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Everything posted by Alfa

  1. Why would Post-Ruin-Ati think that he's on Vax anyway?
  2. Also, I guess that he was tired. Very, very tired. You live for a thousand years now, your only "friends" are psychopaths with spiked eyes and boring bureaucrates. So he liked the challenge in fighting a Mistborn and played "fair" to an amount. That was his death penalty (why not compound brass and go full Obliteration, for example? Or compound steel and pinch Vin to death vith a chopstick? He'd be fast enough for it)
  3. George R.R. Martin tried to write about Brandon Sanderson. This attempt failed, because he did not manage to kill him in any reasonable way. Brandon Sanderson managed to RAFO himself. Alcatraz can't break any of Sanderson's books. When Brandon was taking the plane he was asked who he was. He gave back a RAFO card. Hoid can insult anybody. Sanderson can insult Hoid.
  4. If Hemingway wrote the Stormlight archive. The story arch would probably stay the same. More or less. Vaguely. But we won't get any clue what the damnation any of the characters was thinking at the time they do anything - for example decide to turn bridge four into battle. Or kill a king. Or...heck, many things are imaginable. There would be more dialogues. Much more. And quicker dialogues. With more insults and less jokes. And nothing philosophical. Half of the bookwould be left out, because Hemingway would not consider a cremling worthy of description. Or even a chasmfiend. We probably would only know people are scared from chasmfiends. Some of the action scenes would play out of pages and only recapitulated later via dialogues. Men would be either machos or weaklings. Or, on rare ocasions, both. Women would flirt. People would die pointlessly, but in interesting matters. And don't forget the guns. Lots of guns. Ah, and there probably won't be any magic.
  5. Well, in Roshar you can't be very creative about high/everstorms. (The sole idea was creative, but the rules are relatively clear)
  6. AonDor has (even in Name) more to do with Aona/Devotion (and it seems only truly devoted people can become Elantrians). And the rites of the Fjordellian monks seem to rely heavily on dominion: You need a willing human sacrifice to teleport, God Beyond, that's something to chew on.
  7. Men and women would be constantly annoyed at each other. As well as attracted. And absolutely misunderstanding each other. And verbally just one step from killing each other. As well as just one step from killing quite literally any person who comes one step to near to the one he or she loves secretly and obviously. The Knight Radiants of the Green Order, pardon, the Truthwatchers would bind multiple spren or only one, but then marry it. The Knight Radiants of the Red Order, pardon, the Dustbringers, would not bind any spren for unknown reasons. Some will complain about it and they will end bonding different knight radiants to them. The Thaylens would need to go to Thaylenah once every ten years or die. Also there would be no Surgebinding in Thaylen, but for unknown reasons fabrials would be working there. They also would be very gentle and polite, but extremely fierce and deadly in combat. Rysn would constantly fear to marry that nice-looking Thaylen boy she met somewhere in book two (and nobody remembers him really). Their Babsks would decide to arrange that marriage. There would be endless landscapes where some thousand years ago kingdoms existed, but collapsed for reasons unknown, since nobody has any real idea about Desolations. Also some would collapse because of non-desolational reasons, that neverwould be explained. The technology level would stay constant over the last 4.5 thousand years. Each volume would start "In an Age, called the 99th by some, an Age yet to ruin, an Age long preserved a highstorm arised over (insert random location in East Roshar) [...] The highstorm was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings* in the cosmere. But It was a beginning.". Swap "Highstorm" with "Everstorm" and the location to Western Roshar when necessary. *except Rashek's Ascension, Rashek's death, Vin's/Sazed's ascension, the creation of Scadrial, the settlement of Roshar, the first Desolation, the Final Desolation, Adonalsium's shattering etc.
  8. I guess that has something to do with the fact that pewter and tin as only metals affect the body directly. Steel-savantism ends in such negative effects as "unconsciously pushing on your bride's earrings during a party"
  9. When you are praying to The Almighty, Nalan'elin and the God Beyond to right the injustice that in Europe BoM is released not only with a higher price (for an ebook, seriously?) but also two storming* days later!! [Also, you know you have a weak form of OCD when you dislike the fact, that on your e-book reader the British book cover won't fit the American ones] * here I need a stronger expression
  10. I...just thought, that the worst (or best, depends) possible set of writers for the Stormlight Archive would be Alcatraz and David together. Like: "Bridge seven on Kaladin's right crashed to the ground like a very fast ninja chull who had encountered Dalinar in full shardplate on firemoss just after breakfast" and Alcatraz immediately breaks the fourth wall to explain why this metaphor, in a strange way, makes sense. After that they procede.
  11. Vivienna, by Hoid's standards is pretty young, even if she's over twohundred by now. The (female) Heralds are older, but also reasonably younger than Hoid. Probably Nazh's employer? I think it was a woman and author of the Ars Arcanum, but she can still be pretty joung (just some threethousand years, it seems still be half Hoid's age). But most likely he means Cultivation.
  12. Probably we'll see Vivienna in Stormlight Archive only after Nightblood is written, which means most likely in Arc 2.
  13. There is a theory somewhere in the Stormlight Archive forum (which I do not support) that Vivienna is Dalinar's deceased wife. Another possibility is that she's hunting Nightblood
  14. it doesn't, at least for me. Something about Warhammer 40k, prbably? Vagina with tentacles can have some realtions to "Slaanesh" or something like this.
  15. Alfa


    How could he do it? That's...scandalous! Even if they are alone in a chasm, how dares he touching a woman's safehand?
  16. Alfa

    Shardcrossed Love

    That face basically says: "It would be easier fighting voidbringers now"
  17. I checked TWOK about Took and the black sphere, and found out that Took never claimed stealing the black sphere from the Nightwatcher, but that he met the Nightwatcher and stole a black sphere - as part of the same story, but not necessary from the Nightwatcher.
  18. Above silence, the illuminating storms—dying storms—illuminate the silence above.” —Collected on Tanatanev 1173, 18 seconds pre-death, by the Silent Gatherers. Subject was an illiterate Herdazian Just one question: was the "illeterate Herdazian" one of Lopen's Cousins?
  19. Reasonable to that point that his "reasons" are "mind-blowing".
  20. But then Alcatraz is also cosmere...And that means Alcatraz shattered Adonalsium!!!! (for this he traveled back in time with the Doctor,of course)
  21. Agreed. But if any sharder gets a Hemalurcial Earring that would have dreadful consequences: We would have to accept Calamity as Cosmere
  22. The question remains, what He will say to us. My guess is "Who the rust are you?"
  23. y0u 937 13375p38k (wow, never thought you could put so many numbers in one leet-speak-sentence) *inserts cold* i catched one some days ago.
  24. Some of their body parts are...not exactly theirs. Friendship is like a car driven by a drunken voidbringer.
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