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Everything posted by emailanimal

  1. I think the Annotations are pretty direct about it. He has about 50 Breaths. The whole point of his imprisonment is that he needs a stash of Breaths and Vahr is the fastest way he knows to get there. But we do not see him go as a drab for any period of time approaching a week.
  2. So, our versions are Hoid, who did not do it by WoB, or someone who has not been known to be in the vicinity of Taln's reappearance. Bah. We can play that game to death. It was Axies because he studies spren. No, it was Rysn and her babsk: they are heading to Shinovar again to trade it to the Stone Shamans for some chickens. No, Mraize got there first. But wait a minute, how about this guy from Purelake we saw this one time? Surely, he could've walked and stolen the blade. Nobody (!) expects that(!)
  3. Here is a link: http://grimoakpress.com/product/unfettered-ii-edited-by-shawn-speakman/
  4. Fair enough. Put it under the spoiler tag. This has been officially published as The Thrill in a collection, and the specific episode I am referring to is available from either Brandon's web site or Tor's. But you are right, this is past Edgedancer, so spoliers are warranted. Death Rattles are also difficult to detect if one has no idea what they are. Random people die and say something right before their death. It starts looking strange only if someone is watching for these. Otherwise, it is random noise of dying people. So, they could've been out there much longer.
  5. As we have seen, the spren have been demonstrating startling levels of unreliability in that regard.
  6. I think this is wrong. In fact, as others point out, At the same time, it is probably true in the other direction: there will be a major or semi-major character in the series from each of the ten Orders, and through them we will see the powers of each of the Orders. Given this, I do not see other obvious candidates for Willshapers, so I vote for Rysn too. I used to think Adolin (see below), but some time ago someone was very convincing in defending the Adilin looks like an Edgedancer theory. Eshonai would also make a decent Willshaper (she is an ambassador of a different culture, humans need to detoxify Parshendi and fight along their side against Odium to ensure that Parshendi never come under the stormform influence again), so perhaps her book will be where we learn about Willshaping. Which is good, because Willshapers sound like awesome folks and I want to find out more about them. As for Adolin. Post WoR, I based my theory on the WoB that there are orders of KR who would accept Adolin after what he did and Willshapers is one of them. "One of them" does not mean "only this order". What I was thinking though is that there has to be an order of KR that is essentially the anti-thesis to Skybreakers. Skybreakers do what is prescribed by law. What Adolin did was unlawful, but from the perspective of A LOT OF US, and probably, a lot of in-world people, he did what needed to be done. I thought that there has got to be an Order whose Oaths are a form of "I will do what needs to be done" and "I will do what needs to be done even if it means doing things I hate". Adolin's behavior fit those Oaths. Willshapers felt like a good placement for those Oaths. Dustbringers too perhaps (after all, their power appears to be quite destructive, and using it to destructive ends may be something no one in the order actually likes). So, there.
  7. Right, the Thrill. Forgot it. If we go by that, then you may be right regardless.
  8. Given that we have seen Renarin actually write one of those numbers at the end of the book, it is pretty unambiguious as to who did it. This is generic of all people with an emerging spren bond, so it seems. Not a function of Renarin being on the Cultivation side of KR orders. Although I agree with almost everything else you say there. To me, visions of future are of Cultivation, not of Odium. If Odium knew future, we probably would not be having the Stormlight Archive. I actually like it a lot. Internally, this works well with Renarin's "I see" and with the description of how Truthwatchers were in the days of yore, that you are citing. There are some WoBs where is hemms and haws on the topic of Renarin's visions that make some people believe that they are not part of Truthwatcher powers, and there is the overall idea that we have seen healing and lighweaving in the hands of Lift and Ym on one side and Shallan on the other side, so we should be able to gain an idea of how Truthwatchers would operate, and none of that included receiving visions. More like giving them to others. It might also be useful to have some understanding of what these visions are. The Everstorm vision is very curious, because we were supplied the exact countdown to it. Basically, we know that time exists in Physical and Cognitive Realms, but in Spiritual Realm time does not exist. So, any vision of the future in Cosmere must include two aspects: a. ability to peek into the Spiritual Realm b. ability to place what has been seen in time It appears that the ability of Shards to "see future" is a function of how good or bad they are with part b. of this equation. Honor can see into Spiritual Realm as well as Cultivation or Odium or Harmony. But Honor is much worse at making sense out of it than Cultivation is or Leras was. Oathpact and Recreance are thousands of years apart. It depends on whether there is a Cosmere law that underwrites this weakness. We have seen certain things repeat themselves in the books, but when they do, it is because Brandon is making use of a Cosmere law, and wants to make a specific point about it. This is because no one gave Renarin the "Truthwatcher Guide to Survival". The order had its rules. When a new Truthwatcher manifested, he got inducted and got the briefing. It was explained to the new Truthwatcher exactly why talking about Truthwatcher business is a bad thing. Renarin does not have a welcome committee.
  9. The alternative interpretation is that the subject of the rattle are the Voidbringers. Or Kaladin. Or Szeth. Or Eshonai personally. To me this seems to be less about a specific individual though, and more about the fact that something unfortunate will come from the storm. This is certainly happening.
  10. Every single secret society seems to have its own idea of the cause-and-effect: "Radiants => Desolation", or "Voidbringers => Radiants", or "(self)torture => Radiants" or "kill Parshendi => no Desolation". The fact that after thousands of years, Nale is apparently not very smart or Cosmere-aware is actually sad. Look at Khriss and what she achieved with less. The bottomline is that all of these are indicators of the true reasons (latent variables if you will): at certain times Odium is capable of coming back and messing with Roshar. Is his ability to do so determined by the ability/desire of spren to form Nahel bonds? Pretty certain, not. So, the reasonable logical conclusion for an outside observer should be that KRs are a useful defensive mechanism against the inevitable.
  11. What is our main evidence of the Unmade activities? Death Rattles? Anything else? Pattern showed up at Shallan's doorstep quite a few years in the past. Ditto for Jasnah and Ivory. And we do not know how many people Nale offed in the time being, but his visit to Ym was not the first time he was doing it. We need to put the following events in chronological order: 1. Mr. T. creates the Diagram 2. Gavilar starts getting the Stormfather Netflix 3. Death Rattles appear Then we will know what came first, the chicken or the egg.
  12. Funny, I was going to do this exact one with a songling and a cremling at some point. Beat me to it (-:
  13. So can chasmfiends. Note that there is no evidence that the Heralds (Roshar analogs for what Vasher is) ever bonded the "traditional" spren, although what exactly their HonorBlades are remains to be discovered. At the same time, perhaps we can figure this one out. Vasher and, e.g., Nalan are both Cognitive Shadows. Nightblood was made to mimic Honorblades (or, to be more exact, Shardblades, that were, in turn mimicking Honorblades). Honorblades suck in Stormlight, just as Nightblood eats Breaths (and looks like any other type of Investiture).
  14. Consider the following possibilities. We know that Yolen is hidden. Even Khriss circa Mistborn knows not where it is. It means getting there is difficult. Perhaps leaving it is just as difficult. Yolen may actually not have a perpendicularity, because it might not have any Shards left. Yolen may have a very tiny presence in the Cognitive Realm, because very few people may remember/know about it and think of it in general and items on it in particular. Frost may not want to leave Yolen. Dragons are too Invested into the planet they are on.
  15. From what I can gather, Tzai Blows are apart of microkenisis Which brings up the next obvious question....
  16. How about we try the same thing with an inanimate object that no living creature observes when it changes its state? I think I am happier to agree with you on the top part of your response than with @Jedal. In fact, I came up with these questions after thinking about precisely the same things: lack of representation for parts of Cosmere in between inhabited worlds. I also like you citing the ardent experiments Interlude. I should've thought a bit more about it - and with each reread this Interlude keeps growing on me. Now, the difference between what I am asking and the spren observations, is that Observation makes the form of the spren in Physical Realm fixed. It is not clear what it does to the Cognitive Realm version of the spren, because in the Cognitive Realm as fire spren does not necessarily possess the features that were observed and measured. So, there are multiple theories here already. One is that everything is self-aware not just in Cognitive Realm, but in Physical too. You are rebutting this one. Your theory is that (a) observations in Physical Realm shape the form of the bead in Shadesmar and (b) those observations must be conducted by living beings (possibly including spren?). I like your theory more on purely aesthetic grounds (and because it actually explains Cognitive Realm without space between worlds better). I am still not certain though, that knowledge of the Physical state of the object changes its Cognitive state. On the other hand, changing a state of an object because A LOT of people believe in it also is a bit dangerous. I'd like an explanation that involves some sort of decay factor. E.g., Stick slowly fading away as Shallan's memories of it fade. (Now, Shallan is a bad example, she has perfect recall, but imagine it is Gaz, and not Shallan).
  17. Confident with my immaturity always, always immature my confidence?
  18. Errs one of two who name selves Talanel, as Talanel as a name of two is one error.
  19. Let's translate the poetry of Earth, from the lowest schoolyard rhymes to the finest Shakespearean verse into Vorin languages. Rules: An actual piece of poetry (or so called poetry) Translated as a ketek Earth-specific references replaced with Rosharian realities. Here is a start: Fire Illuminates the breeches of a liar whose breeches are lit of fire. This, of course, is the fifth tenet (or taunt) of Truthwatchers: Liar, liar, pants on fire.
  20. At the end of times, Cosmere will retain only two religions: one consisting of all the pantheons of Bavadin, and the Church of Stick. Most people will worship at the latter.
  21. In roughly the following order: 1. Jasnah 2. Steris 3. Khriss Wayne, Hoid, Galladon. Silence. Baon. Lord Ruler. Rashek actually is quite awesome in his own unique and tragic way. Szeth. He reminds me of China Mieville's Bas Lag protagonists. Tragic in every way. MeLaan. Definitely the kandra to hang out with. Starting to warm up to Marasi again. Among the bit players: Axies, Ym, Rock Shards: Leras (until I find out why he killed Adonalsium and decide if I agree with his motivations), Sazed. Spren and other splinters: Ivory [*], Syl, Wyndle. Objects: Nightblood. Cracks me up every time. [*] based on the scene that described what happened to Jasnah immediately after an attempt on her life.
  22. Not certain that I like it as an explanation - it is even more cop-out-ty (cop-out-ateaous?) than my proposed "spren are everywhere" cop-out. But I am happy to accept this is a plausible theory. We still need to deal with the fact that Cognitive Realm is a realm of thought, not a realm of knowledge vs. belief. Which is to say, it is not enough for a table to know what is written on the cake that is sitting on it to override the beliefs (expressed as thoughts) of 100 people who think something else is on the cake. You still get Schroedinger's cake, except the difference is that your theory of mass perception of inanimate objects by other inanimate objects guarantees that the true state of the item is one of the Schroedinger's states...
  23. Ok, let's suppose this is the case. Then how do we deal with the case when 100 people think the cake has "Happy Birthday" written on it in Azish, and another 100 people think it says "Chauta for the People" in Herdazian? Two beads representing two cakes? Schroedinger's cake?
  24. This has probably been discussed before, but since we have nothing to do but twiddle our thumbs in expectation of November 2017, here we go. My understanding of the Cognitive Realm, based on most recent WoBs is that essentially, objects in it are reflections of the thoughts (conscious or unconscious) of various inhabitants of Cosmere. So, let's play a game with our friend, The Stick. So, imagine The Stick lying on the beach of the Ocean of Origins, in a some remote place where people don't show up too often. Shallan passes by, sees the stick. Her thoughts mean that there is now a bead representing the Stick in Shadesmar, Roshar's Cognitive Realm. Shallan proceeds with her quest to discover ancient abandoned cities, eclipse Jasnah in scholarship, and marry a nice Kholin boy (not necessarily in that order). The Stick stays. No more people come by the beach, and no more wildlife attend to it. The stick is buried in the sand, fish and various sea creatures do not see it, and the various lizard-crab things have retreated to their Sleepless owners in search of better targets to spy on. No one thinks about The Stick anymore, no one notices The Stick. Question: does this mean that at some point The Stick will fade away from Shadesmar? Or is it more of a "once in Shadesmar, always in Shadesmar" kind of rule? Similar question: if I think that there is a monster under my bed, does this mean that there is a bead for that monster in Shadesmar regardless of whether an actual monster is under my bed? Finally. Let's say I am a farmer in Shonovar and there is a nice cherry tree in my orchard (I am assuming Shinovar has cherries, because if it does not, that's a total waste of a perfectly good planet). I like that tree. The orchard is fairly remote, no one goes there under normal circumstances, and all the chickens and bees are asleep when an unusually strong gust of a highstorm (or what passes for one in Shadesmar) tears the tree. Now, I am still thinking of the tree as standing there, alive and kicking, when in fact, it just toppled. What is the state of the tree in Shadesmar? Alternatively, let's go full mode "consistency in distributed systems". The kitchens on Azir just prepared a cake. About two hundred cooks and bureaucrats are aware of the cake, saw it prepared, decorated and left in the kitchen annex until the time to presented to the State Banquet. Lift passes by the annex, sees the cake, eats it, because... well, why wouldn't she. Probabily calls Wyndle a Voidbringer a few times in the process. Now, one person in the entire world knows that there is no cake, and it's been replaced by pure Investiture that is about to be used to slide frictionessly into the Banquet Hall and startle all the dignitaries. But 200 other people still think there is a cake and it is getting served. What's is the state of the cake's bead in Shadesmar? (PS. There is a cop-out here in that there are spren everywhere, and spren being everywhere may cause the state of objects in Shadesmar revert to the true state of the object in the physical realm... The spren basically resolving inconsistencies.)
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