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Everything posted by ZenBossanova

  1. If I am correct, we will see more skyeel-style flirtations and more conversations that simmer. But anybody but Laral. I can think of several chulls I would prefer over her.
  2. That is... Excellent. The first oath is always the same. The next two oaths have to do with the first trait, while the second two must have to do with the other trait. How does this work with the oaths Szeth was given? Edit: it isn't identical, but Szeth has oaths that pertain to both of his ideals, Justice and Confidence.
  3. I suspect, none of the shard holders will do a lot for reuniting more than a shard or two at a time. The problem is that large amounts of Investiture resists more Investiture. I think this is why Hoid refused a shard, and has only been gaining access to the power for each shard. The investiture is a much smaller quantity, gaining access to all 16 should be possible, unlike if he had started at shard-like levels of power. His goal is only attainable if he is not too powerful. Just a theory.
  4. Ok, this is the pattern I worked out, with a few guesses. It is laid out the same as the Allomatic or Feruchemic metals. I am not satisfied I have them in the right positions, but it is a good start. Physical Quartet External Push: Dominion Secondary Quartet: Authority Internal Push: ________ Secondary Quartet: Authority External Pull: ________ Secondary Quartet: Desire Internal Pull: ________ Secondary Quartet: Desire Spiritual Quartet External Push: Preservation Secondary Quartet: Desire Internal Push: Honor Secondary Quartet: Desire External Pull: Ruin Secondary Quartet: Change Internal Pull: Odium Secondary Quartet: Change Temporal Quartet External Push: Cultivation Secondary Quartet: Change Internal Push: Paradox/Transcendence?? Secondary Quartet: Change External Pull: ________ Secondary Quartet: Power Internal Pull: Ambition Secondary Quartet: Power Cognitive Quartet External Push: Endowment Secondary Quartet: Power Internal Push: Ingenuity?? Secondary Quartet: Power External Pull: Autonomy Secondary Quartet: Authority Internal Pull: Devotion Secondary Quartet: Authority
  5. @Toaster Retribution because they are parts of a whole. Some aspects of Adonalsium act on exterior things, while others act on internal aspects. Endowment is an internal state, while Dominion is external. Odium would Internal. I am not sure about Honor and Cultivation.
  6. @John203 You might think so, but when I mapped out a possible grouping, I found logical quartets grouped by similar, complementary ideas or goals. Some were true opposites, but many others were yin/yang opposites. And many were not really opposites at all.
  7. Two quick points: 1) We can't separate the "I am Unity" line from the frequent call Dalinar hears to unite them, whoever/whatever "them" are. 2) Grouping the Shards into quartets is not as arbitrary as all that. The Allomatic/Feruchemic metals are grouped by Interior/Exterior and by Pushing/Pulling. We should find analogous groupings for the Shards. For instance, Dominion is probably External Pushing while Endowment is Interior Pulling. We could also probably use better terminology than Push/pull, since that is metal-centric.
  8. I was going to call Renarin a Possibility-Watcher, but the thesaurus says one of its synonyms is hope, which sounds much more Radiant. So I propose we call Renarin a Hope-Watcher. That leaves him with close ties to the Truth-Watchers, while also pointing out the unusual aspect of his truth-sense.
  9. It will also be interesting to see, if we can use the Kholinar oathgate in the future, as a way to travel to Shadesmar. It might not get us to Urithiru, but that is useful and interesting in its own right.
  10. If it is Taln, then I suspect it will be because he is somehow accessing multiple orders of KR.
  11. I was going to post a new theory, but this one jives so closely, I will just agree and amplify. 1) As a rule, you should never make a deal with the devil. However, Odium should be a LOT more suspicious. There is no way (normally) for Mr T to match wits with Odium, but if he is having one of his genius days, then all bets are off. Cultivation seems to be cultivating things in such a way that Odium can't see it. Seeing the future is trickier than we (or Odium or the KR) usually realize. 2) The Parshendi/Parshmen will have evolved to be able to bond H/C higher spren. Odium's control is no longer a given, BUT HE CAN NOT SEE THIS. We may also see interesting things with the hybrids (Herdazians, Horneaters, Natanians, etc.) 2b) The Radiants will begin to gain Zoid-binding surges, right under Odium's nose, but he will not realize it. 3) The Unmade and especially S-A will be guided (cultivated) to take the oaths and become honor(ish) spren. Losing his godspren will make Odium mad, but the mixing of powers will drive him insane. This could result in entirely new orders of Radiants. 3b) If Ishar becomes a full and total traitor, could he take the Bondsmiths with him? Considering the Stormfather is our source of Stormlight, this could pose multiple problems. If we can use Voidlight, we might be able to work around it. 4) Cultivation has a lot of surprises for Odium. Those surprises will be a dish best served cold and he will walk right into it thinking he can see the future. 4b) Before this is all done, the KR will have seized most/all of his surges and a lot of his power. Humanity is going to see some hard times, but it is nothing in comparison to what Cultivation (Mrs Honor) has in store for Odium.
  12. I am really hoping Rlain will be the next Bondsmith. But will it entail a new form? It didn't for Venli.
  13. I still want to know what that bandolier she had at the end of WoR was. Are we going to see that again? Was it off-world firearms she picked up in Shadesmar?
  14. Questioner [PENDING REVIEW] In our universe, mass and energy curve space. I was wondering if Investiture does the same or something similar Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW] It does something similar. It draws the three Realms together. So it's got like-- Imagine a gravitational pull piercing Realms. Right? Of kind of-- source That does lend credence to using draining investiture as a way to bend spacetime.
  15. @Calderis Certainly, we don't know much about the Sho Del, but what you quote about dragons, suggests that what is essentially Dragon-ish about them is NOT their physical state. They can change that, so what makes them different from others, must be other than their physical form, because they are shape-shifting.
  16. Jasnah would disagree, I am certain. She knows enough history that she can point out examples where things started like this, but ended in war, or the end of the dynasty. Notice, just how quickly she pulled in Shallan when she realized she was a Radiant, or just how willing she was to assassinate her sister-in-law, the queen. Kaladin is the most important and powerful Radiant, behind Dalinar, AND he has the most squires and new Radiants. He will accumulate power, even if accidentally. That power needs to be contained. Marriage is the best, oldest and time-honored way to do it.
  17. They remind me of a saying I once read: Marriage was made in Heaven. So was Thunder and Lightning.
  18. I still think Jasnah & Kaladin for a political marriage is what will happen. He isn't just a bridgeboy anymore. He is one of most important people on Roshar.
  19. Fact: On Yolen before the Shattering, there were three races, Humans, Sho-Del, and Dragons. Theory (with a heafy grain of salt): Each of these have a primary aspect in a different realm. Specifically, Humans:Physical Realm, Sho-Del:Cognitive Realm, and Dragons:Spiritual Realm. Of course, we have very, very little evidence to base this on. It is a weak theory at this point. Observation: We have only (apparently) seen humans on the different Shardworlds. Why? Proposal: I propose it is because it differs between races, what they consider most essential about their race. In other words, if you met a being that looked human, but thought differently from you, and/or had a different spiritual outlook from you, you might agree or disagree with that being, but you would call it human. But this may simply be our human perspective. What would a Sho-Del consider to be the defining characteristic of their race? Would they care at all about the physical appearance, if the cognitive aspect were there? What would a dragon say about a being that had their spiritual powers, but looked or thought differently? Note, that (in the very non-canon) chapters Brandon has released on Yolen, Frost the dragon appears, at times, quite human. We may have been looking at Dragons and Sho-Del the entire time, and have not realized it.
  20. The other thing I wonder about, is if mass, and energy and investiture are all interchangeable, then does empty space have a zero-point level of Investiture, like it does for energy. Could the appropriate misting be able to drain that (like in the Casimir effect)? If so, that should generate negative space-time curvature. If that is possible, then you could make a Alcubierre drive.
  21. Nalthis, of all of them, should be the easiest, if you have sufficient physics knowledge. Just make the exterior of the spaceship of a useful material (probably not metal) and awaken it with a command like, 'produce a tachyon field' , or 'warp space-time' , or (if you believe the ER-EPR theory) then simply 'create wormhole' . The commands would need to be more detailed with specific numbers, but it should be within the grasp of the average educated Awakener and his/her crew. A similar trick should be possible on Taldain if Autonomy allowed it.
  22. What I want to know, is why Hoid went through all the trouble for that particular spren. I am sure he could have found a random spren more easily.
  23. I don't see Jasnah being a demure, submissive First Lady. She is Queen. If Kaladin is to rule, you can be sure, Jasnah will insist on an egalitarian power-sharing, co-rule. But yes, Kaladin will be very loathe to engage in anything like politics. The question is, is it necessary to save his people? That is his overriding concern.
  24. This is the one that I was thinking of, but it certainly gives more credit to what @Subvisual Haze said
  25. I have wondered if his 4th or 5th oath would be to find a way to save the Parshmen. I also recall a WoB about that image with spears that goes along with Kaladin chapters, and how this will be more significant as time goes on. Kaladin has not nearly begun to peak, which makes the importance of a political marriage that much more urgent.
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