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Everything posted by Penumbra

  1. I saw a different one with a red cover and a woman with short dark hair. But this one made me think Vin + TenSoon as well to be honest! I don't know if Vin-ish characters are a common thing or if I just see Mistborn everywhere now.
  2. When you see an ad for a book named "Shadowborn" and you think "Did Sanderson surprise-write a book again?" and then you realize that other authors are also allowed to use words such as "shadow" and "born" in their titles. It looked like Vin on the cover, okay?
  3. It really keeps one thinking. "Journey before destination" has become like my Cosmere version of shouting "YOLO" when I find myself afraid to step out of my comfort zone and take a risk.
  4. I suppose 3D art, as that is my trade.
  5. I'm a babsk finally! Who is my apprentice? Ironically I'm about to be an apprentice IRL.
  6. When you battle your fears by repeating the first radiant ideal to yourself. It's really motivational.
  7. I'm guessing something about the trauma of killing others gives them an insight to the spiritual realm, or gives the spiritual realm an insight to them somehow. Along the lines of snapping, perhaps?
  8. I just dressed up as Me Making an Effort and put on some nice clothes and had a nice Halloween-dinner with my partner. On the upcoming halloween party at my school though I'll probably go as a witch, or a pirate, because those are the most extravagant hats I have lying around in my home. For next year I hope to be able to get a video game themed costume in order!
  9. 1: I was in a reading funk for years. I had given up on finding a new great fantasy series at that point and had basically stopped reading. My partner suggested I read Way of Kings because "It's the kind of fantasy that you'll like." I recognized the name Sanderson because my mom is a WoT-fan and thought "Yeah okay, I'll give it a try". Absolutely devoured the book and then worked my way relentlessly through all the Cosmere works. 2: Like my partner said: they're different. Worldbuilding is great, and everything is part of a large ecosystem that is well thought out and makes sense. It makes the worlds so much more immersive. Also plot twists that make me scream, cry, and laugh out loud. 3: Favorite series is probably Stormlight because I love Roshar. But I had a blast reading Warbreaker too. 4: I'd wager about a 7, perhaps. I am really often finding myself trying to not overwhelm my friends with information whenever one of them asks "what is that book you're reading?" 5: Probably around 9. People are very dedicated to analyzing and theorizing around these books which I think is super great.
  10. I try to use a bookmark, especially in bigger books (looking at you, Stormlight). My "Bookmark" is usually the receipt I got when I bought the book, because I start reading it before I'm even out of the store most times. Eventually I nearly always lose my bookmark, and then proceed with the heretic practice of folding the corners.
  11. If we can find my partner someone to room with I could do it financially, but it would be a close call. I'm already running on a student loan, and if I can get relief from the rent up here I could pay for a room or something in the other place. My best friend (who really thinks I should do it) offered to move in in the room I leave behind but were not entirely sure it'd work out. I'm a little mad that the company wouldn't show me outright what projects I'd be on even though I went all the way down ... So much secrecy in this business. I think the living part will sort itself out somehow if I go. I'm mostly worried about being without my friends or contacts for 7 months ... I'm not super social, exactly. The travel down and back costs $100 roughly, so going back over weekends might be difficult.
  12. I just bought Divinity 2 to play with partner. If Divinity 1 is anything to go by we'll play 12 hrs in the same starting town and I'll accidentally run into my own AoE spells in every fight while my partner attempts to carefully plan everything so that I will do as little damage as possible to our own party. I loved it, we'll see how long my partner can bear it this time haha.
  13. When your biggest worry about moving suddenly is that you cant get Oathbringer fresh from the store but would have to wait for it to ship.
  14. I think I'm with you on that one, despite never hearing 'em live!
  15. my internship drama is everywhere right now might as well vent here too... it's been weeks of this and I am so tired. There's a perfect internship for me. I went to visit and the team is lovely. I'd learn a lot but it would be difficult. Exactly the stuff I want to get into doing, have on my CV, cool projects, all that stuff. If they still want me that is. Problem is: it's located 5 hrs from my home, my live in partner, and my everything. Partner doesn't want to move with me for just an internship (understandably). We don't want to sell the home we have because partner lives there + might need it later + we're not the only owners. I'm trying to figure out if I can manage to rent a room in internship-city while still maintaining the place in home-city ... it's unpaid internship and the company can't pay relocation for students. R.I.P my heart. I don't want to have to say no to this place but it would be so hard to make it work! My beloved partner thinks I should do it, and "follow my dreams", but it feels crazy! So I worry about all the catastrope scenarios. I worry I might not be good enough and they would hate me if I went down anyway somehow and I'd just have 7 months of lonely hell. Thinking about all this still stresses me out so much I cant eat properly. I just want to solve this problem already so I can get back to reading and working and eating properly again. It's tuening the good days to bad ones just by being on my mind all the time >_<
  16. Too much probably. Not enough would take a long time of torture before I went, too much miiight be faster? Depending. Would you rather be stuck on 5 hr train ride with no functioning toilets or on a 5 hr flight with a screaming baby seated behind you?
  17. I have seriously clicked this title like 6 times now expecting juicy Hoid news and I just do not learn. Here you go: Possible way of kings spoiler I suppose: - 15 secrets the court never told you about the emperor: this Forger reveals it all!
  18. Silverlight or related pls <3. It would be super cool to read and then analyse to pieces for a long time hehe. Although I guess if not Cosmere it'll give me motivation to get into the other series of his after I finish Oathbringer.
  19. I knew it! Or, sort of . I wonder if I've seen it around and nearly bought it before perhaps ...? Now I'll have to go find it hehe.
  20. This looks like part of the cover of a book I would want to read. 8/10 for mysterious cloak-man. and an extra point for being yellow, because I rarely see yellow avatars.
  21. Thank you for the response! I like the idea that the Seventeenth Shard might be manipulated by Autonomy, but they also seem like they might know a bit too much about the Cosmere and it's workings to be tricked like that ... I guess I'll settle for "no connection" until I can find some sort of evidence that they share anything more than beef with Hoid
  22. Are the Seventeenth Shard and Autonomy somehow related or speculated to be related somehow? I suppose I'm getting that vibe from them both "meddling" in other worlds, as well as being on the chase after Hoid/having some kind of beef with Hoid and his quest. It's a very loose idea so far and I wonder if there has been any evidence/theories around it, because I can't seem to find any upon searching.
  23. To condense it: I love that the worlds feel coherent and complete. Its not just magic without a cause and effect. It really feels like another world that could exist with it's own ecosystems of magic and social effects, causes, technologies and so on. And the more you read the more you realize how everything connects, which I also love! Also plot twists that have made me scream out loud while reading. Granted I'm a pretty expressive reader but still.
  24. Zane. I always just come into these kinda threads and write Zane. He was angsty and with reason, but it became too much for me to handle. He seemed to me like a distraction from the plot rather than an asset to it somehow.
  25. I think super hero movies are boring. Except the Batman trilogy. Those were sort of okay.
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