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Everything posted by Alfa

  1. When you start to think how you would construct a city in an Allomantic Iron transportation friendly way immediately after you read the previous comment.
  2. We're on the 17th shard, so it is my holy duty to inform you, that there is a statement somewhere that Brandon Sanderson draw the inspiration for Elantris from this painting. http://www.michaelwhelan.com/shop/passage-verge/
  3. What the actual rust means "to the DA cave"?
  4. Ten soon was most likely a mistwraith born from other mistwraiths: those could procreate.
  5. Granted. You must actually hop from world to world. I hope you have enough air supply with you, as well as something to prevent you from glowing in the atmosphere. I wish for a programm that actually does what I wish it shall do, without the curse making this wish completely useless. (Also, for unknown reasons the last boon worked, my PC repaired itself without visible reasons)
  6. Their faces never change. (Kelsier smiles while Kaladin stays grim all the time) Chamsfiends are like hawks.
  7. Agreed. What aboout Era 1? Cinder Era?
  8. You get a WAWFO (Write and we find out) card. *Inserts help for hero*
  9. Both are a blessing and curse to mankind, but if they're a curse, My Lord, smatter me with it so i won't recover! The life is like a fiddler on the roof.
  10. Title says basically all: everytime I try to go on Theoryland I get a message "Error 403: Forbidden". Tried with different browsers, and everything usually used to fix 403-Errors. Nothing worked. Does anybody have the same problem or a possible solution?
  11. One thing always irritated me quite a bit: The chasm-line of the "fixed" aons is on the "inside" of the Aons, between the mountain-line and the point. But when Raoden fixes the Aon Rao of Elantris it seems that he draws the chasm-line outside of the city, "outside" of the Aon. Question is: why does it work then?
  12. I'm not sure if you insert it with or without scabbard. If you insert it with a scabbard, the Vending machine kills us all before commiting suicide. If you insert it without (which i assume)...well, you get a smoking pit in the floor going down to the center of the planet. *Inserts new vending machine into pit*
  13. Brandon Sanderson has WAFO cards. For himself only. WAFO means "write and find out",btw.
  14. ...probably a picture of Darth Maul, somehow catapultated from earth (or a galaxy, far, far away) to Scadrial.
  15. Use a compass needle. It points to Preservation's shardpool, or at least it used to. Also, I guess that "Northern Scadrial" is still located in the Southern Hemisphere, because the Northern Roughs seem Savanna-like (nealy tropical), while the Elendel basin has a kind of mediterran climate.
  16. Alfa

    Wax and Hoid

    I guess nobody anywhere in the cosmere blinked at any name...
  17. Or it was Hoid, messing with people via lightweaving.
  18. Alfa

    Wax and Hoid

    Isn't Wax one of the Aluminium-hat-wearers? At least he gifted some to the police, so it's reasonable he uses one himself.
  19. I can sneeze up to 8 times in a row, given a strong light source to look at. Combine this talent with the one above and watch the world being destroyed by sneeze hurricanes.
  20. Alfa

    Wax and Hoid

    I guess that has something to do with the fact, that people remember names only in context. So you would not expect your coachman to be a beggar and make no connection. Even if you are a super-detective, it's an honorable mistake.
  21. Wax does wear goggles and BS was not happy about it (too steampunk-ish). Luckily there was one scene where Wax wears goggles in AoL and it's where he metalurgically analyses the Vanishers' guns.
  22. Alfa

    Wax and Hoid

    Ah, but you forget Hoid knows lightweaving (and probably soundweaving). Wax had no clue he was talking with the same man (if Hoid is really a man)
  23. Being Preservation Leras tried to read the thoughts of Sanderson. He read only RAFO.
  24. Feruchemy is end-neutral, so thatis most likely (nearly absolute) impossible. Probably feruchemical savantism is exact control where you store and tap your resources (like: slow down my arms for faster legs; or store weight on my right side while tapping on the left)
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