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Iarwainiel I

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Posts posted by Iarwainiel I

  1. 4 hours ago, Child of Hodor said:

    Between checking the news for updates on the US election and checking for updates on what day/time Dawnshard is coming this week I have been fruitlessly checking websites way too much :).  Today is the day though, so pumped!

    Glad I'm not the only one! I have checked my (personal) email at least 20 times today, plus checking back here on the Shard News page, plus Brandon's site, plus his Twitter feed.

    SO excited!!!

  2. @Use the Falchion - Thanks for reminding me re: what the name of Oscar Isaac's character was, LOL! Duly revised it in my post above. Agree with you that a Leia/Poe ship would've been unexpected. IMO it would have been a more controversial ship than Poe/Finn - Hollywood doesn't seem to think older ladies are interested in romance. I totally think the actors could have pulled it off/made it believable.

  3. 22 hours ago, Doomstick said:

    you toast the bread about halfway, then put a thinnish slice of cheese (like the kind you would put on a sandwich), then toast until bubbly, then let cool for 1-2 min, then apply jam. enjoy!

    You're toasting it in a toaster oven, right? because the cheese would fall off in a regular toaster ... This sounds so good that I might need to try it! I'll need to use the broiler on my stove though: don't have a toaster oven. What kind of bread do you prefer? White? Wheat? Rye? Srsly, I'm gonna try this tomorrow!:D

  4. @Chasmgoat - I think most people like ketchup on their scrambled eggs, or at least a great many of them do, so perfectly normal. And I think some chili recipes actually have cinnamon in them (Cincinnati chili maybe?), so the cinnamon roll/chili thing sounds totally plausible.

    Here are some from me:

    • I put peanut butter on my BLT sandwiches. I spread it on the bottom slice of toast, then put the bacon (so it sticks & doesn't fall out), then sliced tomato, lettuce, and mayo (actually prefer Kraft Miracle Whip) spread on the top slice of toast. IMO it really loses something without the PB.
    • When I was growing up, we often had peanut butter on celery sticks and peanut butter (carefully) spread on potato chips - both are tasty.
    • I like to add a slice of lemon (like you'd use in iced tea) to cola (Coke or Pepsi, any variety).
    • When I have mac and cheese, I like to also have sliced pickled beets - to me, it's a nice contrast.

    Great thread, OP! I'll have to check it again to learn some new ideas!:D

  5. For the most recent Star Wars trilogy, people were shipping [edit] Poe and Rey, Finn and Rey, or even Bo and Finn.

    I felt the most unusual/unexpected ship would have been Leia and [edit] Poe. But with the sad loss of Carrie Fisher, that never became an option... so, impossible.

  6. On 11/19/2018 at 2:42 PM, Ashertliden said:

    I just think its cool that the latin participle Detritus means "Having been worn away"

    That is cool!

    I wonder if the planet was always called Detritus, or if that's what they (whoever 'they' are) called it after it all fell to pieces? Because in current usage, "detritus" means debris or disintegrated matter.

  7. 21 hours ago, Chasmgoat said:

    So were three of those emojis for me and 3 for Condensation (can I call you Connie @Condensation ) or were 5 for me or what?

    Synergy - the whole is greater than the sum of its (2) parts.;) ... or do I need an emoji for each of you now as well? ;) ;)

    Srsly you guys rock!

    Also, I wish you could sleep in school too - - naps are helping me quite a bit as I'm working full-time from home (that means I have to make up the hours in the evening, so it comes out even overall).

  8. @Danex I'm someone [a lot!] older, who has always enjoyed reading, and who was already a Sander-fan, and I've never had a negative opinion of the HP books. As I watched young people reading the books when they first came out, I could empathize with them strongly, remembering books that impacted me when I was that age. So while it's not exactly the same, I wouldn't say that I had "absolutely none of the context" because of my empathy (which I'm told is one of the reasons I'm freakishly good at my day job, so it's not just me bragging). But you're right in that few people are good at seeing through someone else's eyes. It's just a knack I have that I don't deserve but am very thankful for 'cause it adds a lot of joy to my life.

    I think you're definitely on to something here though. Maybe it's more about expectations: The more experience you have (in reading and in life), the more expectations you're likely to have on a new book series or movie or whatever. And that lines up 100% with your "bold claim." :)

    It's also another reason why I was able to enjoy HP: I try hard to keep my expectations low almost all the time, because that leads to more happy surprises and fewer disappointments, LOL. What can I say? It works for me.

    I love how you and so many here on the Shard are thoughtful and seeking to analyze and understand how people think. Don't stop! It's a rare skill and will surely help you in all manner of situations throughout your life. Too many people don't think, or don't enjoy thinking - I bet you've noticed that too! - and it's awesome to meet other thinkers here in the Forums!

  9. Agree! This thread was needed.

    I suspect that the Delvers and the Eyes are not the same thing - that the Delvers are servants that the Eyes use. That's why the Delvers recoil horrified when Spensa shows then that Humans are sentient beings - they'd been "hired" as exterminators by the Eyes, and didn't know what they'd been killing. Or, at least that's my theory ... mind you, I'm almost always wrong. ;-)

  10. 1 hour ago, HoidWasTaken said:

    Oh yeah! I almost forgot to bring up the point that Wax does have bullets made specifically for fighting allomancers such as the coinshot and lurcher bullets.

    Great point! Wax would not be easy to beat & it's not impossible that he would win, especially with so much more being known about Metals and the magic system overall in that era.

    (I'm hoping that Wax will actually meet Kelsier in W&W4, and that he'll meet Marsh too. Of course if that happens in the story they'd be on the same side, not fighting each other. But it's still fun to theorize about.:D)

  11. I'm reading the preview chapters, but I'm trying really hard to avoid anything here on the Shard that sounds like it might end up being a spoiler - so, mostly avoiding other people's theories. I've posted a couple theories of my own, but haven't read anyone else's ... so I guess that makes me a hypocrite, LOL.

    I totally respect all of you who are not reading the previews - bravo!!!

    With Oathbringer, getting a 1000-page head start worked out really well for me, because I took vacation days off work to read it (knew I'd never be able to concentrate until I knew how it ended!). So I was able to get back to work sooner because I'd already read 1/3 of the book beforehand.

  12. I take it you're talking about Kelsier from The Final Empire, right? not Secret History, etc.?

    IIRC there's a WoB that Kelsier is very tough to beat because he "fights dirty" (has no trouble breaking the rules)., and for that reason I'd have to go with Kelsier.

    With Bronze, Kelsier would always know where Wax was. He could also use Zinc and Brass to confuse Wax emotionally. Those are solid advantages.

    This is a great thread! Interesting to think about! :)

  13. On 10/9/2020 at 4:09 PM, Condensation said:

    My dad watched Endgame for the first time late at night and apparently there was no one else in the theater, so he yelled at the exciting parts. :)

    A true fan! :D

    I yelled "Yibambe" along with the Wakandan army every time I saw it in the theater - I told my friends to expect it & I didn't care if they were embarrassed (they weren't).

  14. 16 hours ago, Condensation said:

    That would be odd, but I don't think it would cause much of a change in my life.

    Agree. That being said, I'm very glad that I was able to see "Endgame" in the theater, with a crowd of people who were just as engaged in it as I was. Same for "Black Panther" - I'll never forget the experience of seeing that for the first time (too long of a story to share here). We live in interesting times!

  15. I've read where some people in Hollywood think that the movie theaters will never re-open - - that all movies will just be released for people to watch at home. And if that's actually the case, the rating maybe isn't as important to them? I mean, how are they going to enforce an age limit in people's houses? I wouldn't see an R-rated Marvel film either, so I totally agree with all of you.

  16. On 10/7/2020 at 0:07 PM, Spren of Kindness said:

    I can't say I'm not disappointed, but this does give me more of a chance to get to see it in theaters when it does come out.

    It also gives me more time to decide if I want to read the book before the movie comes out,

    I never have. I was so turned off by that mess of a movie in 1984 & never motivated to read the book: the story just seemed ugly, and there's enough of that IRL - who needs more?

    But you my fellow Sharders are making me reconsider. This community is so awesome!:D

  17. 17 hours ago, Dunkum said:

    A couple people have mentioned Cadsuane today, and I'm curious why.  I didn't have any particular problem with her, and she certainly comes off a lot more competent than 99% of the other Aes Sedai.

    Might be something to do with the fact that Brandon has said she was the one WoT character he never warmed up to/felt affinity with/something to that effect.

  18. @Aspiring Writer - this is wonderful! Is there something else in your life (or was there at that time) that's orange and was meaningful to you - school colors, team colors, characters in cartoons or manga or etc.? The box of Wheaties breakfast cereal? Maybe that's an avenue to explore.

    I always pictured Atium as dark grey, like hematite, not silvery, and I also couldn't say why.

    IMO one of the best things about reading books (including audio books) is that WE get to imagine the details of what people and things and places look like, and with paper and e-books, we also get to imagine pronunciations and sounds. I have a few friends who didn't read much as children - they mostly watched videos - and it seems like they're not as able to imagine things as I am or at least not as easily: I suspect it's because books allowed me to do that, then imagining stuff added to my reading pleasure, and it became kind of a vortex-thing. ... and this is making me really really want November 17th to get here quick!!:D

  19. @Tesh - I was thinking that exact thing: to get hips to fit on a men's shirt, the shoulders are drooping at least 3-4 inches down my arms.

    Amazon doesn't have the newest or best designs, IMO, but they do have a variety and some that aren't sold on Brandon's store. I really like the Bridge 4 glyph/I Will Protect design, and now I need to get a new one since my cat sadly put a couple holes in it, LOL! :lol:

  20. Just thought I'd post this & see if there's any traction.

    Currently only unisex/men's t-shirts are available on Brandon's store.

    But if you buy on Amazon (& I'm thankful that's available), there are women's sizes too.

    I'd rather buy direct from Dragonsteel, but the ladies' t's are really nice.

    Anyone with me? Would there be enough demand to make it worth Dragonsteel's while to carry these sizes?

  21. Are you going to actually eat/drink these? Because if not, you might consider using metallic beads, suspended in clear resin. Beads come in many sizes, and IIRC many craft stores also sell bottles of those teeny-tiny metallic beads that are meant to be just glued onto stuff, not made into jewelry etc. - you'd find them with the scrapbooking/glitter stuff.

    Whatever you end up with, please post a photo or 2 here if you can! Your costume too, in addition to the vials.:)

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