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Everything posted by Dawnshard

  1. Why does it seem that Ruin had so much access to his God Metal but every other Shard has so little, even Harmony and Preservation didn't have much.
  2. Hey just so you guys know, I asked the questions about the survival shard and the shard not on a planet. They are NOT the same shard. I was very clear with Brandon. They are two seperate shards. I think the one that wants to hide is perhaps Invention. Whimsy seems interesting as a shard, kinda like it would enjoy being different from the others. I think that is the Shard not invested in a planet.
  3. So I think it is interesting she chose 3 people to talk to and all of them have connections to one of the major shards on Roshar. Lift uses Lifelight which is interesting. Dalinar looks like he might reforge Honor and Taravangian took up Odium. I think she is doing what Odium tried to do which is create a bulwark on Roshar against the other Shards. I'm interested in how Autonomy will take the switch with Odium.
  4. I like the Nightwatcher's change to others ability. That seems to make a lot of sense the way Brandon lays out his magics. Also I think the Sibling is more about protection in the tower than by suppression. I think it just happens to have a suppression field in the tower.
  5. Hey guys! I wanted to talk about some of the connections that I've been thinking about as we get ready for Rhythm of War! So I reread The Emperor's Soul and a few things stuck out to me. The most powerful soulstamp you can create is made from crystal, even more than soulstone, and animal inks work better than plant-based inks. Roshar has both in abundance. Crystal takes longer to carve and can be quite difficult but if you carved a gemstone or gemheart (which I think would work better, for some reason), and then entice a spren and trap it you could perhaps power soulstamps with stormlight. The Roshar continent is in the form of a Julia set which probably would help take forgery off Sel. We know that Odium is using some similar mechanics to Hemulurgy on Roshar but he also visited Sel and if he begins to use similar types of magic to bloodsealing and Dakhor magics, he could make incredible soldiers and creations. I've also thought about using Hemulurgic charged metals for fabrails. The problem is if they aren't coated in blood they begin to lose charge but perhaps some of the other mechanics blending could create a fix. Perhaps you can use the Dakhor bones instead of metals because it appears it act as a focus for the power of the gemstone and the Dor is focused through the twisted shape of the bones. So what are some Voidbinding and Hemulurgic Fabrials and Soulstamps?
  6. What do you guys think about the second arms race? The race between Scandrial learning more about unkeyed metalminds (and the allomancy boxes) vs. the fabrial science on roshar which made a flying ship! Who do you think will win that race?
  7. I thought it might reference how the first 5 books end. Night will reign because the Knights Radiant hold to their oaths but win in the end in the last 5. I love how in I think all of brandon's books the main characters win, so we know what the ending will be like in the Last Stormlight Books but we don't know How and thats the part driving us crazy because we know how epic it will be!
  8. I think it would have an incredibly large effect. We know that regular allomantic metals have an effect on fabrials. Major effects that can be similar or not to what the original metal does. I think using hemalurgic spikes as metals on voidbinding fabrials to do crazy things. I'm surprised hoid hasn't shown a greater interest in fabrials as I bet they can come in useful when you want magical results without necessarily doing the magic yourself. They might also have weird hacks that magic systems might have trouble doing. Also it seems likely we could have Breath Fabrials which no one is talking about.
  9. I think people are forgetting some of the other surges. Regrowth seems ideal for this. Cultivating and growing bacteria maybe with organic fabrials can make some probably horrendous diseases. If they wanted to kill people on a mass scale just look at what times we are living in.
  10. So that was more about the Commands from Nalthis, his teacher was Vasher. He could visualize how to hold his blade in the air after he threw the sword. Other shardbearers would have figured this out as it was uncommon but not impossible. kinda like how allomantic metals are used in fabriels. It wasn't about the strength of their bond (although i think adolin will rewaken Maya with a new Bond.)
  11. I think they are more of an elected council that can change. In that chapter the new Fused said they stepped down from being one. This implies rotating leadership kinda similar to the Listeners, (the Five). Makes sense right? So the Nine are either all different forms of Fused or just maybe something else but are all on display the same way. I really like how Brandon is showing us the Evil side in a really cool and interesting way. His magics are always so intricate and I'm excited to see more of the Unmade and Voidbinding.
  12. I would do storms on the walls reaching towards the other side of the room! Maybe the weeping on the wall behind the Storm. Golden sunbeams on the ceiling. And a herald to look over the kid.
  13. The Unmade are Splinters so I would assume they have similar power levels to the Stormfather but split among 9 instead of one.
  14. I think people on both sides are making assumptions about the Brandon's rules for his magic. I think we need more information first.
  15. Rereading them. I started reading Sanderson in 2006, huge fantasy fan.
  16. So here is an interesting WOB So Hoid took his spren? How did he capture it?
  17. Hey so this is for the adults but does anyone read when drinking or smoking(weed)? I've done it and it is hard to concentrate but sometimes it's awesome! You get so into the book especially when high. Reading the Stormlight Archive is amazing because the characters are so detailed and emotionally strong! I cried when Syl prompted Kaladin to save Dalinar. I've also read the Hobbit and the Wheel of Time. Obviously over several days. If you are looking for some new ways to interact with your favorite pastime I highly recommend being high.
  18. Hey so I've been thinking (it didn't hurt). Brandon has said that the first 5 books are an arc and then the second 5 are a slightly different arc. Crazy idea but what if the Radiants defeat Odium in the first 5 and Cultivation suddenly is the next antagonist in the second 5. It would be a huge twist right? P.S. I don't really believe this because of how much he has built Odium up as a villain in the backstory but its an interesting idea.
  19. wow! so worldhoppers might have a number of tricks like this from their homeworlds. We should be on the lookout for ways magic is used like tools.
  20. I think that the difference between a Shard that gained sentience by itself, and a Shard that is controlled by a vessel is about the same as artificial intelligence (ie. a robot) and human consciousness.
  21. Also Lerasium is pure Investiture(the godmetal of Preservation). They may be able to do some form of manipulation with it.
  22. I love imagining worldhoppers when they find out their only route home is gone. "Wait what happened? Yeah some idiot allomancer destroyed the pits. Ah damnation you mean we're stuck on this oppressive rock with crazy people having spikes through their face?"
  23. there is a wob about bronze sensing Kinetic Investiture.
  24. Well Wax found the new metal that even Harmony didn't know also it doesn't look like atium.
  25. I was the person who got the word of brandon about the Survival Shard. There is the shard that wants to survive but there is a different shard that isn't on a planet.
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