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Everything posted by Govir

  1. Didn't Aesudan mention that she knew of Gavilar's black sphere, but he never dared go as far as swallowing it? But that she was different and did swallow it and was master over on of the Unmade now (even though she was wrong about the mastery part)? I'll need to reread that section when I get a chance.
  2. I was right about Jasnah coming back being the end of Part 1. The specifics weren't exactly as I imagined, but fairly close. My thought was that there'd be an important meeting going on with all the Urithiru crew (Dalinar, Navani, Shallan, Adolin, Kaladin, Renarin, etc.) During the meeting Lyn would come in and try to get Dalinar's attention to give a message that someone had come to Urithiru. Dalinar would ask who, and Lyn would be hesitant to say it was Jasnah. Anyway, I'm counting it as being right
  3. Remember that Adolin was rushing towards Jasnah because he knew there was a hole in the wall (or something else that meant a lot of enemies) and that she was going to be overrun with enemies, i.e. frantically trying to defend herself. Instead, Adolin turns the corner and Jasnah is just confidently handling everything being thrown at her. She seems nonplussed (normal) because Adolin thought she was going to need help and she doesn't. Caveat: I think of nonplussed as normal / nonchalant, so the other interpretation never occurred to me.
  4. I was under the impression that Sigzil tried to kill his master for some reason, and failed (probably because it's Hoid). But then ended up changing his mind about his master needing to die sometime after his failed attempt. I'd have to look for passages to back this up though. I don't think people need to be broken to bond a spren. Every time this comes up, I vaguely remember a WoB saying that it requires an expanding of the soul and the easiest way to expand a soul is to break it and fill in the cracks. I can never find it though, and it makes me wish he did more east coast stuff so I could maybe eventually ask him about it. This is a quirk of the Cognitive Realm. The substance things are made up of depend on how the Investiture powers manifest (e.g. Spheres hold Stormlight => Spheres represent power). The inverse land mass is because of human minds clustering on land in the Physical Realm, causing their thoughts and beliefs to manifest as multiple distinct things on the Cognitive Realm side. Whereas on bodies of water in the Physical Realm, not many Human minds are around and so it's just a solid mass of one thing. Mistborn Secret History spoilers (very light spoiler)
  5. For the first one, on second clue I thought it was On clue three I thought it was I was surprised when it wasn't. For the second one, on the second clue I thought it was
  6. I just looked on Soundcloud. The RSS feed on the sidebar is definitely pretty small, but probably can't be changed. The link in the description is very visible, but is "hidden" behind a small "See More" button and I didn't think to even really look in the descriptions (especially on Soundcloud). Would there be away to put at least the RSS feed somewhere on this site? Maybe in the descriptions of the episodes here (which don't seem to be exactly the same as the ones on Soundcloud)? Anyway, my issue is solved, so that helps a lot. I can now slot these in with the myriad of other podcasts I listen to.
  7. Thanks! That worked for me. Sorry I didn't look at the descriptions closely on Soundcloud.
  8. Is there a way to get Shardcast on any podcast apps? I personally use Downcast for iOS which doesn't list it. However it can use a direct RSS feed if there is one. I only just now realized I could use the Soundcloud app to get it on my phone, so I'm finally listening to episodes, but it's not ideal.
  9. The thing I like about the weekly sneak peaks is that it's the (mostly) finalized version, and it's being released from the beginning. I've always viewed them similar to a weekly TV show where you get a bit of the story, then have to wait a week to see the next part. It was really fun to speculate on things from week to week, although the overwhelming size of some threads was daunting when coming to them even a bit late. My favorite was the scene with Mraize in Ialai's room during the meeting. It lined up so the last part of the reading for one week was just "And Mraize was there". And everyone was flipping out trying to figure out how Ialai was connected to the Ghostbloods. Was she a subordinate or a superior of Mraize? Turns out, Mraize was just there keeping an eye on her for some random Ghostblood reason.
  10. I think the issue is that we're much more likely to get answers to how the Cosmere works, than to specific plot questions. By understanding how the Cosmere works, we can sometimes guess what's going to happen (at least in the broad sense).
  11. Mine is an anagram of a character from the Alvin Maker series by Orson Scott Card. The character name was Vigor, which makes some sense for a Puritan name but I didn't want to use it directly since it doesn't sound like a name out of context. So I played with the letters to get Govir (and tried to make sure it wasn't a non-English word). The reason I chose Vigor is because... (Obvious spoiler for the first Alvin Maker book, Seventh Son)
  12. I thought he has said that *currently* each series is self contained, but that they'd be joining up eventually. That's why I was thinking it'd be the perfect opportunity to see inter-series cooperation, or at the very least on screen worldhopping.
  13. Ghostbloods, or at least Mraize have already been showed to be tied to Worldhopping. Shallan's path may lead her more into knowledge of the Cosmere, while the rest of the crew is dealing with the localized problem on Roshar. Which would then setup... ...Odium escaping from Roshar, and Shallan helping Rosharians get off world to continue the battle with him.
  14. That's not how I remember it at all, but I'll keep an eye out during my next read through. It comes from her being a Knight Radiant. Adolin seems to have the impression that Knight Radiants just *are*, like they don't need training. I also think it comes down to the fact that Adolin and Elhokar both *did* have stuff they were doing (but wasn't shown in as much detail), and so they couldn't babysit all the time.
  15. (I will refer to the spren as Timbre, but know that at the time of all of this the name was unknown). I still hold to my view that as of the end of WoR, thinking Timbre was Eshoni's soul was plausible. I will concede that as of the end of OB, it is not plausible. Prior to OB, we did not see a KR spren be left behind when the proto-KR was killed prior to fully bonding. We also never saw an example of a KR spren being attracted to a Parshendi. We never see Timbre prior to Eshoni taking Stormform. On the other side, we also never see other Parshendi cognitive shadow either, but Stormform was a new thing and we knew little of how Parshendi worked. That being said, I think either theory of Timbre being a KR spren or Eshoni's cognitive shadow were plausible. It just turned out that the KR spren was the correct theory. I mean, the topic didn't really have a point other than to share @Overlord Jebus's reaction. And then maybe tangentially to show that Eshoni is definitely dead (which I hadn't realized was still in debate as of the end of OB). So you're fine imo.
  16. Adolin and Elhokar were trying to get support in the city, but they were trying to get support from the Lighteyes. They were literally doing what you said, using illusions mainly, but revealing themselves when the Lighteyes could be trusted. Kaladin's "plan" to infiltrate the guard was a gut reaction that wasn't actually part of the plan. That is to say, Adolin and Elhokar had their hands full; Kaladin's share just turned out to be way bigger than anything the Lighteyes could muster. I also seem to remember Azure not being readily available to chat. I think she made an appearance the first day Kaladin was in the guard (i.e. when he was visiting), and then the next time we saw her was at the dinner when Kaladin approached her.
  17. It made more sense when it was just WoR. The reason I thought it was Eshoni is because it was buzzing around about the same time we see Stormform Eshoni thinking she hears her own voice screaming. i.e. Timbre looked like it was trying to get Stormform Eshoni's attention at the same time Stormform Eshoni thinks she hears her own voice. I also suspected that something was odd with the way the Parshendi took forms such that the spren being used were "trapped" inside the Parshendi. Also coupled with this Mistborn: Secret History spoiler
  18. I originally thought Timbre was maybe Eshoni's soul back when we saw the as of then unnamed Timbre in WoR, but when we saw more of Timbre in OB I abandoned that train of thought. Because of this, I found this WoB to be funny. Especially @Overlord Jebus's reaction to it.
  19. But I don't think he mastered Windrunner surges before anyone else. I'm pretty sure he was having difficulties with them actually (e.g. sticking himself to the ground instead of flying).
  20. It's also possible that it's not mentioned as either. I remember a scene in WoR that alludes to this possibility. Since you haven't read WoR, I'll put it behind a spoiler...but it's really very minor and doesn't reveal any plot.
  21. Price point is definitely an issue, and the reason it feels like they're more expensive for what you get is because you also get the artist's talents. So unfortunately, if you just want the story, you still have to pay for the pretty pictures. I am one such as that...comics and graphic novels move too slowly for my tastes, and the graphics don't grab my attention (which is not me saying anything about the quality of the drawing, just that I personally don't spend much time looking at the graphics). If you're worried about the price, you can probably wait until Vol 3 is out, but I'm not sure it'll come down too much for a long while. With only Vol 1 and Vol 2 out right now, I do think it is skip-able. To @Jofwu's point of it not being talked about much, I think that is partly because the story isn't done yet *and* partly because in the grand scheme of things, it's a pretty isolated Cosmere story for right now. While it is the origin of a player in the Cosmere that we know about, it's the very early stages. It's very much a White Sand story first and a Cosmere story second.
  22. I thought this was a Kingkiller Chronicles reference and didn't understand the relation. TIL Devi means goddess...which I guess I still don't understand the relation...
  23. My view of this is that she saw the good (or at least the compassion) in Dalinar, and tried to encourage it since his default was murder everyone. She got upset because in her mind she was failing (based off her personality, I assume she blamed herself rather than Dalinar for this). The parley *was* a good idea, but Tanalan betrayed the parley. Just because we know that he did betray it, doesn't mean it wasn't the best idea prior (i.e. don't fall into Results Oriented Thinking). From there, Evi was naive in attempting to talk again with Tanalan, which was definitely a flaw of hers but well within her established character. Furthermore, Dalinar setting fire to the "safe" room (which was now the prison) was an unfortunate tragedy due to outdated information on Dalinar's part. For the story we have, Dalinar having killed Evi through an accident is the only way him being the cause of her death can allow us as readers and the characters in the book to forgive him for it. If Dalinar had purposefully killed Evi, the characters in the book would never forgive him. If Dalinar *didn't* kill Evi, i.e. if she had been a hostage and killed in front of Dalinar by Tanalan or someone else, the impact wouldn't have been as great to Dalinar. Dalinar killing Evi due to the Thrill was the last straw for Dalinar to commit to throwing off his murderous ways, just like Evi wanted. Because Dalinar *did* love Evi. They fought, and their marriage wasn't perfect, but he did love her.
  24. While that may be correct, my point was that Jasnah never wanted it. Gavilar and Amaram wanted it, and may have pressed the issue, but I don't think Jasnah was ever willing (i.e. she's always seen through Amaram).
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