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Everything posted by Alfa

  1. It depends very much on how much the Shardblades are weighting. I do fencing and swordfighting, and a Longsword is a bit shorter than a typical epee, but has about 140% of the epee's weight. An epee is a blink faster and is used one-handed. Now, given I have a shardplate, I could take a typical renaisance "Bidehander" and wield it one-handed. A Shardblade seems to be a bit longer, and probably more than a bit lighter. It has the advantage, that cutting and thrusting is equally devastating. A well-trained shardbearer could use that to his advantage: even with longswords, you sometimes use them one handed (the one time I almost injured my friend with a longsword was while I was wielding it one-handed); and since a shardblade has more the weight of an epee (at least, with shardplate-enhancement) it is not that much a disadvantage in speed.
  2. Ranette had not much screentime yet, but the gunsmith (and overall tech) with the tendencie to shoot at innocent but annoying people would make great in a worldhopper team. Also, Hoid (supposedly innocent and permanently annoying) can easily survive one or two shots a day.
  3. One more random dialogue between TLR and his child: TLR: No! You can't play with hemalurgic spikes!
  4. Granted. They are written in the specific languages (Stormlight in Alethi or probably Azish ot Thaylen; Mistborn in modern Scadrial; Elantris in AonScript; Alcatraz in the forgotten language... [the Nightwatcher needs ideas for Rithmatist, Reckoners & Co.] and you don't speak any of those languages, I suppose). I wish for my computer to start appropriate, without lagging.
  5. You find both almost everywhere on earth. Sometimes it's just not easy. Upvotes are like subtle hints...
  6. Early-SoT Richard was a much more bearable person than late SoT-Richard.
  7. Allomantic Gold for Richard Rahl (Sword of Truth). This guy really has to meditate over some most things he had done.
  8. Can be very pleasant. Can strangulate. Love is like the Battle of Narak
  9. When you heavily freak out at the new WOB who Endowments holder is...
  10. Ehm... Threnody seems not to be the best place for me. Neither does Braize.
  11. Delicious and bad for your health. Feelings are like a broken piano.
  12. ...you can fail spectaculary with both, and everybody will see it. Emails are like shattered glass.
  13. To Voidus we refer not with "may he live forever", but with "may he lurk forever"
  14. Granted. You are a nameless...ehm, well, bandit higwaymen in Skyrim. You know what that means for you. Your curse is the dragonborn. I wish for a good idea.
  15. The rule is for people who fulfill wishes and give curses and ask for no boon to be cursed with a cruel curse - like to believe that calamity is a shard. And to attack Obliteration with a flamethrower. In the cosmere, as they think, of course.
  16. For Love: as body power I suggest Healing. (Note: Healing, in special cases, can be reverted. I never saw a reason why you can heal a bone with a power and can't break it with it. Sometimes that is even necessary for a god healing) emotional power I suggest Sympathy. Cloud power, passive: Shielding - the clouds absorb hits taken, it does not matter if caused by other clouds or by natural origins (like stones). In contrast to other clouds the Romancer doesn't have to concentrate on the sielding. Cloud power, active: Attracting - pulls at other clouds around itself, effectively hiding the cloud.
  17. Indeed. I was also thinking about if CfC could be gathered by people who do not have the abilitie to use Cloudsmithing.
  18. I think the equal distribution is good; that makes the whole thing fair and easy. I only think, that Statue-Clouds and usual Cloudsmithing clouds are difficult to acess. Probably, the Clouds for Cloudsmithing (CfC) are relatively rare, and so it requires either luck or complicated and dangerous searches. Probably down the diskus of the city, the chasm in the city center, some bridge-nets below the city, wherever. You can store the clouds for an almost infinite amount of time, but can only use a fix amount in any given time period.
  19. With cloud channeling I meant using clouds for any matter. In the case of consumption, I meant "expending the clouds" for cloud magic usage. Actually, the mentioned cost seems for me to vague, and also to easy to access. I think CSm and CP clouds shall be very few in that case; it makes also the whole thing more interesting, since we have a scarce recource built in.
  20. One major question do discuss are the power levels of CSm/CP. First and most important, since CloudMagic is a relatively "hard" magic system, Strenght matters a lot, only Surpassed by Skill. I have some ideas about the strength system: 1) Relatively easy: Everybody has a "power-level" hard-coded into his or her DNA (or sDNA for that matter). That applies to CSms as well as to CPs 2) Even easier: everybody - CSm and CP alike - has the same power level. Skill is all and everything. The one who knows the better trick is better in direct comparison. CPs are slightly stronger than CSM because they can use more powers. 3) A bit more difficult; this system only for CPs: The power level depends on how much you follow the virtue of your statue. 4) Also only for CP: Like 3), but now it does not matter how much you follow the virtue, but how capable you are of following it: if Honor thinks that you can acomplish great honorable deads, you are strong, even if you are not very honorable right now. Also, it's important to define the power levels, or, better to say, the borders of the abilities (2nd law greets): - either the CSm and CP use something inborn (like the cliché of Mana) to channel their abilities, either in great flares or in small uses over long time; somehow the inborn resource regenerates or can be regenerated - or they can accomplish only that much in a given time period; they can not create bursts of power - or they channel some extern resource (like the clouds) through them, but they have to concetrate on the fact of channeling. If the concentration fails, they "burn out" - something, that can have some negative consequences, depending on what we choose (faint, death, evaporation to clouds, turning to stone, explosion, loosing the ability to channel, immediate transportation to the angels' labyrinth, whatever) - or some combination - or something radically different
  21. Yes, but not everything we see in the skies is neccessary the same galxy.
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