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Everything posted by Pechvarry

  1. I still do not believe there is a full on sentence in what Hoid says. But I DO believe something in that sentence explains something about him, and I still think it's Gibletish. In addition to not being a word (unlike balderdash and gobbledygook - both of which are on my phone dictionary), it's the name of the chapter! This isn't the first time the chapter names tell us something important to focus on. See also: Eshonai, Child of Tanavast.
  2. It appears Baxil's Mistress possesses super hearing, much like in the Midnight Essence flashback. See hardback p707. This makes me think it's a surge. Kaladin manages to hear Cenn when he gets separated, and fights better when protecting him. see p668. This makes me think that it could simply be an aspect of the oaths, something all orders have. I'm inclined to ignore Kaladin's hearing and go with "it's a surge" but both are open.
  3. I don't see growth, despite that wording. If anything, I see an oblique reference to Cultivation's influence on the magic.
  4. I'd actually BE a duralumin gnat. But if I had my choice, I've always loved the pewter/iron superjumper combo (as previously mentioned), as well as pewter/zinc -- slow-witted thug most of the time, so easily underestimated. Then he turns into a Human Calculator and invents the Gun Kata. I hold onto the notion Allomantic electrum has loads of potential, and I'd be happy with just it. But paired with Feruchemical steel, just imagine how far your shadows could go! PS: I still think compounding is cheap.
  5. Kadrok, I think his idea is that a Spinner's luck would be an external force on his environment. So people would be affected, unless they could purge investiture, like an aluminum misting. So the misting is still only affecting its self, but that creates a hole in the Spinner's lucky "aura". We need a LOT more to decide what Spinners are capable of (I'm hoping it's revealed to be an unbiased aura of increased/decreased probability), but I'm really keen on this idea. Very "right tool for the job," which Brandon is fond of.
  6. Trying to gauge just how much of the awesomeness of this post is due to me imagining it in Hugo Weaving voice... Particularly fond Mr. Weaving's rendition of "shards bro." Assuming my introduction window is still open -- welcome, etc!
  7. I almost guarantee it was an accidental downvote. As someone guilty of several, I can understand it.
  8. I feel like you are trying to tie 2 concepts into 1, here. It's true that in-world knowledge is often faulty with Brandon books, but there's no reason to assume that's the case here. Storing Breath in metal is NOT the same as awakening metal. There is no rule stating "if you can push a Breath into it, you can Awaken it." As Kurk pointed out, the most straightforward interpretation is that lack of Eighth Heightening results in the object taking the Breaths but refusing the Commands, like some of Vivenna's early attempts at Awakening.
  9. I don't feel it added much. Just Shai realizing And perhaps Hoid Unless I missed something.
  10. There is even a special note at the very end that says "some small details are contradicted by the published version, but Brandon thinks the rest of the conversation is canon." So there's that.
  11. Welcome! I can't speak for everyone else, but I found he's a fantastic author first (subplots, character motivations, etc) and that's what drags you in. The theorizing is a fun way to pass the time while waiting for the next book. Don't be shy! Jump in and don't get discouraged if it feels overwhelming with all of the "cognitive aspect" this or "Lerasium" that. We are nice folk and don't mind answering questions.
  12. Nice find, though I'm not sure it actually disputes this pet theory about the hemalurgic wall. While I have a problem with emostings (mistings with emotional allomancy and awful taste in music) being capable of detecting copperclouds, I find I'm totally cool with them capable of detecting other emotional influences, though with a bunch of qualifiers that make it super niche -- must be affecting the same target, must be strong enough to create pressure to be felt, which basically means the emostings would likely end up having the same chance of detecting each other as their mutual target would have of detecting manipulation by either.
  13. From what I understand from videos and signing reports, he actually does this pretty often, but always accompanies it with a huge troll grin or his cryptic-face, so you would've known if something was up. But I've never met the dude.
  14. I would need some WoB to believe this. I believe The Flaw is what allows Ruin to corrupt people, afterall, so I definitely do not think it's a machination of TLR. "Deliberate" is a strong word, however. I believe The Flaw comes about because Ruin is... ruinous, and that's what effect his magic system would have. But intentional or not is kinda semantical. The point is: there is a flaw. Like a boat with a leak, it doesn't matter if Ruin put it there or if Ruin made the leak because he was wearing some wicked golf cleats. The OP still gives a pretty good analysis of what exactly is leaking, be it a broken seal or hole in the hull.
  15. I really like moogle's observation about hemalurgy: if mistborn have one power to burn 16 metals, how come you can only spike 1? If they have 16 powers to burn 16 different metals, how come no one ever has 2? Or 9?
  16. Is there an example of this wall being felt without duralumin (and not Elend). I'm thinking it could be feedback, like the recoil on a weapon. Breeze is using a water pistol and doesn't have any kick, while duralumin... Does.
  17. I uh... I think there are a lot of husbands and wives who would benefit a lot from rioting their spouses in the lulls.
  18. The voice telling Sazed that he still has his (now embedded) metalminds? I don't have the passage handy, but Brandon has never mentioned it as one way or another I believe. But I always wondered if it was an oversight and it's Kelsier's voice.
  19. I dream full-on stories. It's honestly the most thrilling part of my life.
  20. Thank you for taking the time to spell that out. I'm away from everything important (as usual), but I think you may be reading a bit too deeply into that MAG quote, which is kinda cornerstone to your interpretation. All the same, I'm not going to disagree with your assertion. I'm just not sure I'm ready to get behind it.
  21. That was probably in poor taste on my part. I kinda meant it tongue in cheek. Kind of a "cue rhetoric here" line.
  22. As in the past (when things got a bit heated if I recall), I vehemently disagree with you, Darnam, on this issue despite my intense respect for everything else you have to offer us. Hemalurgic spikes don't kill people. Hemalurgists do. And we shall speak no more of it in a thread labeled "which power would you choose?"
  23. I don't understand how you are drawing your conclusion. If the owner (the feruchemist) is the one messing with identity, he could be removing the lock entirely. I don't see how this proves anything about how discerning metalminds are themselves. What this does prove is you don't need to be an Aluminum Ferring/Full Feruchemist to access the metalminds of others.
  24. I would like to expand on this request: I'm also doing my reread, and I'd like the Complete, Unabridged 17th Shard version. Translations for the pictures I'm sure I can find on the wiki, glyph/essence/herald connections... anything else I should remember before I'm beyond the shallow end?
  25. Hmm. A full feruchemist could probably take off his coat (or fashinable cape?) and hold it above his head and store Iron while tapping Brass to heat the air around him in an effort to make the the jacket act like a hot-air balloon.
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