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Everything posted by Glamdring804

  1. Honestly, I think trying to cram a Stormlight novel into a movie is a mistake. The LoTR extended editions are each 4 hours long, and the source material was only slightly longer than a single doorstopper. Granted, LoTR is a lot more dense than SA, to fit a single book into a single movie of any reasonable length would require cutting out half the novel. By my estimate, each book would require a 8 to 10 episode miniseries to contain it properly, roughly two episodes for each part. Think something like Marvel's Netflix series.
  2. Yeah, I do wonder. We lost so much when they removed the usernames. At least I still found a place to hang out with you.
  3. Haha, yeah. Good times. I wish we could have the old IB forums back, before 'the event' happened. *sigh*
  4. Oh. Shame. I was hoping we could have a little Shard party.
  5. Fascinating. You wouldn't happen to live in Montana, would you?
  6. That's pretty cool. I love it when instructors do fun stuff. It makes the quizzes and and exams so much easier to do. I just took the Calc exam last night, and it was pretty dry. Just a laundry list of "do X math." I'm not saying I want every problem to be Cosmere themed (as awesome as that would be), but just doing something to make the stuff less intimidating. My last Physics problem featured Frodo and Sam sledding down Mt. Doom. I read somewhere online that a physics professor at a different school had written a problem based on an Overwatch character. Fun problems are just so much more...fun!
  7. So, I did a quick search of the forum, and I haven't been able to find anything recent regarding the Final Empire Leatherbound edition. Have there been any updates on this since July? Does anyone know if it's still a thing? I do hope Brandon's still planing on doing it (along with a 10th anniversary edition) sometime, but the year is running out pretty quick. I'm very surprised I haven't been able to find at least something about it somewhere. I don't want my leatherbound Elantris to be all alone on the shelf.
  8. True, but once the bbcode is compiled, there's no way to go in and manually edit the code itself - which is why ccstat was having trouble sorting out his spoiler situation. I'm all for user accessibility, but sometimes just switching to raw bbcode is just better. Perhaps I'll post this as a suggestion for the website.
  9. I think the problem is the current GUI doesn't let you switch into raw bbcode editing mode. I've found that being able to directly edit bbcode in a post is far more useful and versatile than any amount of fancy buttons.
  10. Normally I am very reluctant to post my real name on the Internet, but with these circumstances, I would have made an exception. And I absolutely wouldn't mind if the rest of the quizzes for the semester end up being Cosmere themed.
  11. Ah, the possibilities. Hey Chaos, do you think you can figure out which student I am? I'll give you a hint: I'm in your 9:00 class. P.S. Hey Ryth.
  12. Holy rust. Chaos is my Calculus instructor! Okay. Brain overloaded. Rebooting for repairs.
  13. I got this problem on a work sheet. I think it pretty much speaks for itself. Edit: Apparently, Chaos is my Calculus 3 instructor. Small world...
  14. I think Baon was just asking Kenton if he understood. I reread the first few pages with him, and it didn't sound like he was using the same wording as a Dula would. On a related note, I am slightly disappointed with the colorist. The moon of Taldain is always visible on the center of the Dayside, but it is always exactly on the horizon. If you take a moment to think about this, it means that the moon is orbiting directly above the terminator of the planet (the twilight zone). This means it should always appear as a quarter moon, no matter where you are on the planet. I'm kind of sad they drew it as a full moon.
  15. Hoid doesn't like him. Hoid doesn't know everything, but I'm inclined to trust his judgement with this.
  16. From what I can tell, my impressions are pretty much the same as everyone else. First off - Almighty above, Khriss's introduction page was awful. Like, makes me want to barf bad. Second, Baon certainly is a rather blunt person, wouldn't you say? I agree with regards to the pacing. Everything felt far too rushed. I was able to finish it in 45 minutes, in a single sitting. Most of the Cosmere takes me at least a week to work through. I've also read the manuscript, and while novel has some issues, I vastly prefer it over the graphic novel. Not sure what I think about Ais's gender change yet. I'll have to read the other two volumes before I can give a sound judgement.
  17. Can you say when we might get word on whether or not there will be something for Nalthis in there?
  18. I think it's best to interpret the apparent lack of progress as a sign of Brandon being too busy writing to update.
  19. Well, the goodreads entry says it comes with Emperor's Soul, so it would seem it is truly comprehensive.
  20. The decision to rescue Dalinar is supposed to be represented in Grim Resolve. If you aren't getting that from it, that means I need to change the title. I also recognized another thing I was missing: The results of the side carry. I added a new card to address that. The weirdness with the colors and such comes from the limited available slots for legendary creatures. Ideally, Syl would be white and blue, Pattern would be blue and black, and Shallan would be green, white, and blue. Allas, Kaladin and Dalinar already fill the white-blue slot, and Jasnah, Sadeas, and Iyatil fill the blue-black mythic slots. When we eventually get around to doing the third set, I plan on having three color radiants. Kaladin will be white-red-blue, Shallan will be green-white-blue, Jasnah will be white-blue-black, and Lift will be red-blue-green.
  21. Yeah, I can see the art in my head, but I have none of the skill needed to actually draw/paint it. So, regarding my earlier request, can you guys think of any important events I'm missing from the set? I just reread the book a week ago, but an extra pair of eyes always helps.
  22. Yeah. The real problem is finding enough relevant art.
  23. I'm certain there are plenty, though there aren't any that are broadly mainstream, and most seem to take a lot of effort. Here is a reddit thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/20mfnq/anywhere_to_buy_custom_card_printing_wanting_a/ Also, here is a program that makes high res renders of custom cards. Note that it only works on Windows http://magicseteditor.sourceforge.net/
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