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The Sovereign

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Everything posted by The Sovereign

  1. This may be relevant to your interests: Way too much truth...
  2. Oudeis, these are two excellent observations here. I agree with you on both points. From a logistical standpoint this makes a lot of sense, Brandon's magic systems for the most part work logically and these follow suit with what we know about both Preservation and Ruin. I suspect that a Lerasium spike would retain it's charge as you mentioned. I do not think that it would be that it is limited in what it would give, but rather, it would depend on which bindpoint was used (Spike placement). Also, I completely agree that it probably requires an Atium spike to steal off world magics.
  3. A little later today when work slows down a bit... [(Does the world not realize that it is Wednesday morning here on the East coast of the US and it really doesn't need to be so busy... everyone just chill out for like 2 hours, let me drink like four cups of coffee and awaken, then come back with the 11 million things you have for me to do... X_X) <-holy run on Batman!] ...I will reply to Twi's political/Hogwarts comment as I think it brings a lot of very interesting points to the table. Anyways, As Lark said, the last couple of pages of this threat have been an excellent read, I am always generally impressed with amount of time and thought that goes into so many of the posts on here. Well done!
  4. I like the idea, however, I think it simply goes against the nature of Hemalurgy, If the Atium spike is not charged then there is nothing to splice onto the recipient's sDNA and therefore can be no Hemalurgy. In addition it defies the very nature of the magic system (an Ruin's intent); Hemalurgy is supposed to be net-negative, Allomancy on the other hand is net-positive, logically speaking it makes sense that Preservation's raw power can be burned by non-allomancers due to the net-positive nature . I suspect you would just be stabbing someone with an Atium spike (Ruin in its own right I suppose ). There is a WoB stating that Atium can be used to steal any trait but people don't know how to do it (I am having trouble locating it at this moment, damnation phone). I suspect that is the special property of Atium in Hemalurgy.
  5. Yeah, if it was Draw a card and then discard a cell the card would still be really good without being overtly broken.
  6. The man spreads the good word of Hemalurgy, nothing wrong with that.
  7. Wow, Sazed is absurd. Essentially it would be 1 mana: Draw a card. The rest of the abilities hardly matter... That is WAY too good.
  8. I think it is also important to note that while the robberies were a cover, they were also important. The money and valuables being stolen were needed, it was not simply a front.
  9. You like sharp cheddar and therefore have a reasonable grasp on things that are good.
  10. This thread should revert to "Ben Wyatt, Human Disaster" way more often... SO GOOD!
  11. I'm going to guess that her account is "The Queen Mother" based on...
  12. Funny you say that, outside of the whole enslaving channelers thing, I actually really like the Seanchan. Their culture is super interesting and some of the best minor characters in the series are Seanchan. Keep an eye out for Banner General Tylee Khirgan, she is awesome! Furyk Karede too! Also, be prepared for way more sad-Rand. The Wheel kind of likes to rust on him. Although, he often deserves it to some extent... ================================================= In other news... Billy Madison: Well, I made the duck blue because I'd never seen a blue duck before and I wanted to see one. Miss Lippy: Well, I think it's an excellent blue duck. Congratulations Billy, you just passed the first grade. Billy Madison: Wow, Miss Lippy, that's great. What do you think of that Mr. Blue Duck? [pretending to be duck] Billy Madison: That's quacktastic.
  13. First off this is amazing. Yes, yes, all the way yes! Also, I made the mistake of googling "Shopping cart go cart", I was rewarded with this: How can someone ride in that and not have an ear to ear smile? This guy shakes my already small amount of faith in humanity.
  14. I would guess that at one point in his life he could, but in his later years it was no longer in his nature. As Smurf said, I think the death of his sister forced him to put psychological blocks on his powers. You are not remembering incorrectly, in the Riddle graveyard Voldemort does this while chasing Harry. However, I think the mistake you are making is thinking that a Horcrux is an inanimate object. To steal from Sanderson's terminology, I would say the piece of soul leaves the object in a state that is the Potterverse equivilent of heavily invested and therefore no longer really inanimate. We see this for sure with Riddle's Diary in Chamber of Secrets and then again with the Locket in Deathly Hallows.
  15. I've actually given this a lot of thought over the years, my suspicion has always been that it was similar to why the Cruciatus Curse failed the first time Harry tried to use it (on Bellatrix), you need to really mean it in your soul. I don't think Harry/Ron/Hermione we're actually capable of successfully casting the spell. With that said I suspect someone like Snape could have done it. Dumbledore's plan ingraining the idea that the mission needed to be between the three (and kept secret) however ousted the opportunity for someone with a less pure soul to get the chance to try though.
  16. Completely agreed. Shallan's shardblade was something I caught very early in my first read of WoK, but there were several other things I missed on my first readthrough (Demoux/Galladon/Baon, Most of the Herald cameos, etc. )Most of Sanderson's books are like that. And if you have read the Wheel of Time that may be the most extreme case of this... I have read that whole series 3 times now and I keep finding new things (typically it is immaculately placed foreshadowing).
  17. A very simple solution would be the Radiants just killed themselves. I am not saying that this is what I believe happened, simply that it would break the first oath of every order in a relatively easy manner.
  18. This is a tough question, I'm going to go with Warbreaker. With that said, I could have very easily gone with The Hero of Ages or The Gathering Storm.
  19. I suspect you are simply over-analyzing this, Jasnah most likely just used a different Garnet to Soulcast Shallan's blood.
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