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Everything posted by ZenBossanova

  1. My first thought is to say no, that won't happen, but on second thought, if that dagger really did steal Jezrien's power in that gem, and Kaladin were to use that gem to bond his honorblade, then that is a real possibility. And it might even be something he could survive, if mentally scarred. He would have Jezrien's full power to back him up.
  2. Thanks for clarifying, One Who Connects. Considering Vasher's attitude about Nightblood, I am surprised to see Vivenna with Nightblood 2.0
  3. I rather suspect that Nightblood had something to do with that war starting in the first place. Just a suspicion.
  4. If that rate he consumes investiture is proportional to how long the blade is unsheathed, then that is the definition of exponential growth. And that can be VERY fast, given enough time. If there are any limiting factors, then we will probably get a logistic equation, which can be dangerous, depending on what those limiting factors are. But overall, less dangerous than simple exponential growth. In the real world, there are always some limiting factors. What sounds interesting to me, is what happens when he is around Voidbringers with unlimited voidlight?
  5. Nightblood is an imitation Shardblade, created by a different magic system, specifically the one on Nalthis.
  6. It occurs to me, that on Scadrial, metal is used for spiking. Would gems be used for spiking on Roshar?
  7. Do we have any other descriptions of Ashyn? Or of Braize? From the Coppermind, I get: Ashyn is mostly barren, with a few fertile patches.[2] While there are humans inhabiting this planet, a global cataclysm at some point in the past has forced most of its inhabitants to live in floating cities in the sky[5]. It currently has no shard.[6][7] The article on Braize just says: Braize is, according to Khriss, cold and inhospitable. However, despite being too cold to support life, many spren live there. Braize is unlikely to get its own books, but scenes from The Stormlight Archive will be set on Braize.[Citation needed
  8. The story reminds me of the story in Patrick Rothfuss's books, called, 'The Boy who Stole the Moon'.
  9. Hemalurgy is a promising way to look at it. The only thing that gives me pause is that Hemalurgic spikes normally have to be placed precisely. It may not matter for Heralds, because they are so invested. They are probably not concerned with transferring the spiked quality, as much as removing it from Jezrien. They would be most interested in just destroying what he had. And if the spike had some nightblood-type properties, all the better. Would we need different metal pieces to spike all the Heralds?
  10. I really wonder if it is going to be Rayse that regrets it. I could see Mr T using his deal with the Devil to his own advantage and tricking his way out.
  11. There is certainly more than we have been told. Have humans always been able to bond a voidspren? Was Honor really the original Listener God? They are of Cultivation and Odium, but they are not of Honor. Did the fight between C&H and Odium begin on Ashyn/Braize? Then did all 3 come over from Ashyn/Braize? Why did humans switch so easily to Honor? There are far too many questions, IMHO.
  12. I am still trying to understand the whole 'I am Unity' line, but if the 5th Skybreaker oath is 'I am Law', then it is possible that what Dalinar was saying, was actually the 5th oath of his order.
  13. Did Brandon really say that specifically about Ingenuity?
  14. One thing I haven't noticed being mentioned, is that if Jasnah is Queen, then she will have to think about continuing her family line. I have no argument against those who point out her animus against men, or her asexuality, or who point out romance would be unnecessary for her. But continuing her family line/dynasty will be something she doesn't take lightly. An alternative here might be young Gavinor or any children Adolin & Shallan might have.
  15. I am still not convinced we have the entire story, though we certainly have some very damning evidence.
  16. I agree, but they specifically said that would be a bad idea in the middle of a Desolation.
  17. One thing I haven't noticed being mentioned, is that if Jasnah is Queen, then she will have to think about continuing her family line. I have no argument against those who point out her animus against men, or her asexuality, or who point out romance would be unnecessary for her. But continuing her family line/dynasty will be something she doesn't take lightly. An alternative here might be young Gavinor or any children Adolin & Shallan might have.
  18. Would you mind laying out the reasoning behind why you say so? Unity to me sounds like a synonymous intent for Honor. Tanavast is in no way present in the scene in any way that should have surprised Odium, and Odium was already aware of the possibility that Honor's shards could be used in some way against him, and by his conversation with King T it seems likely he knew that Dalinar had the possibility of Ascending. I don't see any evidence of anyone else present in the scene who has died before this. Honor is keeping oaths, but not necessarily unity. Yet Dalinar is also hearing a command to unite them, that is not coming from the StormFather. Further, this is someone Rayse/Odium recognizes and is terrified of. I am not aware of Rayse/Odium having that kind of horror of Tanavast/Honor. They were enemies, but not something (to my knowledge) that he was terrified of. Adonalsium on the other hand, was killed by 16 people, and was certainly(?) more powerful than the individual shards we see today. I think Dalinar peaked into the Beyond or the Spiritual Realm and briefly conversed with Adonalsium. That is what so deeply terrified Rayse/Odium.
  19. We learn in Oathbringer that humans came from a different world. This could have been Yolen, but I think the evidence points to either Braize or Ashyn, two other planets in the Roshar System. Braize/Damnation does not sound like a nice place, even if we have few particulars about it. But we do at least have a reading from The Silence Divine, where Ashyn is described, from the viewpoint of one of the floating cities. https://youtu.be/a-Qq3Xhgw1I?t=3384 Transcription: @WeiryWriter Thanks!
  20. Unity sounds a lot like The One that Evi would talk about. But why would Odium care that much about Evi dying? He was in a panic at this point. This was big enough that he ran for dear life. It is possible he was talking about Honor, but it really fits Adonalsium best - killed by a group and a transcendent powerhouse.
  21. Yolen was my first thought for the world they destroyed, but I agree that it must be Braize or Ashyn. Probably Ashyn. We knew it had significance because Brandon would answer few questions about it. I remember a reading from The Silence Divine, which happens in the floating cities above Ashyn. The planet was a lava covered hell scape.
  22. Speaking as someone who has only finished part 2, how likely is it that Shallan would be putting Ghostblood symbols in her notebook so casually? This is certainly consistent with what we have been told about that symbol, except, of course, that is pretty open use of it. Has anything been verified about this symbol? Ok, I will go back to reading now. It probably isn't a good idea to be in the forums before I finish, anyway.
  23. 4.5 Millennia I don't think so. Look at the barmaid that Veil points out was wearing wildly clashing colors, Theylen clothes when she isn't Theylen, and was looking for someone. I am calling this as Vivenna. That chapter haunted me. Seriously, haunted me and still does. I am almost a bit sad that they don't seem to be doing too much more with it. But I am not clear what kind of spren he was talking to either. Not convinced it was an honorspren. This really does beg the question: Is he Odium/Divine Hatred because of the Shard itself, or is that the way Rayse is channeling it? I think it is entirely plausible that it is the second. I don't think the shards come with lists of ingredients. If you have only seen the shard with one person, it might be hard to tell which is the shard, and which is the vessel.
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