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Everything posted by Glamdring804

  1. And a pleasure to meet you too, (insert great name here cause I've got nothing).
  2. Please, please, please tell me this is true!
  3. Nonsense! The cookies. Are wonderful. It's not like they are spiked, or anything.
  4. Yes, you really should have one. They are very healthy for you.
  5. Oh, well, if you were already going to use it, I'll just figure something else out.
  6. That makes complete sense. There is no way that is not the truth.
  7. Foe-Hammer frowned beneath his visor. He could have sworn he recognized the talking wolf from somewhere. "I am Foe-Hammer the mighty. I travel the world, seeking the wise and the pure, and serving them as best I can."
  8. "Pleased to meet you, my lady Winter," the paladin said, "My name no longer matters. You may call me the Foe-Hammer."
  9. Blinks followed the Snake River out of Boise. He traveled in quick jumps from vantage to vantage, never going farther than 15 miles. The river snaked north, before eventually looping south and joining the Colombia. After a few moments of thought, he decided to continue downstream. The darkness inside him grew with each jump. He could feel it, building in the pit of his stomach,sucking his humanity away. There might not be anything left by the time he arrived at his destination, wherever that was. He didn't really care. Let the darkness take him. Eventually, the sun sank behind the western horizon, and the light started to fade from the sky. As much as Blinks wanted to continue, he realized he would have to stop for the night. His teleportation required a line of sight, so flashing around in the darkness was a bad idea. He materialized on a low hill, some distance from the river. He frowned, sniffing the air. Smoke. Blinks scanned the landscape, trying to pinpoint the burn. There. Columns of smoke rose from the next valley over. A quick flash carried him to the next ridge. In front of him was the smoldering remains of a camp. A movement in the distance caught his eye. Blinks took off his sunglasses, focusing on the source. There were a pair of people walking away from the camp, male and female. They appeared to be moving back towards the river. Blinks frowned. Some distance away, he could see a ever-so brighter patch of sky. A town. Blinks chose a point beyond the hidden town, a low ridge across the river. Light flashed, and Blinks vanished in a puff of ether. He landed on a low hill, overlooking the town. Chaos. Skirmishes were raging across the city, flashes of light too distant to make out much detail. A tower of ice rose from the center of the town, and several buildings were on fire. Interesting, Blinks thought. He sank down in the tall grass, content simply watch.
  10. The paladin watched as the mistborn fought the strange doppelganger. They seemed evenly matched. They spoke as the clashed, but he didn't understand the exchange, being unfamiliar to their was as he was. He did understand something, though. The woman in black, she was a true master. Finally, the battle ended, and one of them, the one in white, morphed into a black wolf, and vanished into the night. The paladin approached the white-haired allomancer. She stood in a stance that spoke of danger, but those eyes... A soft, almost white color. The paladin now understood. "My lady," he said, kneeling down, and summoning his Shardblade. He held it up, offering it to her. "Long have I searched for one with purity, and honor. I offer you my blade, to be yours as you command."
  11. Yeah, he's decent at avoiding detection. He'll also wait to actually enter the city until morning.
  12. Do you guys mind if I post a quick scene where Blinks arrives in The Dalles? He wouldn't do much, just sit down and watch from a nearby hill. Just an observer, no interactions with other characters.
  13. I have one. An epic whose ability is to perfectly fry any type of food. His weakness is microwave ovens. Edit: His name is Crispy.
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