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Everything posted by Aoibheann

  1. Don't we have to dismiss this as the obvious choice?
  2. Graves doesn't tell Moash about the intent to kill Dalinar. Moash ends with:
  3. So, if Hoid is Spiritually blind, how is Shallan blind? emotionally?
  4. @hoser - You are so right! Last night during my re-read I got to the WoR chapter "The One Who Killed Promises" WoR spoiler: So ignore my post above. I don't think this necessarily refers to something nefarious anymore.... I mean "protecting" is good. Right?
  5. Adolin can feel the Thrill in Eshonai when they are fighting. He encourages her to make poor choices, leading to her fall into the chasm. The Spren causing the Thrill is about. Adolin is not influenced. Edit: there's a statement in the prologue to tWoK about the Dustbringers. It made me think they cause explosions.
  6. The WoK ch 69 epigraph: All is withdrawn for me. I stand against the one who saved my life. I protect the one who killed my promises. I raise my hand. The storm responds. I keep coming back to this as someone who ends up being a voidbinder and possibly Odium's champion. My list of contenders: Amaram, Moash, Elkohar, Sadeas (not any more), or Szeth. Right now I'm thinking it's Amaram, but I could be persuaded.
  7. I like this theory. It makes a lot of sense. However Szeth does hate everyone, himself included. He comments in both books " He hated his victims for being too weak to kill him." He hated the King of Jah Keved for having a feast; Szeth could blame him for all the deaths.
  8. I'm pretty sure there is WoB stating Szeth uses more stormlight for everything. His bond (or whatever) is less efficient.
  9. Sashara can not be Shalash. In my mind the theory would work like this: 1. Vasher/Kalad/Peacegiver is on Nalthis and Returns. 2. The Manywar happened, the treasury of breaths is left with the GodKing and his priests. 3. Vasher looks for an easier way to get investiture (he's just given all his breaths away). He goes to Roshar. 4. Honor/Tanavast is looking for someone to be a Herald. 5. Vasher figures he needs to do some good to offset the Manywar; he volunteers to be a Herald (Ishi). 6. Around one of the desolations the Heralds come back to see the spren have started the nahel bond. - His experience before causes him to want limits on the powers. - He establishes the 10 KR orders around the different surges. 7. After the breaking of the Oathpact, Vasher goes back to check in on Nalthis and we see the events in Warbreaker. 8. Today he's feeling bad about the Manywar and the Oathpact. Thus his comments to Kaladin about being able to sleep at night. I don't know if the timeline fits or not. The only reference in Warbreaker to the Manywar timing is centuries ago (unless someone has better research-fu than I do).
  10. Thank you for writing this all out! This is exactly what my thoughts were regarding the Unmade and the Listeners. Now to write out my theory on angerspren to tie it back to this.
  11. I think this is the connection to the Stormfather. It's not a bond, yet.
  12. @Yezdegerd - if you haven't read/listened to Brandon's other works, start there. Hoid is a recurring character who seems to be in the right place to influence many protagonists. He seems to be a bit part, but it's adding up. Once you've finished the other books (Mistborn series, Elantris, Warbreaker, etc.) come back for the Cosmere discussion.
  13. Is it possible Dalinar (as a potential/budding Bondsmith) would have seen the bond she's made with the Unmade? Could Bondsmiths have power over such bonds?
  14. What caused Honor's voice then? This is after Honor's death. The visions were sent by the Stormfather. The voice does not appear to be Dalinar's internal voice, it is "other" causing Dalinar's " What was that voice?" remark.
  15. I like this idea. It seems to me there's quite a bit of healing for the Stormfather to do. He is rather defeatist at this point. Maybe that comes from Honor's death, maybe it's from sending the visions for 7+ years with no one getting the right idea.
  16. @ Khyrindor - My thoughts exactly! Jasnah is close to Hearthstone. I wonder if she knows about the Roshone affair?
  17. Jasnah definitely has trust issues. Seeing those resolved or at least addressed will do wonders for her growth. She needs a partner (romantic or otherwise) who supports her while allowing her to be the strong, capable person she is. Otherwise her fears of being trapped will come true.
  18. For some reason I thought there were 10 Unmade; sort of evil counterparts for the Heralds.
  19. I think Dalinar was in the process of binding the Stormfather as his spren during WoK: Kindle version page 380 emphasis from the book. By the end of WoR the Stormfather seems annoyed that it took Dalinar so long to say the Words.
  20. There was a quote from the back cover: It's not only the Windrunners; all the Radiants. Except, maybe, the "Skybreakers" without nahel bonds.
  21. I'm for it. I certainly got the feeling Hesina's family didn't approve of Lirin. Hesina saying Lirin was pessimistic, etc. does not imply the meeting with her family didn't go poorly. I think it did go poorly, at least from Lirin's perspective.
  22. Darkness/Nalan cares about upholding the law, regardless of right or wrong. He needs a justification for each death. This is why he quits chasing when Lift is pardoned. Syl makes a comment to Kaladin at one point to the effect of, "I'm not a high spren, I don't care about the law, only what is right." In Szeth he sees a blind follower. This frightens me. Odium has taught Szeth to hate - talk about lawful-evil!
  23. Argent, I'm totally on board with the theory. In some ways it seems the extra ability may be unique to each surgebinder. The quote about Lightweavers (from Chapter 49 epigraph) This leads me to believe that the Shallan's ability to take memories is due to the synergy between her lightweaving, drawing abilities and her transformation.
  24. Weren't we told somewhere that Elhokar had an honorblade?
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