weakened Ruin and bought time for someone untainted by Preservation's intent to appear and take the power and use it against Ruin.
  12. Actually, Preservation did destroy a part of himself permanently, or more accurately, Leras, his vessel did. Leras sacrificed the greater portion of his cognitive to imprison Ruin. Shards don't actually have their cognitive, they're just large pools of spiritual energy which require a host to provide cognitive. I agree though that Leras did separate a portion of Preservation's power entirely, the portion that became the Well of Ascension, essentially a closed system from the rest of Preservation. When Vin released the power of the WoA it rejoined the rest of Preservation, terminating the prison around Ruin's cognitive. Also, while the power used to create the WoA was returned to Preservation afterwards, Harmony is still more Ruin than Preservation since Preservation still has a bit more of itself invested into humans than Ruin.
  13. Scadrial's mist is not a storage for power, it's just a physical representation of Preservation's power. Spheres on Roshar don't hold stormlight, gems do, and those don't have to be spheres, nor do I think they usually are. Spren are cognitive manifestations of power which can be seen in the physical realm. They aren't conduits, nor are metals really conduits or pools of power with the exception of god metals which are physical manifestations of a shard. I don't understand where your theory regarding duralumin came from so if you could elaborate, that would be great.
  14. Zane's spike gave him steel and it was through his sternum. There are definitely more than one site for allomantic steel. I theorize that it has to do with specifically creating inquisitors as a hemalurgic construct. Interactions between spikes possibly limit which bindpoints you can use.
  15. The spikes through the eyes might be necessary as part of the greater interactions with the other spikes. While normally there are multiple points which could be used to bestow steel or iron allomancy, when considering the specific hemalurgic construct desired, an inquisitor, only the eyes become acceptable bindpoints. I don't think it has to do with increased metalsight unless the brain cannot handle the increased visual input.
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