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Everything posted by Govir

  1. @Leyrann The Reverser doesn't "use" gravity though. It is the opposite of a Spanreed in that two paired Spanreeds will move the same way (move one left, the other moves left; move one up, the other moves up). A Reverser just flips the direction. Two paired Reversers will move the opposite way (move one left, the other moves right; move one up, the other moves down). The fact that they are using gravity to do the moving of one of the Reversers has nothing to do with how the Reverser works. EDIT1: I didn't read closely enough. I now realize you're arguing that it's not necessarily Gravitation that creates the link between the two paired fabrials (of either type). I'll edit my response once I read through this again. EDIT2: Original text left for posterity. I'll jump in and say I don't think it technically uses any Surge. It's just a spren that is linked because it used to be a single item. The splitting of the gem is the important part. There's probably a reason only Rubies and Amethysts work, but I don't think it's related to any specific Surge. Of note Rubies are associated with Dustbringers and Amethysts with Willshapers, which do not share a Surge.
  2. This is an interesting thing to note. I wonder if someone like Taravangian would kill themselves. i.e. someone who is morally gray (doing all the wrong things, for the right reasons). Another way to put this is someone who truly believes that they've done nothing evil, while slaughtering a bunch of people "for the greater good".
  3. There are a few routes you can go. First, I'll break them down by "series", and then tell you my recommendation. Elantris Elantris - Brandon's first published Cosmere book. It's good, but rough around the edges. The Hope of Elantris* - Short story set slightly after Elantris (i.e. read Elantris first) The Emperor's Soul* - a Novella set on the same world as Elantris, technically stand alone but probably safer to read Elantris first just in case. Mistborn Era 1 The Final Empire (sometimes called just Mistborn) - Book 1 The Well of Ascension - Book 2 The Hero of Ages - Book 3 The Eleventh Metal* - Short story with some background on one of the characters. Safe to read at any point, but personal preference of after The Hero of Ages.. Mistborn Secret History* - Technically part of Era 1, but most people suggest reading this after Bands of Mourning from Era 2. Era 2 The Alloy of Law - Book 0 (originally written as a "standalone", but he's evolved it into a full trilogy, two of which have have been published) Shadows of Self - Book 1 The Bands of Mourning - Book 2 Allomancer Jak and the Pits of Eltania* - short story that takes place in Era 2, but doesn't have any of the main characters. Safe to read anytime after The Hero of Ages (from Era 1), but probably best read after The Alloy of Law. Warbreaker Warbreaker - Currently a standalone book, with a sequel planned. White Sand White Sand Vol. 1 - Volume 1 of a three part Graphic Novel. Misc Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell* - Stand-alone novella Sixth of Dusk* - Stand-alone novella Titles marked with an asterisk can all be found in Arcanum Unbounded, as well as stand alone elsewhere. I'd suggest picking them up in Arcanum Unbounded though, as it also has extra stuff about each system (however, I'd also suggest reading the stories before reading the notes about the systems). So that's all of the non-Stormlight Archive Cosmere books. You have said that you've read Stormlight Archive, I'm going to assume that means The Way of Kings, Words of Radiance, Edgedancer*, and Oathbringer. If you haven't read Edgedancer, you probably should (and parts of Oathbringer may not have made sense to you). Because you've read SA, I would suggest the next read to be Warbreaker. It's directly tied to the Stormlight Archive, although it has a completely different story. It's also available free form his website. After that, you can start any of the series with their respective first book. My favorite would be Mistborn, but honestly you can't go wrong here (since you're already hooked to Sanderson :)). So that means Elantris, The Final Empire, Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell, or Sixth of Dusk. An important caveat: Stormlight Archive is so far the most Cosmere "aware" setting (i.e. it has the most talk of how the Cosmere works). The other books will have hints, but not much solid new information. Mistborn Era 2 would probably be the next most informative about the Cosmere. A lot of the online knowledge about the Cosmere has been pieced together by speculation and asking Sanderson directly (known as Words of Brandon, or WoB). You may note that I exclude White Sand Vol. 1. I do this mostly because it's not finished, and probably won't be for at least another year. Vol. 2 should be coming out soon, but Vol. 3 (which is the end of the first story) doesn't have a publish date that I know of. It's something that you can get around to eventually after reading the rest of the books.
  4. Aharietiam is actually the name of the event where the 9 Heralds abandoned the Oathpact and left Taln on Braize. Aharietiam = Last Desolation, and that's what the 9 Heralds told mankind: It's over. Mankind has won (spoiler: they lied).
  5. None of the Shardblades are actually dead, in the sense that we think of death. It's more that they are mindless, since part of them has been ripped away. There's a spoiler for Elantris in this WoB, so be warned. It seems that Knight Radiant spren typically have sentience in Shadesmar, but do not have sentience in the physical plane (except for some, e.g. Stormfather). A nahel bond grants them sentience in the physical realm (as we see with Syl and Pattern, who are "dumb" at first but start to remember and gain new understanding of things the longer and stronger the nahel bond gets). The "dead" Shardblades are spren that used to be bonded with humans and gained this sentience in the physical realm. However something the KR did during the Recreance appears to have carried over to Shadesmar and actually damaged the spren there. So no, Maya is not "dead." I would say she's more mindless, and something is happening that is returning her mind (most likely a nahel bond is forming with Adolin). e.g. We've also seen one other "dead" spren show favoritism towards a human. Oathbringer (the shardblade) did not scream as loudly when Dalinar was handling him after it was found outside. Dalinar comments on this, and the Stormfather says it's something about Oathbringer trusting Dalinar more than others (something like that). EDIT: This also makes me wonder if the state of the Parshmen and the Shardblades are similar, where their mind had been ripped away.
  6. Yep, you're right. I was going off of memory, but with that quote I agree with you now.
  7. I'm a bit behind in the thread, but I'll concede this point. I forgot about Adolin's view of the events of the Rift. It will hit him harder than I originally thought, but I don't think it'll hit him as hard as you want it to. I still argue that Dalinar did not murder Evi (see spoiler below). Additionally, Dalinar *did* try to let people out of the Rift, but Sadeas had already set fire to the lower exit. So yes, Adolin learning the truth of the events at the Rift will be a heavy blow (because it shakes his view of his father and probably his view of Sadeas). But Evi's death specifically won't be the biggest part of it. Alloy of Law spoiler Mistborn Era 2 spoiler
  8. You're right about Adolin. I'm just remembering some old threads about people saying Adolin wasn't showing Edgedancer traits. I now think that's wrong. As for Lift, <Edgedancer spoiler>
  9. Sorry for the double post, but this came in while I was responding to others. I agree. I'm remembering a WoB that said a lot of the magic requires an "expanding" of the soul / spirit web, and that the easiest way (and therefore most common way) to do that is to be beaten down and recover. I can't find that WoB though @Alderant @Calderis Ok, I just looked it up in my copy. He just finished rewriting the opening of the preface (with a bunch that's actually before the first epigraph). It stops with "I need to write it anyway." He then grabs a new sheet of paper and writes down a title for the book. (This is on about page 1227, according to my Kindle copy). I do think that Dalinar will tell multiple people about Evi's death prior to writing it down in the book (which I also think he'll do, even if we never see another page of the book). Specifically, Navani, Adolin and Rennarin (maybe lumping Shallan in with this group because marriage, otherwise she's lower on the list), Jasnah, and the other "main" Knight Radiants (Kaladin, Shallan, maybe Szeth. But not Lift). I'm probably forgetting someone.
  10. Ah, sounds like we have different meanings of broken then. I was definitely taking it to mean, give up / turn his back on Dalinar. I agree that it'll damage their relationship, but I do not think that in the long run it will be a big deal to Adolin. Specifically because of *how* it happened. Dalinar did not directly kill his wife. It was truly an unfortunate accident. Dalinar blames himself, and may not have forgiven himself for it, but Adolin has his mother's kindness in him too and I fully expect Adolin would either not blame or at least forgive his father. I expect there to be a bit of a drag out, similar to Elokhar's death (i.e. initially it will be super painful, and Adolin will storm out), but that eventually Adolin will think it over and come to the conclusion that it was a tragic accident. If it had been something like Evi was trying to stand in front of Dalinar to prevent him from attacking the town and he intentionally (albeit full of the Thrill) cut her down, *that* would be irreparable. Did he actually finish it? I know we have the snippets of the prologue in Part 1, but I was under the impression that he was just starting it / just learning to write at the end of Oathbringer and that the in-world Oathbringer had yet to be written.
  11. You're right. I may be. But given what we know about the situation, it was a true accident. If I'm remembering correctly, no one knew that Evi had went to the city to try and plead for them to surrender, no one knew she was captured, and no one (in Dalinar's army) knew that the cavern was converted into a prison. That's why I say that it may be a heavy blow to Adolin when he first finds out about it (because it is shocking), but I don't think it will take him long to recover from it. It will probably always hurt, but it won't break him. If it does, then finding out Shallan killed *both* of her parents, intentionally, should do just as much harm to their relationship (i.e. break it), even though both were in self-defense. I don't see that happening.
  12. It may be a blow to Adolin, and it may shake him for a bit, but I don't think it will break him permanently. In the end, Evi's death was an unfortunate accident and I think Adolin would see it as such eventually.
  13. I think if Adolin becomes an Edgedancer, it will be an atypical bond. My meaning being that Adolin is bonding to Maya specifically, not just any Edgedancer spren. Another way to say this is, normally a Knight Radiant acts with intent to their order (because it's part of their personality) and attracts a spren of the appropriate type. In Adolin's case, he is bonding directly to his sword. He has always treated the sword as a living entity, even though he thought it was inanimate before. Maya is reacting to Adolin's care of her specifically (e.g. when she tries to help in Shadesmar, I view that as her trying to help someone who has been kind to her). Then again, the second ideal for Edgedancers is "I will remember those who have been forgotten," and the dead spren definitely have been forgotten. So maybe by treating Maya as a living entity this whole time, Adolin has been unconsciously exhibiting Edgedancer traits.
  14. During my first read through I absolutely hated Moash because of what happened at the capitol. During my second read through, I came to understand why Moash did what he did. I still don't like what he did, but it wasn't as random as I thought the first time through. While I think this would make a good scene, I hope it doesn't happen. Sometimes when people go bad, they need to stay bad. The issue with Moash is that he believes the whole system is wrong and it needs to be burned to the ground and replaced. He's working on the burning it to the ground, but doesn't really have a good replacement system. He has seen the injustices of the Lighteye/Darkeye system in the death of his grandparents and the treatment of Darkeyes in general. Then, during a time of upheaval where Lighteye/Darkeye shouldn't have mattered, humans returned to the comfort of the system. Lighteye refugees hoard food and "luxury" while Darkeye refugees starve. His motivation right now is that the Humans had their turn, and now maybe the Singers/Listeners can do better (spoiler: they probably can't / won't). Gavinor is only about 3 years old at this point, and was already pretty messed up from the voidspren tormenting him. I don't think he'll be able to fully remember his father's death. If Sanderson does relate it to Tanalan's death, I hope that he takes it the other way (i.e. Gavinor *doesn't* kill Moash / have him killed). I'm hoping Gavinor forgives Moash for killing Elhokar, because that would be a good difference from Tanalan's story arc. It would also indicate that maybe the future generation can fully change their ways.
  15. I can never find the WoB when I want to (I should really just bookmark it...), but at least the Blades can be different for each order. I'd assume the Plate is the same. But I do think this is a direct indication that Windrunners (because it was recorded on a Sapphire) don't get plate until the Fourth Ideal (i.e. the one Kaladin almost said).
  16. But there are so many WoB! Which one is it? You know, so I can know to send it to other people that ask this question, that I totally already know the answer to...
  17. How would you have felt about that before Oathbringer (obviously we didn't know the name was Timbre, but that the Comet Spren=Eshonai)? On topic: It hasn't been discussed much, but I'll avoid posts that say Evi and Dalinar didn't love each other. While their marriage was far from perfect, I do think they loved each other and weren't *completely* miserable.
  18. But a difference between Szeth and Rashone is that Szeth has given up and wants to die, whereas Rashone wanted to live.
  19. I've read all the Mistborn books, and I really wanted this to just be something like But that's because I skipped over the quoted text and thought you were just jumping on the Mistborn spoiler party.
  20. Well now I am literally nonplussed...
  21. My thought on this was that Shallan was sensing the "soul" of the city, not really a spren per say, but a "soul" like how all objects have a soul in the Cosmere (e.g. when Shallan Soulcast's the boat). We know Kholinar is old, so it would make sense that the soul is ancient. And the reason there is one soul of the city is because men think of it as a whole. It is Kholinar, therefore there is a Cognitive reflection as a single Kholinar. And yet the Unmade that moved in are even more ancient. I think that the Sibling predates the Unmade, simply because we know that the Stormfather predates Honor and that the Unmade are of Odium.
  22. There's a WoB on that as well. WoB
  23. To be fair, in WoR, I thought the comet spren (that we now know as Timbre) was Eshonai. We don't see Timbre until after Eshonai goes into Stormform, so my theory was that parshmen "souls" were spren, and the Stormform spren kicked out Eshonai. That was all with just the information we had in WoR. But from Oathbringer, it's clear that Timbre is a normal spren and not Eshonai. Timbre definitely crossed to the physical realm in search of Eshonai, but before a bond could be made, Eshonai took Stormform and eventually died. We know from the Wit epilogue in OB that a spren who crosses to the physical realm doesn't seem to be able to cross back (i.e. Wit picks up the spren that was forming a bond with Elhokar). So all in all, your theory wasn't bad. It just didn't happen to be right (most of mine aren't right either!).
  24. First off, I don't think it's the same painting. My mental image of the Warbreaker painting is basically a canvas covered in red paint, with a stroke of black in the top third. My mental image of the Oathbringer painting is a canvas that is mostly white (or unpainted) with a stroke of red and nine strokes of black. @hoiditthroughthegrapevine, since you seem to have investigated this, do you know if we get a size description of the Warbreaker painting? The Oathbringer one is described as small, which I take to mean something like 11"x14", where as the paintings in Warbreaker I've always pictured as much larger (like arm span wide), It could also mean that this is the first time we've seen the painting, but it will reappear later in the Stormlight Archives and have a higher significance. Or, it might show up in Warbreaker II (Nightblood?), and lead people to Roshar because of what they see in it.
  25. Beat me to it, although I always think the events of this chapter happen earlier in Chapter 65: The Tower.
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