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Everything posted by DrakeMarshall

  1. Oh also, just the other day I received an awakened leaf blower from the night watcher with the command "Be completely useless" It excels at following that command. I would introduce you to it, but it it refuses to leave the garage to meet y'alls.
  2. Granted. Your renown is... well... legendary. Anyway, as your bane, there is now a "sand witch" in the world who is tormenting you. Whenever you go outside, you are plagued by a large sand storm. I suppose it would be interesting to go to Antarctica and fill it with sand dunes... But its already a desert anyway so the satisfaction is limited. I wish for a rat with hemalurgic spikes.
  3. Hm... It just occurred to me. Has anybody said elsecaller+hemalurgy yet? Because with those you could basically become a cosmere aware worldhopper with hemalurgy. So technically you would have access to all the cosmere powers with hemalurgy and worldhopping.
  4. Well, I can at least have fun asking somebody to please go fetch me my leaf blower in the garage... Anyway, I recommend you make a wish before somebody assigns you an arbitrary bane.
  5. But it never dies... So if I don't feed it, it won't starve... Anyway, granted. You always pull out the exact right sum of money from your pocket when you need to pay for something. Your bane is in the form of two slight caveats to this. First of all, this doesn't give you unlimited money, you are still drawing on available funds to yourself. If your bank is empty and you have no other liquid funds lying around, the ability stops working. Second of all... The money you pull out is always in dimes, nickels, and pennies. I wouldn't use this to buy a car. I suppose you could get a kick out of trolling some poor waiter though, if that's your thing. I wish for an awakened type IV leaf blower.
  6. Femtosecond pulse lasers are a thing right now, so I don't think the power source is the issue... Its just that with the right specifications, fun things like electrolasers happen. Anyway, granted. You have perfect teleportation to anywhere in the world without any limitations. Unfortunately, I am going to make your teleportation scientifically accurate. When you arrive at your destination, the difference in atmospheric charge across a long distance gives you a shock slightly more powerful than that of a thunderbolt. Also, even if you teleport into empty space, the air molecules you displace cause a bit of nuclear fusion on entry as you occupy their space, and give you radiation poisoning. Furthermore, your inertia is not in line with the earth's rotation at the other part of the earth so if you teleport a significant distance, you are either slammed into the earth or hurled off into space. As for you bane? You can no longer see glass. All glass is perfectly transparent to you. Glass doors will not be fun for you. I wish for an immortal tadpole for a pet.
  7. Granted. You now have immaculate self control. Half of the time. The other half of the time, on a bad day, you have no self control and are outright evil. Yes, I just fused Taravangian's curse with the plot of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Enjoy your new duality. I wish for a compact, efficient, and fully functional femtosecond pulse laser... And maybe a flyback drive .
  8. ...Did somebody say insanity? Oh look. More people. Greetings, friends. I imagine you have already met m- Indeed. So anyway you are in good company.
  9. Excellent sources of entropy. Dog food is like a surprise birthday party.
  10. Perhaps. However, the way Khriss was talking about it implied that what ruin was doing to preservation was not the classic splintering method though. As if the actual act of strangulation was a distinct method of killing a shard from splintering.
  11. I think Rayse avoids picking up other shards because the intent of odium itself is against picking up other shards. Odium wants only odium to exist, and hates other things. If odium/rayse picked up another shard he would become a less pure manifestation of hatred. Anyway, when Kelsier was speaking with Khriss and Nazh he was explicitly told that the sixteen all had varying motives. The only reason that they are all shards is because they were conniving enough to kill adolnasium. Rayse likely chose to take up odium, and I doubt the other sixteen would stop him, partly because he was in on the plan to kill adolnasium in the first place, and partly because I doubt any of the other sixteen wanted to take odium instead of the shards they eventually held.
  12. Just a heads up for all of you who have yet to read it, this deals with secret history content. So while Kelsier was discussing how preservation could be killed by ruin with Khriss and Nazh, Khriss expresses surprise that ruin does not simply splinter preservation. She wonders if ruin does not know how to splinter a shard, or if instead he simply lacks the power to. Instead, ruin appears to slowly strangle preservation, eventually killing Leras. We also know that ruin was quite anxious to gain access to the hoard of atium kept by the kandra, since this was the final piece of its power. So, to put it simply, does this mean that ruin would have used the splintering technique that we have seen odium use if it had managed to gain access to the atium?
  13. Both are hard to replace? The well of ascension is like a rusty spoon.
  14. Granted. Your skills of improvisation are brilliant. As your bane, you experience physical pain when you hear music that is off pitch. Also everybody resents that you are so good without any work. I wish for my metalmind not to also apparently be a hemalurgic spike.
  15. I bet that if a feruchemist was withdrawing power from a metalmind nightblood would consume that instead of the feruchemist. You might be able to empty an ironmind, not experience increased weight, and just feed nightblood. But does a coppermind even have investiture stored? I mean it is easy to say that something like feruchemical steel or pewter has investiture stored away in it (not in the same way that nicrosil does obviously, but there is still a sort of energy residing in the metalmind that could only be called investiture). But a coppermind *might* not actually have any investiture in it. Or maybe it does, and that investiture is what holds/preserves the memories in some way. If that was the case, nightblood would only be consuming what holds the memories, not the memories themselves. If the feruchemist who made the metalminds was touching them while nightblood drained them (and I am pretty sure they would have to be drawing on the metalmind for nightblood to indirectly drain them) than the feruchemist would probably be the one to access the memories while nightblood gets whatever bit of energy is packed in there to keep the memory preserved. But basically we don't really know if copperminds actually have "investiture" stored in them.
  16. Oh that was already the case Granted. Good luck getting the right mixes of metals... Anyway, your bane is that everybody knows about the power. So most people are super suspicious of you because they fear you are trying to use metallic mind control magics on them. Lots of people start wearing tin foil hats and conspiracy theorists enjoy a rise in esteem. I wish for an identity-less metalmind filled with huge feruchemical bronze reserves.
  17. For me that would be the pacific ocean. Well, okay. I will roll with it since that is a lot of oysters. Thanks nightwatcher. Anyway, your wish is granted. In exchange you have no recollection whatsoever of how to multiply numbers. You may want to relearn that. I wish for a paradoxical bane.
  18. Just got the book this morning, and now finished with it. It was excellent, definitely a worthy addition to the rest of the cosmere. Apart from describing the the realms and all that, the idea of forgery is intriguing. It gives something an alternate history, changing it... But unlike something like lightweaving, the change it effects is real and in the case of inanimate objects even permanent. And forging oneself temporarily has some interesting implications. The restored and slightly improved emperor was a very satisfying conclusion.
  19. Granted. You have a lovely vacation swimming with shellfish, if that is your thing. As your bane, you now can't stomach seafood and will become violently sick if you eat any.
  20. Actually I bet you could kill yourself storing health. But you are right about the nicrosil minds thing for a different reason, even if the idea is humorous. You would be storing your ability in the moment, so once you stopped filling the metalmind you would have your regular levels of power again.
  21. Storing all of your ability as a feruchemist in a nicrosil mind and losing the ability to tap it again since you are storing that too...
  22. I would guess that rosharian soldiers are on average more skilled than scadrian soldiers. They are also backed up by soulcast supplies. And their society is based on being good warriors. So I think the mundane rosharian soldiers would definitely outclass their scadrien counterparts. However, each side has significant magical assets which can easily tip the scales. Rosharian advantages: Roshar has shardbearers. I would say a shardbearer is devestating against regular scadrial soldiers, and could probably mow down koloss effectively although it would definitely be harder for them. A shardbearer also would outclass a misting, although a coinshot could harry a shardbearer for a long time. A pewterarms speed would probably match that of a shardbearer, meaning they could be a threat, but they very tough armor would mean they would still be disadvantaged. Dangerous variants of misting are probably about as common as shardbearers. Roshar also has radiants. The average radiant, depending on the type, would probably be about equal to the average mistborn. There aren't many of either of these, and the numbers of both radiants and mistborns vary, but I would guess that there are more mistborn than radiants, depending on where in the rosharian timeline we are. Technically roshar also has voidbringers and parshendi. If we were to count these in roshar's favor, this might mean roshar's victory. We have only seen one kind of voidbringer, and it can summon an everstorm (which Scadrial would have a hard time dealing with), and throw lighting which would really ruin somebody's day, probably even a kandra, koloss, or allomancer. If we give roshar their honorblades and/or the number of radiants there once was, they would outnumber the mistborn. This would be very bad for scadrial, since groups like windrunners and edgedancers are extremely deadly. And we haven't even seen how radiants fight in shard plate yet. Lightweavers would be able to infiltrate scadrial in a completely unexpected way. This would be bad for scadrial, because large amounts of chaos would be sowed. See a similar entry on kandra below. Scadrian advantages: As mentioned before, scadrial has mistborn and mistings. These would probably roughly balance out with roshar's radiants and shardbearers, with the mistborn being more numerous and equal in power to the radiants and the shardbearers being more powerful than the mistings and equal in numbers to them. Scadrial also has koloss. This would bolster their lines and probably balance out the advantage of a much more trained force of rosharian soldiers. They wouldn't be disciplined or good at tactics but they are still ideal soldiers in many, many ways. The fact that more koloss can be made simply may mean that the scadrian forces would have the upper hand on the rosharian ones. Scadrial also has kandra. These would be completely unexpected infiltrators and also are very hard to kill. They could sow chaos incredibly well in rosharian lines. Kandra and emotional allomancy together could demoralize and possibly outright collapse a camp of rosharians. Scadrial also has feruchemy. This would be extremely uncommon, but a feruchemist could probably have a good shot at beating a radiant in combat. Minor advantage since after defeating a radiant their powers would probably be depleted. Scadrial also has hemalurgy. If anybody figured out how to steal rosharian powers, roshar would quickly lose. It is doubtable that anybody could figure this out though. Scadrial finally has the lord ruler. This is a significant asset since the lord ruler can compound to absurd levels. He would be vulnerable to every single person with a shardblade, but would still outclass everybody on the battlefield. Finally, shard plate can be taken away. If a mistborn defeated a shardbearer and took his shards... They would be a significant asset to scadrial. So pretty much it depends on how much each side gets access to, and also how each side executes their offensive. They aren't so unbalanced as you might think.
  23. I mean vin was beating marsh before her ascension and with marsh in his final form... I would bet vin would have a shot at winning. Vasher would definitely have a good chance if he had nightblood and a decent amount of breath stored. Szeth probably also would have some chance with his honorblade and stormlight healing, although miles would outclass him in healing and vasher would outclass him in overpowered swords.
  24. I would be inclined to guess that faster than light travel is definitely linked to entering the cognitive realm. This realm has less distance where people aren't thinking and more where they are, so massive expanses of essentially space between stars would be extremely easy to traverse this way. Much faster than light, possibly. As for the bendalloy bubbles... The idea is interesting and that would be an incredible shielding device, but wouldn't containing the entire ship in a bubble just keep the ship moving at the same velocity but speed up everybody inside? I mean, making a bubble on a train doesn't make the car you are riding in try to leap forwards. The idea of ascension as a mechanism to enter the cognitive realm is intriguing. It wouldn't be quite like ascension, but it could work. Seeing as it is an inanimate object... Stuffed with investiture... It would probably become a sentient ship a bit like how nightblood was created. If such a ship was created, it would probably be able to take its occupants in and out of the cognitive realm. Also on a slightly unrelated tangent, if one could control a windrunner's powers in a fabrial, they could probably make an Alcubierre drive. Mind you, if they could control an elsecaller's powers in a fabrial than that would be unecessary, but it is still an interesting thought.
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